View Full Version : Wanted Large Scales & Stones

12-30-2010, 03:04 PM
As the title says, I am in need of large scales and stones. Here's what I currently have for trade

Tome Legend III (Graphic VIII)
+1 Vorpal Returning Shuriken of Slowburst ML 12 RR: Dwarf UMD: 22
+3 metalline densewood light repeating crossbow of pure good
2 red scales
1 black scale
ring of the stormreaver prophecy
+1 metalline bastard sword of pure good
+2 STR tome
Electric haze (heavy fort +GFL belt)
Belt of Thoughtful Remembrance (con +5, concentration +13, neg energy absorption 20% belt)
Mystic Belt (Wis +4, shield clicky)
Intricate Field Optics (Spot +13, secret door detection, wisdom +2 goggles)
Glimpse of the soul (diplo +10, bluff =10, enchantment focus +1 goggles)
Dream visor (spot +13, search -7 goggles)

Scroll of the Tourney Armor
Scroll of the Bow of Elements (Air)
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Scroll of the Deneith Heavy Chain
Scroll of the Bracers of Deftness
Scroll of the Big Top
Scroll of the Shimmering Pendant
Scroll of the Ring of Elemental Essence
Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
Scroll of the Hruvayah's Medallion
Scroll of the Illusionists Robe
Scroll of the Coronation Shield
Scroll of the Xuum
Scroll of the Hyena Claw Necklace
Scroll of the Elyd Edge
Scroll of the Sirroco
Scroll of the Shard of Vollun
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Pendant
Scroll of the Chainmail Coif
Scroll of the Mask of Comedy
Scroll of the Utility Vest
Scroll of the Whirlwind
Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka

Please send a tell in game to me (in the who list search for mseri and you will find one of my toons) or a PM on the forums.