View Full Version : my thought of ravager's enhancements

12-25-2010, 06:16 AM
ravager Ⅰ:
Prerequisites:level 6 barbarian,power attack,barbarian damage reduction boost Ⅱ,barbarian construction Ⅰ,and any one of oversized two weapon fighting,improved two weapon fighting,or improved two handed fighting.
benefit:You are trained to use one type of two-handed weapons as one-handed,and can still have glancing blows when it's the only weapon wielded by a proficient user.(like Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes).It cost you one action point to choose.(like War Chanter <Weapon> Training).You also gain +10 maximum hit points and an additional point of damage reduction(stack with barbarian's DR and DR action boost).
ravager <Weapon> Training....

ravager Ⅱ:
Prerequisites:level 12 barbarian,barbarian damage reduction boost Ⅲ,barbarian construction Ⅱ.
benefit:You gain vengeful strike.You have a chance to counterattack your enemy with off hand attack when damaged in rage.(off hand weapon attack for two weapon fighting,shield bash for weapon and shield fighting,kick for two handed fighting).You also gain +10 hp and more DR 1/- (stack with barbarian's DR and DR action boost).
ravager vengeful strike:......

ravager Ⅲ:
Prerequisites:level 12 barbarian,barbarian damage reduction boost Ⅳ,barbarian construction Ⅲ.
benefit:You gain vengeful fury.You also gain +10 hp and more DR 1/-(stack with barbarian's DR and DR action boost).
vengeful fury:You have a chance to get +2 con.,+2 str.,+1 will save when damaged in rage.It will last for 12 sec.,and two of them can be stacked.The benefits will be double but the left duration will be half .Another activation will recount the duration to 6 sec.

Is it interesting,or boring?

12-25-2010, 06:53 AM
Is it interesting,or boring?


those "might have a chance to huhuhuhu" are ****. annoying to put in and even more useless in action. besides the fact that it influences all kinda stuff like skills etc, wich might lead to unpredicteble results.

come up with something sustaineble. drop the "have a chance to" stuff.

the glancing blows when dual wielding are actually a great idea. if they benefit from 2hf fighting as well might be interesting, or at least the capstone gets usefull. but still a great idea.

12-25-2010, 06:56 AM
Is it interesting,or boring?

Barely readable.

It doesn't fit in with the Ravager prestige class at all either.

Here's some of the abilities that they have:
Pain Touch (additional damage transmitted by touch or by weapon)
Aura of Fear (aura of -2 to saves)
Cruelest Cut (1d4 con damage)
Visage of Terror (Phantasmal Killer)

Check out page 73 in Complete Warrior for the full story.