View Full Version : new classes?

12-21-2010, 11:09 AM
i know this may have been suggested before, but i've always liked the prestige classes. now, i have mentioned this before in-game, and i'm always told that the prestige classes are covered with the enhancements. honestly, they're not. minor abilities and few traits from other prestige classes are incorporated into the enhancements of the base classes, but i'm not able to get all of the traits and bonuses. i think that once a player reaches the certain class requirements for a prestige class, he/she should have the option of following that class.

In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.

any feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated. :)

12-21-2010, 11:13 AM
I get what you're saying, but I think that enhancements adequately cover it, and more to the point they're the only thing in the game that's easily reset - I'd like MORE of that, not less of it. I'd rather see more core classes and races than dedicated, full prestige classes.

Personal opinion only.

12-21-2010, 11:18 AM
In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.
Is there a Ninjas class in D&D rulebooks?

12-21-2010, 11:28 AM
I cant see how a Ninja would be different enough from a Rogue or a Monk in any meaningful manner, that requires dedicating a whole class to it.

12-21-2010, 11:30 AM
Is there a Ninjas class in D&D rulebooks?
The Ninja class was introduced into D&D 3.5 as a base class in the Complete Adventurer book.

Befor that there have been other attmpts in most versions of the game to include them as well. In 1st edition they were introduced in the Oriental add-on book (Oriental Adventures I believe). In second edition it was a Kit for the Rogue class. In 3.0 the had the Red Ninja as a PrC in the Sword & Fist book, and the Ninja in their Oriental Adventures setting book.

Edit: Forgot to mention that they have Ninja in 4th Ed to I believe as a class.

12-21-2010, 11:32 AM
Is there a Ninjas class in D&D rulebooks?

I haven' kept up with D&D in many,many years but the only ninja class i can think of was from Oriental Adventures from first or second edition(first i think) . Even then it wasn't a "real" class. You had to have another class which was your cover ID and your real class and Ninja was just kind of a job you did on the side.

12-21-2010, 11:33 AM
I cant see how a Ninja would be different enough from a Rogue or a Monk in any meaningful manner, that requires dedicating a whole class to it.
In much Ninja lore, ther are attributed with pseudo-mystical abilities granting uber-stealth (invisibility) and superior sneek killing (akin to assassination).

The 3.5 Ninja class played off of these mystical abilities granting a hosh-posh of abilities powered by Ki.

12-21-2010, 11:39 AM
i know this may have been suggested before, but i've always liked the prestige classes. now, i have mentioned this before in-game, and i'm always told that the prestige classes are covered with the enhancements. honestly, they're not. minor abilities and few traits from other prestige classes are incorporated into the enhancements of the base classes, but i'm not able to get all of the traits and bonuses. i think that once a player reaches the certain class requirements for a prestige class, he/she should have the option of following that class.

In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.

any feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated. :)
Although I agree with the sentiment, and have said the exact thing in the past, I do not see it happening in DDO. They have made the decision to do the Enhancement lines (enhancements don't occure in PnP) instead of full classes. There are some rather nice aspects to these enhancement lines as opposed to full classes, but there are inherent drawwbacks (tied to classes im looking at you) that are less appealing.

At this point I'd rather see them work on improving them, and getting rid of the drawbacks, than retool the system entirely. Don't bet me wrong, I'm all in favor of new Base classes, but at this point I'm fine with the concept of PrE's instead of PrC's.

I'd like to add my personal plug for the Scout base class :).

12-21-2010, 11:40 AM
I'd like to see either a class or a PRE that makes a arcane/melee an effective play option. I understand there are builds that accomplish this but they are all warforged and very gear dependant. Something like the Eldritch Knight or Spellsword.

Full Bab, almost full spellcasting. Balanced so it does less DPS than a melee class and less spellcasting than a ful arcane.

it would be great if it catered to Elves as that is their historical role in DnD and might make them a more desirable race in DDO.

Also, I think Ninja is covered between Ninja spy and Assassin.

12-21-2010, 11:42 AM
I haven' kept up with D&D in many,many years but the only ninja class i can think of was from Oriental Adventures from first or second edition(first i think) . Even then it wasn't a "real" class. You had to have another class which was your cover ID and your real class and Ninja was just kind of a job you did on the side.
+1 for you because I ninja'ed you in a discussion about Ninja's. :)

12-21-2010, 11:46 AM
I continue to hold out hope that one day they will add Warlock as a base class, although I know it'll never happen.

3.5 Warlocks are all kinds of fun. Customizable damage ray which doesn't use a spell slot (a.k.a. SP) with DR, full UMD, and oodles of cruel invocations on top of it?

Woohoo, yes please.

They don't have to be evil, either - some flavor of chaotic alignment is also acceptable.

12-21-2010, 11:47 AM
+1 for you because I ninja'ed you in a discussion about Ninja's. :)

+1 mad ninja skillz

12-21-2010, 12:05 PM
I'm a first/second addition type of guy. Give me horseless cavaliers and Druids first. Throw in a real illusionist school. Gnome me up!

I know I'm greyhawk.....and Ddo is eberon...I can still long for a more traditional spin/focus.

12-21-2010, 12:17 PM
i know this may have been suggested before, but i've always liked the prestige classes. now, i have mentioned this before in-game, and i'm always told that the prestige classes are covered with the enhancements. honestly, they're not. minor abilities and few traits from other prestige classes are incorporated into the enhancements of the base classes, but i'm not able to get all of the traits and bonuses. i think that once a player reaches the certain class requirements for a prestige class, he/she should have the option of following that class.

In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.

any feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated. :)

ninjas is covered, we call them monks.

12-21-2010, 12:17 PM
I continue to hold out hope that one day they will add Warlock as a base class, although I know it'll never happen.

3.5 Warlocks are all kinds of fun. Customizable damage ray which doesn't use a spell slot (a.k.a. SP) with DR, full UMD, and oodles of cruel invocations on top of it?

Woohoo, yes please.

They don't have to be evil, either - some flavor of chaotic alignment is also acceptable.

I'd love me some Warlock as well plese.

12-21-2010, 01:01 PM
+1 to adding Warlock and Druid.

Are warlocks even in Eberron though?

12-21-2010, 01:29 PM
+1 to adding Warlock and Druid.

Are warlocks even in Eberron though?

I have no idea, but I don't see why they couldn't be. The Eberron setting is intended to be a sort of reimagining while incorporating all of what you'd consider basic D&D.

12-21-2010, 01:40 PM
For my 2cp worth.
Please add the NPC Classes from the DMG. AKA the Adept, Aristocrat, Commoner, Expert, and the Warrior.
this will alow for a signifiacntly more diffocult/rich/rewarding play experince and will carry a signifiacntly more impressive end cap and past life bonus

12-21-2010, 01:42 PM
+1 to adding Warlock and Druid.

Are warlocks even in Eberron though?

a druid is just a cleric with nature spells. and perhaps shape changing.

12-21-2010, 01:44 PM
+1 to adding Warlock and Druid.

Are warlocks even in Eberron though?
Yes they are in Eberron. They are prevelant in the Demon Wastes. The Eberron Campaigne Setting book does not mention them, but they are mentioned elseware in the various books.

12-21-2010, 11:30 PM
I really want to see a "whipper" class being introduced. Is there any similar class exist in D&D?

12-22-2010, 05:50 AM
I'd like to see either a class or a PRE that makes a arcane/melee an effective play option. I understand there are builds that accomplish this but they are all warforged and very gear dependant. Something like the Eldritch Knight or Spellsword.

Full Bab, almost full spellcasting. Balanced so it does less DPS than a melee class and less spellcasting than a ful arcane.

it would be great if it catered to Elves as that is their historical role in DnD and might make them a more desirable race in DDO.

Also, I think Ninja is covered between Ninja spy and Assassin.

This sounds suspiciously like the Duskblade, from the 3.5 (3.0?) Players Handbook II. Supposedly an Elven base class (Lore-wise, but not restricted to Elves per-se) that is an Int-based spontaneous casting class with full BaB, and a few neat abilities... not least of which are the ability to eventually wear heavy shields and medium armor with no arcane failure, and to charge their weapons with a touch attack and make a full attack action at the same time! Sadly, this class is terribly overpowered (Can you imagine a TWF Duskblade slapping enemies with standard attacks with shocking grasp ontop of it? And then finishing up the round with a Swift Invisibility? Yowza!)

If you have the means, look this one up, as it seems to be exactly what you're looking for!

12-22-2010, 06:10 AM
I'd personally like to see Druids and Warlocks added as playable classes. I'd also like to see multiclass Prestige Enhancement lines, Arcane Trickster for example.

Off-topic, I'd also like to see Gnomes and Kobolds as playable races(but those should come after the core Eberron races).


12-22-2010, 06:19 AM


Elven Spellsword!


12-22-2010, 07:07 AM
a druid is just a cleric with nature spells. and perhaps shape changing.

The only true similarity between Clerics and Druids is that they can both cast Cure spells. And that's where the similarity truly ends. The differences between the two are many, and akin to the differences between a Wizard and a Warlock. Yes, the Wizard and Warlock can both cast arcane spells, but that's about the only truly similar thing between them. If you believe a Druid is just a nature-borne cleric, then I feel as if you missed something when looking at them as a whole.

Druids and Warlocks should be the next introduced base classes, and I can't imagine they would spend the resources generating actual Prestige Classes, when the enhancements work well enough on their own.

12-22-2010, 07:43 AM
Spellthief: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20051122a


Thri-kreen maybe :P? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thri-kreen


12-22-2010, 07:50 AM
Cavalier perhaps? Although there are no mounts so I dont know how well that would work.

12-22-2010, 09:11 AM
Spellthief: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20051122a
Thanks for posting the useful website.

I found an interesting class: Wu Jen (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20060228a) - Eastern Magician. But honestly, that image of Wu Jen is awful and should not be a representative of eastern people.

12-22-2010, 10:01 AM
i might be off on this, but the class that seems to be missing is the illusionist.

12-23-2010, 03:58 AM
Do you mean illusionist as in illusion based arcane spell caster (aka Illusion focus Wizard) or perhaps a prestidigitation trickster like Penn and Teller (1 part Rogue, 1 part Bard, and heaps of interpersonal skills)?

12-23-2010, 04:01 AM
Do you mean illusionist as in illusion based arcane spell caster (aka Illusion focus Wizard) or perhaps a prestidigitation trickster like Penn and Teller (1 part Rogue, 1 part Bard, and heaps of interpersonal skills)?

i mean like the two that put on the show in the market place.

12-23-2010, 04:32 AM
In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.

Dark Monk PRE Ninja spy covers all the Naruto you need foo.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJ558LF0_Ug Kill Some Ninjas

12-23-2010, 04:34 AM
I am all for this if we can get a turtle shell armour and automatic use of kamas. Oh - and I guess a weird talking kug-fu fighting rat as a mentor would be nice.

12-23-2010, 04:40 AM
a druid is just a cleric with nature spells. and perhaps shape changing.

Well no perhaps on the shapechanging , thats one of their things .

Not really sure where your going with this line of thinking .

A barb is just a fighter with rage , a paladin is just a fighter with limited heals ,
a sorc is just a wizard with more spellpoints and less spellchoice .

Their are only 4 classes fighter , wizard , cleric and rogue , (just like in the olden days ) , everything else are variations

12-23-2010, 06:02 AM
i know this may have been suggested before, but i've always liked the prestige classes. now, i have mentioned this before in-game, and i'm always told that the prestige classes are covered with the enhancements. honestly, they're not. minor abilities and few traits from other prestige classes are incorporated into the enhancements of the base classes, but i'm not able to get all of the traits and bonuses. i think that once a player reaches the certain class requirements for a prestige class, he/she should have the option of following that class.

In addition to the prestige classes, we should add another class. Ninjas are just as useful as the base classes and add some variety to the gameplay. They would be under the specialist category.

any feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated. :)

I agree that PREs should be actual classes rather than enhancements... Just seems much cooler that way, and more in the spirit of D&D, IMO... I think it would take a ridiculous amount of development time though so I can't see it happening... Hopefully for DDO2? (ha!)

I don't want Ninjas... Seriously, EVERYONE would play Ninjas all the time... Then you'd have to add Pirates as a class and DDO would become one extremely lame, drawn out joke...

12-23-2010, 06:40 AM
The ninja and the scout let u play roguish classes but with the enhancement system there's no real need for those.
No one said the enhancements only have room for prestige classes.
For instance the monk's ninja prestige enhancement does very well cover what the roguish monkish ninja class would be.

The warlock play very much like the palemaster's bolt and archmage's SLAs, if you like those toys think on a whole class that plays like that.
It just won't be a wizards prestige because warlocks don't cast spells, nor fit in any other class for that matter.