View Full Version : Stonedust Handwraps + Charged Gauntlets

12-20-2010, 08:33 AM
Did testing to confirm the following:

When using both the Stonedust Handwraps and Charged Gauntlets at the same time the 10d6 Lightning Vorpal effect does not trigger whilst the Flesh to Stone on the Handwraps does.

Taking off the Stonedust Handwraps will cause the Charged Gauntlets to start to trigger again.

Is this because both abilities are Vorpals?


Disclaimer: Multiple Training Dummies were severely beaten, they were intentionally harmed.

12-20-2010, 08:45 AM
Did testing to confirm the following:

When using both the Stonedust Handwraps and Charged Gauntlets at the same time the 10d6 Lightning Vorpal effect does not trigger whilst the Flesh to Stone on the Handwraps does.

Taking off the Stonedust Handwraps will cause the Charged Gauntlets to start to trigger again.

Is this because both abilities are Vorpals?


Disclaimer: Multiple Training Dummies were severely beaten, they were intentionally harmed.

Emm... good question. In that same correlation, you should ask about AA slayer arrows and the new bracer sonic damage stacking or not.

I'd bug report it to be on the safe side.

12-20-2010, 05:13 PM
Emm... good question. In that same correlation, you should ask about AA slayer arrows and the new bracer sonic damage stacking or not.

I'd bug report it to be on the safe side.

Slayer and Wind Howlers are working fine together. It's nice to have 700pt vorpal hits.

A better test might be Petrifying War Bow + Wind Howlers, I don't have the bow yet to try it though.

I'm going to bet that the issue is due to the weird coding of handwraps.

12-21-2010, 05:21 AM
Well the charged gauntlets finally proc'ed, although doesn't seem to happen as often as not wearing the stonedust handwraps.

12-22-2010, 03:56 PM
I didn't notice this thread.

I have never seen the Shocking Blow from the Charged Gauntlets happen while I have had the Stonedust handwraps equipped.
The moment I switch away from the Stonedust handwraps I notice the Shocking Blow happen.

While we are looking a things not playing well with each other. Is the Thok-zik, The Earth-Change not supposed to stack with the new garments of equilibrium?

12-22-2010, 04:02 PM
They are both items and they both provide the same effect, so the jidz and outfit effects will not stack and shouldn't stack. This is WAI. The monk PL working with them is WAI as feats generally stack or work with enhancements and items, but items don't usually stack with each other in any way.

As for the OP, this is interesting, perhaps they're coded to apply the last one equipped? So, if you're using the stonedust and you decide to equip the charged will it then no longer perform the fts effect or does it just work to take away the lightning damage regardless of how you equip them??

12-22-2010, 04:25 PM
Is this because both abilities are Vorpals?

I can confirm that Charged Gauntlets and Enlightened Vestments (which gives a Banish attempt on vorpal strikes) do work as expected together, so it's not just because they're both Vorpals.

12-22-2010, 05:53 PM
I tried out a few things.

Logging out with both charged gauntlets and stonedust equipped allows the lightning to proc. If the handwraps are then unequipped then re-equipped the lightning seems to stop proccing.

12-22-2010, 05:59 PM
I tried out a few things.

Logging out with both charged gauntlets and stonedust equipped allows the lightning to proc. If the handwraps are then unequipped then re-equipped the lightning seems to stop proccing.

Hmm, interesting. Did you then reconfirm by logging out again and repeating? Just asking for depths sake.



12-22-2010, 06:21 PM
Hmm, interesting. Did you then reconfirm by logging out again and repeating? Just asking for depths sake.



Just tested on a training dummy, logging out then back in with both on allows the lightning to proc (I think the flesh to stone is suppressed tho). Once changing items then back to the stone dust, the dlesh to stone will proc, but no more lightning damage.

12-22-2010, 08:27 PM
I just logged my monk in with both on and beat on the dummy.

On a 20, i'd get the immune message, no lightning damage.

I took off handwraps, and put them back on. immune message, no lightning damage.

I took off gloves and put them back on. Lightning damage, no immune message.

So at least for me, it seems whichever item was equipped last is the one with the proc.

If it makes a difference i'm using Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps.

03-02-2011, 10:10 AM
Slight necro, but I wanted to note that Stonedust Handwraps also don't seem to work with the Greater Bold Trinket's Shocking Blow. One or the other procs, but not both. As with the charged gauntlets, whichever was equipped most recently seems to be the item to proc. Will test with upgraded handwraps shortly.

Edit: Same results with Vampiric Stonedust Handwraps and Greater Bold Trinket. Whichever was equipped last procs; the other does not.

03-20-2011, 10:12 AM
They are both items and they both provide the same effect, so the jidz and outfit effects will not stack and shouldn't stack. This is WAI. The monk PL working with them is WAI as feats generally stack or work with enhancements and items, but items don't usually stack with each other in any way.

Technically, Thok-zik, The Earth-Change is a buff that is produced from an item and not an item itself. Just saying :)

03-20-2011, 10:29 AM
I confirm that the Stone Prison effect from Stonedust Handwraps "overrides" the Shocking Blow effect from Charged Gauntlets, but does it do the same with other vorpal-effects, i.e. poison effect from wearing Jidz-Tet'ka in water stance, Vulkoor's Cunning set bonus, etc.

I'm also disconcerted by the fact that my eldritch force damage ritual does not function on Stonedust. Some have tried to tell me that force damage ritual is not SUPPOSED to work on them cuz its a named weapon, but I have force damage on my Antique Axe and Greatclub of the Scrag and they both work fine...

03-20-2011, 10:41 AM
same things happen with the Greater bold trinket and epic charged guantlets. *on handwraps only!*

I think they just hate monks....

03-20-2011, 02:41 PM
I'm also disconcerted by the fact that my eldritch force damage ritual does not function on Stonedust. Some have tried to tell me that force damage ritual is not SUPPOSED to work on them cuz its a named weapon, but I have force damage on my Antique Axe and Greatclub of the Scrag and they both work fine...

Force rituals should work on named wraps but don't, ever. Known issue (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=281322).