View Full Version : Failed TR

12-19-2010, 10:25 PM
So jus tried to TR a toon for the second time an all was going well until I logout to start the point spreadout an grind when to my horror iwas unable to TR the toon with a message coming up that i have enough Xp to advance one or more levels and cannot reincarnate until I talk to a trainer....... Only problem is this toon has been recapped from previous TR for many months now and has no free action points, anyone have any ideas? Have submitted a ticket and bug report but nothin useful back from turbine....go figure.... Relogging doesnt fix it an neither does restarting client, any ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

12-20-2010, 01:27 AM
try resetting your enhancements from scratch at the trainer spend them all then log out then log back in then try reincarnate a lot of times points need u to relog to set them for some dumb reason. if not contact turbine directly

12-20-2010, 02:07 AM

About to TR my sorc, seeing this post leaves me with a strange feeling of DOoomm.

Hope that your issue was resolved, if so do you mind posting your fix in case any of us experience the same problem?


12-20-2010, 05:41 AM
I was going to try resetting my enhancements but ive heard how turbine works an didnt want them to say for some reason that affected me not being able to TR and im boned out of the 1200 points an need to buy another wood.... Have heard from a few people in game an so far the only thing i can seem to do is nothing, they had similar issues when trying to LR an because they tried to do something beyond the issue or some BS like that they were raped of their points..... I guess on a positive note I heard from a GM an they said this is a problem that they cannont resolve at the moment an escalated it to other departments to find a fix.... could take days ..... yay :(

12-20-2010, 07:09 AM
Bump problem fixed the grind has begun, was a problem Gm had to fix not anything i could do either way jus happy it got fixed

12-22-2010, 08:40 AM
Sorry to hear this mate!

12-22-2010, 08:42 AM
Bump problem fixed the grind has begun, was a problem Gm had to fix not anything i could do either way jus happy it got fixed

Glad to hear!