12-19-2010, 06:40 PM
I know there are hundreds of AC threads and all but most of them are years old.
This is what I would like to know of the people out there that actually know this:
What is the best AC armor, take away Feats/ENH/Stats needed, what's the best armor to wear?
I read one forum that is about 4 years old that I came to the conclusion that Light Armor was the best... well, from what he had listed as examples. (Though there were very few and AC has changed a bunch from what I hear)
Back on topic: The spoken-of post was this -
In that post he states:
Moved from Class Discussion Thread DDO Armour Selector (
AB=Armour Bonus DB=Dex Bonus SCP=Skill Check Penalty
ASF% = Archean Spell Failure % AC=Max Armour Class (+5)=+5 Version
. . . . . . . . . . /AB /DB /SCP /AC /(+5) /ASF
Light Armor
Leather Armour....../ 2 / 6 / 0. / 8 /(13) /10%
Studded Leather...../ 3 / 5 / 0. / 8 /(13) /15%
Chain Shirt........./ 4 / 4 / -1 / 8 /(13) /20%
Padded Armour......./ 1 / 8 / 0. / 9 /(14) / 5%
Elven Chainmal....../ 5 / 4 / -1 / 9 /(14) /20%
Mithral Chain Shirt./ 4 / 6 / 0. / 10/(15) /10%
Mithral Breastplate./ 5 / 5 / 0. / 10/(15) /15%
Medium Armor
Chainmail.........../ 5 / 2 / -4 / 7 /(12) /30%
Hide Armour........./ 3 / 4 / -2 / 7 /(12) /20%
Scalemail.........../ 7 / 0 / -3 / 7 /(12) /25%
Breastplate........./ 5 / 3 / -3 / 8 /(13) /25%
Brigandine........../ 5 / 3 / -3 / 8 /(13) /35%
Darkleaf Bandedmail./ 6 / 2 / -3 / 8 /(13) /30%
Mithral Splintmail../ 6 / 2 / -3 / 8 /(13) /30%
Mithral HalfPlate.../ 7 / 2 / -1 / 9 /(14) /30%
Mithral FullPlate.../ 8 / 3 / -2 / 11/(16) /25%
Heavy Armor
Splintmail........../ 6 / 0 / -6 / 6 /(11) /40%
Half Plate........../ 7 / 0 / -4 / 7 /(12) /40%
Banded Mail........./ 6 / 1 / -5 / 7 /(12) /35%
Full Plate........../ 8 / 1 / -5 / 9 /(14) /35%
Based upon this table: If you have a high enough Dex for the bonus, Light Armor is the best for AC if using the +5 version of the Mithral Breastplate compared to the +5 Mithral Fullplate, by 1 point only though.
I am just curious of what path should I take for the best AC: Light Armor with a heightened DEX stat, Medium Armor with a decent DEX stat, or Heavy Armor with a lower DEX stat.
I am planning to take at the least, Stalwart Defender I, and Fighter Armor Mastery II, as well as, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II... all that said I will get +3 DEX bonus to Tower Shields and +2 DEX bonus to my armor. So even with the Heavy Armor my goal for DEX would be 16 + the DEX bonus needed to fill the standard DEX Bonus on the gear for a total of 18-20 (I'm guessing) and even greater for Light Armor, which would be more like a DEX of 26+
With that said as well, what would be the best path to take for me, not reliant on buffs but base AC of the gear I have at hand, and of course the Enhancements listed above.
I plan on cross-classing with bard for the buffs, songs, and heals. To better capabilities to survive in questionable situations and groups
This is what I would like to know of the people out there that actually know this:
What is the best AC armor, take away Feats/ENH/Stats needed, what's the best armor to wear?
I read one forum that is about 4 years old that I came to the conclusion that Light Armor was the best... well, from what he had listed as examples. (Though there were very few and AC has changed a bunch from what I hear)
Back on topic: The spoken-of post was this -
In that post he states:
Moved from Class Discussion Thread DDO Armour Selector (
AB=Armour Bonus DB=Dex Bonus SCP=Skill Check Penalty
ASF% = Archean Spell Failure % AC=Max Armour Class (+5)=+5 Version
. . . . . . . . . . /AB /DB /SCP /AC /(+5) /ASF
Light Armor
Leather Armour....../ 2 / 6 / 0. / 8 /(13) /10%
Studded Leather...../ 3 / 5 / 0. / 8 /(13) /15%
Chain Shirt........./ 4 / 4 / -1 / 8 /(13) /20%
Padded Armour......./ 1 / 8 / 0. / 9 /(14) / 5%
Elven Chainmal....../ 5 / 4 / -1 / 9 /(14) /20%
Mithral Chain Shirt./ 4 / 6 / 0. / 10/(15) /10%
Mithral Breastplate./ 5 / 5 / 0. / 10/(15) /15%
Medium Armor
Chainmail.........../ 5 / 2 / -4 / 7 /(12) /30%
Hide Armour........./ 3 / 4 / -2 / 7 /(12) /20%
Scalemail.........../ 7 / 0 / -3 / 7 /(12) /25%
Breastplate........./ 5 / 3 / -3 / 8 /(13) /25%
Brigandine........../ 5 / 3 / -3 / 8 /(13) /35%
Darkleaf Bandedmail./ 6 / 2 / -3 / 8 /(13) /30%
Mithral Splintmail../ 6 / 2 / -3 / 8 /(13) /30%
Mithral HalfPlate.../ 7 / 2 / -1 / 9 /(14) /30%
Mithral FullPlate.../ 8 / 3 / -2 / 11/(16) /25%
Heavy Armor
Splintmail........../ 6 / 0 / -6 / 6 /(11) /40%
Half Plate........../ 7 / 0 / -4 / 7 /(12) /40%
Banded Mail........./ 6 / 1 / -5 / 7 /(12) /35%
Full Plate........../ 8 / 1 / -5 / 9 /(14) /35%
Based upon this table: If you have a high enough Dex for the bonus, Light Armor is the best for AC if using the +5 version of the Mithral Breastplate compared to the +5 Mithral Fullplate, by 1 point only though.
I am just curious of what path should I take for the best AC: Light Armor with a heightened DEX stat, Medium Armor with a decent DEX stat, or Heavy Armor with a lower DEX stat.
I am planning to take at the least, Stalwart Defender I, and Fighter Armor Mastery II, as well as, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II... all that said I will get +3 DEX bonus to Tower Shields and +2 DEX bonus to my armor. So even with the Heavy Armor my goal for DEX would be 16 + the DEX bonus needed to fill the standard DEX Bonus on the gear for a total of 18-20 (I'm guessing) and even greater for Light Armor, which would be more like a DEX of 26+
With that said as well, what would be the best path to take for me, not reliant on buffs but base AC of the gear I have at hand, and of course the Enhancements listed above.
I plan on cross-classing with bard for the buffs, songs, and heals. To better capabilities to survive in questionable situations and groups