View Full Version : WTT tome+4 wise unbound(jester)

12-18-2010, 09:16 AM
serius offer pls, want scroll of marilith chain and more

12-18-2010, 09:47 AM
Congratulations for the pull. Its the rarest item in the game, a legendary item!
A similar unbound Tome +4 Dexterity sold for 7 500 000 pp few days ago.

12-18-2010, 09:50 AM
What server?

12-18-2010, 09:51 AM
What server?

Since it's posted in the Cannith Marketplace subforum, I'd hazard a guess that it's on... Cannith?

12-18-2010, 09:57 AM
yes cannith

12-18-2010, 10:00 AM
Ah, found it under "recent posts", which doesn't say the category.

12-18-2010, 10:07 AM
Ah, found it under "recent posts", which doesn't say the category.
Yes it does say the category. Look to the right under the last column.

12-18-2010, 04:03 PM
Pm sent. I Had to get out 'the bag' for this one.

12-18-2010, 04:44 PM
Sure wish i had a marilith chain scroll, vasska hook it up ;)

12-18-2010, 05:00 PM
Ah, found it under "recent posts", which doesn't say the category.

hehe lol

12-22-2010, 08:53 AM
Trade closed, as I found out (not from OP) that OP decided to just eat the tome and ignore anybody that sent him a PM about the trade and to leave the posting abandoned.

Great trading etiquette, I hope it pays off for you in the long run in your usage of this trading forum.

12-22-2010, 09:00 AM
yes sry trade closed.

12-22-2010, 11:34 AM
I find the very few +4 tome threads interesting. Probably less than one in a thousand alts are really geared to have this type of item be the last piece of the puzzle. A limited number of those players have built up the wealth necessary to offer a buyout on an item like this. And that group of ten or twelve alts on the server are already dominant, this tome offering just at best a +1 to a dc and save.

I understand that what really being purchased is a type of vanity armor......like having all the dragon scale armors just to have them. In this case buying perfection for wealthy near perfect toons. Unlike the game changing effect a Wop rapier had back in the day, this is more a minor improvement. I can understand a very select few handing over a castle of wealth for that last piece.....

I can't understand 99.999% of the poulation not selling it and just eating.

On my completionist mage build I would sell an unbound +4 int tome for that kind of pile of wealth. 7-8 mill plat is game changing like a Wop rapier used to be.....

Mostly just rambling.......just haven't sent time farming +3/4 tomes to value them that highly i guess.

12-22-2010, 03:49 PM
I find the very few +4 tome threads interesting. Probably less than one in a thousand alts are really geared to have this type of item be the last piece of the puzzle.

This is also why this is probably going to attract mainly cash type of deals. Marilith scrolls and other really rare and valuable loot is too sought after to be "wasted" on a trade like this when there is not likely to be a lot of competition.

12-22-2010, 03:52 PM
Trade closed, as I found out (not from OP) that OP decided to just eat the tome and ignore anybody that sent him a PM about the trade and to leave the posting abandoned.

Great trading etiquette, I hope it pays off for you in the long run in your usage of this trading forum.

Now taking bets on whether or not the OP decides to reroll his toon

12-22-2010, 05:14 PM
This is also why this is probably going to attract mainly cash type of deals. Marilith scrolls and other really rare and valuable loot is too sought after to be "wasted" on a trade like this when there is not likely to be a lot of competition.

I didnt have a marilith scroll to offer, but for the curious here's what i offered:

-Scrolls: Chaosblade, Greenblade, Lion-Headed belt, Demon Scale, Storm, Bramble-Casters, Bracers of the Demons Consort, 2 of every non-raid desert scroll

Items: Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone, Docent of Defiance

and a note that plat could be added as necessary


Yes, I really did want that +1 DC on my monk :v

12-22-2010, 05:43 PM
I find the very few +4 tome threads interesting. Probably less than one in a thousand alts are really geared to have this type of item be the last piece of the puzzle. A limited number of those players have built up the wealth necessary to offer a buyout on an item like this. And that group of ten or twelve alts on the server are already dominant, this tome offering just at best a +1 to a dc and save.

I understand that what really being purchased is a type of vanity armor......like having all the dragon scale armors just to have them. In this case buying perfection for wealthy near perfect toons. Unlike the game changing effect a Wop rapier had back in the day, this is more a minor improvement. I can understand a very select few handing over a castle of wealth for that last piece.....

I can't understand 99.999% of the poulation not selling it and just eating.

On my completionist mage build I would sell an unbound +4 int tome for that kind of pile of wealth. 7-8 mill plat is game changing like a Wop rapier used to be.....

Mostly just rambling.......just haven't sent time farming +3/4 tomes to value them that highly i guess.

I dunno if I am as impressed by the plat offers....it doesn't go far after shroud. That will buy you enough larges for 3 dual shard items give or take. Nice.
It will buy you ~10 red scales. Very nice.
It isn't even close to what was offered for the marilath scroll a week or so ago. I am not sure the plat (or the red scales it would buy) would go tooo far in getting *good* epic scrolls so I think the value of +4 tomes is pretty close in line to what they should be worth.