View Full Version : Maelstrom Guild Expansion

12-17-2010, 08:28 AM
For the first time in Maelstrom History we are Recruiting New Players. As the game changes (and less and less of those pre-live players remain) our guild also needs to change. Allot of you know our guild well and have run with us for years, others maybe not so much, but if what is described below looks interesting, find me in game (Maels) and lets talk.

1. Officer all Characters for Veteran Guildies to:
- Guild Alts from Existing/New Guildies
- Identify Themselves and Help New Recruits
2. Invite 100 Probational Players
- Interested in End-Game/Epic Content, Builds, Strategies, and Gear
- Willing to Maintain Guild Reputation by Treating Guildies and Pugs Well
- No Exploits, No Drama, and Having Fun with Peeps that Want to GAME
- VIP, Active Weekday Evenings (East), Voice Chat, and One Capped Character
- Willing to Roll/Level Healer if Don't Have One Capped
- Path To Perm Status = Liked By Guild, Active, and Willing to Learn
3. Invite Additional Guilds
- Smaller Guilds that Want More People to Run with
- Guilds that want to Raid More and Learn End-Game/Epic Content

Maelstrom Site (Below), In Game Mail "Maelsfains", or Send Tell to any "Maels..."

12-17-2010, 03:12 PM
100? wow, thats ambitious....

best of luck.....