View Full Version : Diplomacy on a clonk?

12-16-2010, 02:34 AM
I understand what diplomacy does and I can see a few uses for it. If your a clonk, you probably won't be grabbing aggro very often in an effective party. The only time it usually happens is when accidentally mass healing giant skellies. Anyway, here is my question:

Considering the minimum attention needed to get a decent diplo, is it really worth a darn on a clonk?

My clonk will be helf so here are my situational bonuses to the skill...

-Plus 2 from being a helf

-Decent charisma for RS/DM/pally-dilettante

-Free extra clickie from helf with the seperate cooldown timer

-Plus 10 from a concordant opp item(otherwise useless)

-Already a class skill for both cleric and monk

All I would really have to invest is a few extra skill points....Is it completely worthless? I know it won't be game-changing either way.

I'll be duoing most content along with a tukaw-like build that doesn't want to "waste" the skill points in intimidate. I thought this might be a great alternative in our situation.

Thx in advance...

12-16-2010, 02:42 AM
Isn't intimidate potential one of the reasons to play a Tukaw build?

I really can't see that you should EVER get aggro, so no, I would say that diplo is not useful.

Worst case scenario that you get aggro you have some great defense and amazing self healing so who cares? Just makes it easier for you to lead them to a blade barrier ...

12-16-2010, 02:59 AM
what? wait, why? no, if you get aggro, kite them through bb's, don't waste skill points like that lol

12-16-2010, 03:00 AM
Isn't intimidate potential one of the reasons to play a Tukaw build?

I think he's considering a 17/2/1 wizz/rogue/fighter instead of the tukaw...this makes intimidate much harder to come by. But if there are only two people in the group(me and him) and he turtles up, the mobs will eventually come to me. That completely ruins the beauty of the DR+guards+torc+conc-ops combo. I guess more or less what i am wondering is this: would it serve as a good replacement for intimidate with just the two of us in a group? If so, what numbers does the skill need to hit to be effective?

12-16-2010, 11:47 AM
what? wait, why? no, if you get aggro, kite them through bb's, don't waste skill points like that lol

Imagine this; Your 98 year old grandma has a really nice piano and she's willing to give it to you for free. She's also willing to give you lessons. All she asks is this....never, NEVER ever learn to play the electric guitar because it's the devil.

If you accept you won't be losing much at all except another skill that wouldn't be useful anyway. The cold, hard truth is that you want to be a fireman anyway so playing the piano is just another opportunity that didn't take much investment.

I can still kite those mobs through a BB just as easy :)