View Full Version : Chain Missiles vs Spell Absorption

12-14-2010, 08:55 PM
Chain Missiles: A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target.

I tested this out against my Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, it only took off 3 charges.

Shouldn't it be 30 for a lvl 20? I'm caster lvl 18 so it should only do 24 for me.

12-14-2010, 08:56 PM
...You're back? O.o

12-14-2010, 08:58 PM
Yahh I was missing the Drama

12-15-2010, 08:44 PM
Chain Missiles: A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target.

I tested this out against my Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, it only took off 3 charges.

Shouldn't it be 30 for a lvl 20? I'm caster lvl 18 so it should only do 24 for me.

How do you come up with that math?

at l20 you are 19 levels beyond first (thats a L20 pure caster right?), so divide by 2 = 8 extra missiles, 9 in total.

Not sure why it would only take off 3 charges and not 9 though.

12-15-2010, 09:02 PM
How do you come up with that math?

at l20 you are 19 levels beyond first (thats a L20 pure caster right?), so divide by 2 = 8 extra missiles, 9 in total.

Not sure why it would only take off 3 charges and not 9 though.

You're alot closer than Hax but 19 divided by 2 = 9 extra, 10 total.

ALthough you are right that he should have 9 missiles since he has 18lvls and doesnt get the missile for lvl19.

12-15-2010, 10:42 PM
it only take 3 charges because the spell is lvl 3

this spell doesnt work like magic missile, you dont cast 5 missile (or 10 for past life), you only cast 1 that will spread up once it hit the target

so basicly you only get hit by 1 missile

if somebody near you get hit by chain missile you will get hit 10 time x3 (spell lvl) so 30 charges

12-15-2010, 10:47 PM
it only take 3 charges because the spell is lvl 3

this spell doesnt work like magic missile, you dont cast 5 missile (or 10 for past life), you only cast 1 that will spread up once it hit the target

so basicly you only get hit by 1 missile

if somebody near you get hit by chain missile you will get hit 10 time x3 (spell lvl) so 30 charges


Chain Missile only hits once, not like Magic Missile.

12-30-2010, 06:16 AM
It counts as a single spell when you target the person directly (hence one damage number floats off the person you target)

But....if you target someone BESIDE the person with the stone, you can take off 30 charges from the guy with the stone (less if other people are in the aoe).

Archmage wizzies can do a double shot of chain missiles, and can wipe the stone + the mantle and do 5 missile damage in 2 quick shots (1 second between shots).

There's also some other "tricks" :)

Eg.. even though you are not lvl 19 (with 10 missiles), doesn't matter what level you are, you will still take the full 30 ioun stone charges off the guy standing BESIDE your target :) Aoe is effected by enlarge, AOE center can be placed in a different location to your selected target ... its awesome.

12-30-2010, 07:02 PM
Mantle and Ioun Stone do not stack. This is a good thing.

01-01-2011, 08:57 AM
the best spell against a pale lavender is the meteor swarm. It drains 9 charges per meteor , so 9x5 is 45 charges if u strike your target with all 5 stones. Just use it 2 times and the pale lavender is ko. You are an aracane right ? But If you really want to be pvp king just roll an aa. Give him the players races as favored enemies (dwarves, elves, humans ecc.) , then craft a triple neg longbow with disint. And no one will kill you anymore cuz this is the best unbalanced overpowered build you can do for pvp :-)

01-01-2011, 09:04 AM
the best spell against a pale lavender is the meteor swarm. It drains 9 charges per meteor , so 9x5 is 45 charges if u strike your target with all 5 stones. Just use it 2 times and the pale lavender is ko. You are an aracane right ? But If you really want to be pvp king just roll an aa. Give him the players races as favored enemies (dwarves, elves, humans ecc.) , then craft a triple neg longbow with disint. And no one will kill you anymore cuz this is the best unbalanced overpowered build you can do for pvp :-)

AA? No, a shintao monk would stun the aa as soon as his name turns yellow. Or a bard could dance him the same way.