View Full Version : Icy burst kit question

12-10-2010, 09:36 PM
I have recipe 3,4, and 5. Do I need 300 motes for all three or for each one? And can I craft these on any unnamed weapon, or only one I can use? Also what are the end effects after 3rd recipe? Just icy burst? And will it raise the level of the weapon I upgrade?

Thanks in advance.

12-10-2010, 09:46 PM
IIRC its 100 motes each recipe, so 300 total.

12-11-2010, 03:28 AM
100 for each recipe
Any non-named melee weapon
Recipe 3 gives chill, Recipe 4 gives frost, Recipe 5 gives icy burst. These do not stack nor are they cumulative.
No it doesn't raise the minimum level

And to answer one question you did not ask, adding a recipe to an item does not bind the item to character or account. They can be traded, sold, auctioned etc.

12-13-2010, 11:48 AM
Can you put icy on a flamey weapon? Does that give you different elemental effects? Or, does it just give you a wet rusty sword?

yuda :D

12-18-2010, 06:17 PM
Can you put icy on a flamey weapon? Does that give you different elemental effects? Or, does it just give you a wet rusty sword?

yuda :D

yep you can I have a flaming burst/icy burst pick of maiming, hehe it crits for a lot, its useful on the old guild dummy lolz with the icy burst pure good of greater construct bane, a few swings with those and the dummy is down fast, and i get my +2 to hit :P.

and really you still got that as your sig?

12-20-2010, 06:14 PM
and really you still got that as your sig?

Oh yeah... You been quoted!
Still an awesome quote. :D
