View Full Version : XP Per Level Increase?

12-08-2010, 11:23 AM
As more and more packs are released by turbine (way to go Turbine btw! Update 8 bring a lv 13 quest pack, and in general there has been alot of new content) it becomes easier to level. Personally I capped my Barb while not playing at least 60% of the content. Only owned Delera, Sands, GH and Shroud for a while. I am looking forward to TRing so that I can run all the content that I have purchased at level.

With more and more content being released, should the overall exp required per level be increased to reflect the abundance of quests available? ie take current xp and multiply by 1.20 and a TR requirement by 1.10? Should lower levels only get the hit, since there is alot more content there?


12-08-2010, 11:26 AM
As more and more packs are released by turbine (way to go Turbine btw! Update 8 bring a lv 13 quest pack, and in general there has been alot of new content) it becomes easier to level. Personally I capped my Barb while not playing at least 60% of the content. Only owned Delera, Sands, GH and Shroud for a while. I am looking forward to TRing so that I can run all the content that I have purchased at level.

With more and more content being released, should the overall exp required per level be increased to reflect the abundance of quests available? ie take current xp and multiply by 1.20 and a TR requirement by 1.10? Should lower levels only get the hit, since there is alot more content there?



12-08-2010, 11:26 AM
As more and more packs are released by turbine (way to go Turbine btw! Update 8 bring a lv 13 quest pack, and in general there has been alot of new content) it becomes easier to level. Personally I capped my Barb while not playing at least 60% of the content. Only owned Delera, Sands, GH and Shroud for a while. I am looking forward to TRing so that I can run all the content that I have purchased at level.

With more and more content being released, should the overall exp required per level be increased to reflect the abundance of quests available? ie take current xp and multiply by 1.20 and a TR requirement by 1.10? Should lower levels only get the hit, since there is alot more content there?



you don't need xp if you wanna go sightseeing the quests you have not done before.
the grind is grindy enough. if you stayed long enough to roll up your 8th char you don't wanna stay and see the low levels. you wanna get up there again and go raiding.

12-08-2010, 11:27 AM
As more and more packs are released by turbine (way to go Turbine btw! Update 8 bring a lv 13 quest pack, and in general there has been alot of new content) it becomes easier to level. Personally I capped my Barb while not playing at least 60% of the content. Only owned Delera, Sands, GH and Shroud for a while. I am looking forward to TRing so that I can run all the content that I have purchased at level.

With more and more content being released, should the overall exp required per level be increased to reflect the abundance of quests available? ie take current xp and multiply by 1.20 and a TR requirement by 1.10? Should lower levels only get the hit, since there is alot more content there?


Why should leveling take longer because there are more quests out? I'm not connecting the dots here. What about TR2 characters that are forced to repeatedly farm IQ over and over because of the low number of quests there?

12-08-2010, 11:28 AM
/not signed

12-08-2010, 11:28 AM

That would hurt the f2p model - it would become insanely difficult for people who want to not spend money to level since they wouldn't have the extra content - and at higher levels, where content is still sparse, that would increase the amount of repetitive quest running necessary to advance.

12-08-2010, 11:31 AM
I wouldn't mind if they lowered the XP. I don't TR, and I hit the levels way too fast before I'm done with a particular area/chain.

But I know lots of folks who TR would hate this, so maybe they could reduce the TR XP penalty at the same time as well?

12-08-2010, 11:33 AM
As more and more packs are released by turbine (way to go Turbine btw! Update 8 bring a lv 13 quest pack, and in general there has been alot of new content) it becomes easier to level. Personally I capped my Barb while not playing at least 60% of the content. Only owned Delera, Sands, GH and Shroud for a while. I am looking forward to TRing so that I can run all the content that I have purchased at level.

With more and more content being released, should the overall exp required per level be increased to reflect the abundance of quests available? ie take current xp and multiply by 1.20 and a TR requirement by 1.10? Should lower levels only get the hit, since there is alot more content there?



Get back to us after you TR'd a couple times......

12-08-2010, 11:33 AM
TRing WAS the way they increased the xp per level requirement. As of right now, you can't quite hit lvl 20 on a normal character by doing every quest once elite, and you can't quite hit 20 on a TR2+ by doing every quest once on norm, hard, and elite.

In any case, the new quests rarely compare with the xp per minute ratios of old favorites, so it does not really get easier and faster to level as more packs are added.

12-08-2010, 11:34 AM
reduce the TR XP
this :D

12-08-2010, 11:36 AM
Absolutely not!

I love the fact that there is an abundance of quests (at lower to mid levels at least) and I have a choice of which quests I do when leveling different characters. For powergamers it provides a break from grinding the same quests over and over. For the role playing types, it offers a chance to develop different 'story lines' for different characters. And then for casual players like myself, just all-around fun variety.

People are already free to take as long as they want to leve. Don't force that decision upon them.

12-08-2010, 11:39 AM
Hush You

5 min Major and a game misconduct!!!!!!

12-08-2010, 11:50 AM

Get back to us after you TR'd a couple times......

? Im not saying they should do it, but was asking for input on what people think. Thanks for the discussion.

Hush You

5 min Major and a game misconduct!!!!!!

HAHA, ok ^^ that one is good :)

How about if it was a 1.1 multiplication for first life and a 0.90 for TRs? Thoughts? Being new to DDO, but played other MMOs, there is a huge rush it seems to get though the leveling process to be capped. I dont think more time spent at lower levels would increase the grind, as more time would be spent on a variety of quests, as opposed to the few end game quests that many people work for.

12-08-2010, 11:54 AM
no and no. You want bigger range between levels? play a TR or worst a TR2

Even if they add a new quest like Delirium, you will still have to repeat a lot of quests 10 times to cap again a TR

12-08-2010, 11:56 AM
Come back when your a TRx2 OP and let's see if you have the same opinion.

12-08-2010, 11:58 AM
Even if they add a new quest like Delirium, you will still have to repeat a lot of quests 10 times to cap again a TR

thats actually not true. its just the case if you want to tr fast.
there is enough xp ingame, even in the higher levels if you follow some rules. you will have to repeat certain quests more than n/h/e but farming the good ones 10+ times is just for bypassing the boring or ineffective ones.

12-08-2010, 11:59 AM
How about if it was a 1.1 multiplication for first life and a 0.90 for TRs? Thoughts? Being new to DDO, but played other MMOs, there is a huge rush it seems to get though the leveling process to be capped. I dont think more time spent at lower levels would increase the grind, as more time would be spent on a variety of quests, as opposed to the few end game quests that many people work for.

Still no...

How would it not increase the leveling grind to require more questing to make it through lower levels?

12-08-2010, 12:06 PM
Increasing XP requirements would directly hurt P2P players for not having the latest packs. While that won't hurt me any (VIP) it'll affect a great many players rolling up a new toon.

Diversity is a good thing and have allowed me to get over the 8-12 hump a lot sooner than before when I had to do a bunch of slayer instead since I couldn't find a reliable PUG to do quests in that range that usually involves finishing entire chains (Threnal, Sorrowdusk, necro 1-4 etc) and not something that's done that easy soloing.

I'd rather have the devs work on some kind of above level 20 system than making take longer to level. To force people to buy adventure packs feels like blackmail to me since that is essentially what your proposition would lead too. Plus the grind to actually TR would be even more horrible. Sucking the fun out of a system is never a good idea. Now I can pick a choose from several different quest without milking them for all their XP to level up.

12-08-2010, 12:10 PM
This idea is pure crazytown.

I'd prefer there to be so many quests that after I level my first character to 20, without repeating any quests, I can level another character to 20 using a whole different set of quests.

Instead of raising the XP to level, I'd prefer the Devs to create storylines that would take a new character all the way to level 20. You know, like your DM used to do?

Devs: this is not the thread you're looking for.

12-08-2010, 12:11 PM
TRing WAS the way they increased the xp per level requirement. As of right now, you can't quite hit lvl 20 on a normal character by doing every quest once elite, and you can't quite hit 20 on a TR2+ by doing every quest once on norm, hard, and elite.

In any case, the new quests rarely compare with the xp per minute ratios of old favorites, so it does not really get easier and faster to level as more packs are added.

almost true but you leave out an important point. The Devs have stated that you can reach 20 the first time just through explorer areas alone.

12-08-2010, 12:17 PM

Stainer already has a big greenis, so let me help his "no" be like his greenis and make it bigger


12-08-2010, 12:21 PM
Great idea.

And then after that they should raise the prices of all the potions and scrolls in the vendors by 20% each time they TR because all TR's are filthy rich.

And then after that they should raise the minimum level of each item in their TR bank by 2 levels each time they TR because their loot is too overpowering.

And then after that they should make it so each quest requires a minimum of 2 players (non-hirelings) in order to enter because after all, it's too easy for TR's to solo quests.

And then they can kick us in the nuts and call it a day.

12-08-2010, 01:40 PM

Let me think again...


12-08-2010, 01:49 PM
I have a better solution...

If you're worried about capping too fast, play Perma-Death...

If you're worried about hitting cap without seeing all the content... play on casual.

If you want the grind to cap to be longer, Turbine should bump the cap to 25.

These are all significantly better suggestions than making the XP requirement for each level higher.

12-08-2010, 04:11 PM

12-09-2010, 03:50 PM
no, i love having the liberty to choose wich quests i'll do for leveling