View Full Version : Damage Comparison Math Check

12-05-2010, 07:28 PM
Hi guys, looking for some math checking here.

I'm on a THF Barb and I've been rolling with Carnifex since about level 5. I'm now level 14. I just found a +3 Icy Burst Greataxe of Pure Good. ("Found" meaning an extremely generous 2-billion-TRed person gave it to me). Now, it seems to me that the new IBPG Greataxe SHOULD be better than Carnifex, but I calculated it out and Carnifex still blows it away on crittable opponents. On non-crittable, the IBPG wins by a wide margin. Can someone check my math?

First of all, here's the spreadsheet I did it in:


(Everything assumes hit on a 2 and all Crits confirm).

Here's my math:

Carnifex Standard Hit
6.5 Base Dmg (average of D12)
45 Damage Mod with Str Mod, Wrath of Sora Kell set and Carnifex's +2 modifier
51.5 Total damage

Carnifex Crit - 17-18 (x3 Modifier)
19.5 Base Dmg (average of D12 x3)
135 Damage Mod x3
154.5 Total Dmg

Carnifex Crit - 19-20 (x4 Modifier)
26 Base Dmg (average of D12 x4)
180 Damage Mod x4
206 Total Dmg

Average: (51.5 x 15) + (154.5 x 2) + (206 x 2) = 74.68

IBPG Standard Hit
6.5 Base Dmg (average of D12)
46 Damage Mod with Str Mod, Wrath of Sora Kell set and Carnifex's +3 modifier
3.5 Ice Dmg
3.5 Good Dmg
59.5 Total damage

IBPG Crit - 20 (x4 Modifier)
26 Base Dmg (average of D12 x4)
184 Damage Mod x4
3.5 Good Dmg
3.5 Ice Dmg
11 Icy Burst (Average of 2D10)
221.5 Total Dmg

Average: (59.5 x 19) + (221.5 x 1) = 64.63

74.68 - 64.63 = 10.05 more average damage with Carnifex

Am I missing anything?

Edit: You will also see in the spreadsheet where I calculated the weapons with no crits, and IBPG wins in that scenario (obviously).

12-05-2010, 07:32 PM
Looks right to a glance, and the result is unsurprising. Carnifex is an excellent weapon on account of its large threat range. Especially for classes with big damage modifiers (like your barb), the increased threat range will outweigh any bonus damage tacked on from PG, IB, etc.
