View Full Version : Thank you for Dropping
12-03-2010, 12:24 PM
Dear player who shall remain nameless:
Thank you so much for joining our Shroud raid-group last night. Your sub-standard contribution aside, we appreciated you joining us. I know the Shroud can be intimidating, especially when we are running it short-handed like that. But you did fine and managed to not take too much damage from those nasty portals in part one.
I know you didn't get a small shard like you'd hoped for in part one but you admirably continued forward with us. And I can understand how you DCed like that while zoning into part two. It's happened to many people. And I can also understand how instead of coming back we were struck with the message "(Party) [Party]: XXXX has left your party." It's obvious to me that after the game crashed you simply clicked on the wrong character, thus logging onto an alt and accidentally dropping from our group. That's okay. I'm sure sending a tell to let us know what happen was difficult given the need to continue on with your gaming activities. I probably would have done the same.
Please know that we don't hold any hard feelings. You are more than welcome to join us again for any quests. You may experience what you consider to be "greefing" but it will just be us having some good natured fun with you. I promise.
And further we don't hold the actions of one person against an entire guild. I'm not that kind of guy. I would never promote a Black List on our guild website of people and their actions against our members. That wouldn't be appropriate.
So once again I want to thank you for dropping from our group. Please join us again just so you can drop mid-quest like that any time.
12-03-2010, 12:57 PM
Dear player who shall remain nameless:
Thank you so much for joining our Shroud raid-group last night. Your sub-standard contribution aside, we appreciated you joining us. I know the Shroud can be intimidating, especially when we are running it short-handed like that. But you did fine and managed to not take too much damage from those nasty portals in part one.
I know you didn't get a small shard like you'd hoped for in part one but you admirably continued forward with us. And I can understand how you DCed like that while zoning into part two. It's happened to many people. And I can also understand how instead of coming back we were struck with the message "(Party) [Party]: XXXX has left your party." It's obvious to me that after the game crashed you simply clicked on the wrong character, thus logging onto an alt and accidentally dropping from our group. That's okay. I'm sure sending a tell to let us know what happen was difficult given the need to continue on with your gaming activities. I probably would have done the same.
Please know that we don't hold any hard feelings. You are more than welcome to join us again for any quests. You may experience what you consider to be "greefing" but it will just be us having some good natured fun with you. I promise.
And further we don't hold the actions of one person against an entire guild. I'm not that kind of guy. I would never promote a Black List on our guild website of people and their actions against our members. That wouldn't be appropriate.
So once again I want to thank you for dropping from our group. Please join us again just so you can drop mid-quest like that any time.
We had one of these last night too! Wonder if it was the same guy...
12-03-2010, 03:18 PM
We had one of these last night too! Wonder if it was the same guy...
Haha, yeah, I was in that group with you. Classy.
12-03-2010, 03:21 PM
+1 Rep
12-03-2010, 03:23 PM
I had someone do that to me a couple months ago. After talking with my guildies, I learned two things. One, he had done it to other people in the past and two, he was in my guild. Least the 2nd part was easy to fix.
12-03-2010, 03:45 PM
Is this what the cool kids are doing now? Man I gotta take notes...
12-03-2010, 03:54 PM
Is this what the cool kids are doing now? Man I gotta take notes...
not only that but in order to be supremely awesome you got to learn to grease the 5x5 puzzle until rainbow shows.
12-03-2010, 03:57 PM
pm with a name please
I alluded to this incident on the Khyber-Shroud post regarding how pitiful shroud pugs are.
This is just another example a pitiful excuse for a human being.
And i hope he gets a great deeal on death in the future....his karma is tainted. I would not want him running with me or my crew....but we have standards (yes they are low...but we do have them!) obviously others do not.
12-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Oh Oh OH!
You should totally invite them to your next run, then not heal or buff them at all.
Oh and don't forget the grease! :D
12-03-2010, 04:21 PM
Last night we had a guy fall on the way to VoD and die, followed by an immediate "XXX has left your party". Obvious ragequit. I loled.
12-03-2010, 05:05 PM
not only that but in order to be supremely awesome you got to learn to grease the 5x5 puzzle until rainbow shows.
Not a problem,just get FOM...lasts longer than the grease will.
12-03-2010, 05:18 PM
Not a problem,just get FOM...lasts longer than the grease will.
touche' but did you account for my lev 1 summon monster hell hound who will walk all over your 5x5 muhahahaha lol
edit: you say youll water the puzzle or destroy the crystal fair enough ill loot the 2 available chest and rage quit muhahaha.
At least that is what an extremely awesome player would do
12-03-2010, 05:36 PM
I need a snorkel! I'm drowning in the sarcasm! ;)
+1 Rep
12-03-2010, 06:31 PM
touche' but did you account for my lev 1 summon monster hell hound who will walk all over your 5x5 muhahahaha lol
edit: you say youll water the puzzle or destroy the crystal fair enough ill loot the 2 available chest and rage quit muhahaha.
At least that is what an extremely awesome player would do
How about casting dim door on Harry at end fight of part 5...poof! all your dps peep just dim doored out when instead of hitting Harry,they hit your dim door.
12-04-2010, 04:28 AM
Sadly what people don't realize is you should wait until you get to part three and immediately break the crystal to your room before dropping group.
12-04-2010, 05:04 AM
But Lelo, that would be too obvious.
12-04-2010, 05:31 AM
Is this what the cool kids are doing now? Man I gotta take notes...
Yeah, it's what we're doing. PM me for the really good stuff.
12-04-2010, 11:24 AM
after hearing the name I started to remember I similar experience with a similar toon
If recollection serves said person DC'd after pt2 ToD and change toons. I dont remember if there was a tell or not but several ppl said he must have hit wrong toon but I couldnt help thinking...How does that happen? Guessing he was looking for an item from pt 2 chest and didnt want to complete and have to wait 3 days to try again. Didnt really put that together until now.
12-04-2010, 11:29 AM
Dear player who shall remain nameless:
Thank you so much for joining our Shroud raid-group last night. Your sub-standard contribution aside, we appreciated you joining us. I know the Shroud can be intimidating, especially when we are running it short-handed like that. But you did fine and managed to not take too much damage from those nasty portals in part one.
I know you didn't get a small shard like you'd hoped for in part one but you admirably continued forward with us. And I can understand how you DCed like that while zoning into part two. It's happened to many people. And I can also understand how instead of coming back we were struck with the message "(Party) [Party]: XXXX has left your party." It's obvious to me that after the game crashed you simply clicked on the wrong character, thus logging onto an alt and accidentally dropping from our group. That's okay. I'm sure sending a tell to let us know what happen was difficult given the need to continue on with your gaming activities. I probably would have done the same.
Please know that we don't hold any hard feelings. You are more than welcome to join us again for any quests. You may experience what you consider to be "greefing" but it will just be us having some good natured fun with you. I promise.
And further we don't hold the actions of one person against an entire guild. I'm not that kind of guy. I would never promote a Black List on our guild website of people and their actions against our members. That wouldn't be appropriate.
So once again I want to thank you for dropping from our group. Please join us again just so you can drop mid-quest like that any time.
Checking forum address... yes, Ghallanda... Thought I was suddenly transported to Khyber.
This needed a forum post? Things that slow over in THAC0? :D
12-04-2010, 11:34 AM
PM name? Curious.
12-04-2010, 05:01 PM
LMAO! Awesome, glad I'm not the only one who needs to rant about stuff like this! :D
P.S. If you get the chance I'd love to know the name please, I know it's probably not the same person but this made me think of someone I know from the Eu. Thanks!
12-04-2010, 05:05 PM
pm with a name please
Oh no Matty Six is here! Add me on friends on MyDDO :D ... Hope you didn't forget who i am.
12-04-2010, 11:26 PM
Checking forum address... yes, Ghallanda... Thought I was suddenly transported to Khyber.
This needed a forum post? Things that slow over in THAC0? :D
Hey, we can't let you Khyberites have all the drama! :cool:
And for all of those asking for a PM on the name I want to be clear that I am trying to be discrete here. There may be someone who dropped some stronger hints ( but I'm not the kind of guy to play that kind of game. ;)
12-04-2010, 11:49 PM
When I stepped into this thread I got sarcasm all over my boots. That gunk is hard to clean off! :rolleyes:
12-05-2010, 05:36 PM
How about casting dim door on Harry at end fight of part 5...poof! all your dps peep just dim doored out when instead of hitting Harry,they hit your dim door.
Great idea! Please remember me to do it whenever I enter a Shroud again. :D
12-05-2010, 05:49 PM
Maybe his Mom told him it was bedtime?
12-06-2010, 01:11 AM
bah power hungry cannuck mountie u know what u can do. and hurry up and delete that returner halfling build omg so sad it still exists
12-06-2010, 06:27 AM
It may or may have not been me on a mystery alt... I find it amusing to grief my own guild. ^_^
12-06-2010, 09:08 AM
Idk... maybe he thought it was a good time to go snatch that large quantity of donuts, cause they wouldn't be well protected at that time. Not sure, just a suspicion. Have you checked your stash? :D
It may or may have not been me on a mystery alt... I find it amusing to grief my own guild. ^_^
Bloody knows all too well about being GREEF'd by a guildie :) best done in pugs/he is leading/he dies in a trap/i get to his stone on my stealth FvS.....:)
He was not happy with being called a noob and costing us 10% in party chat....but once i let him know it was me....HE WAS REALLY ****ED :) Then we laughed really hard and finished the raid......
Ah good times....good times.
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