View Full Version : Amalaf - ***?
11-16-2010, 11:47 PM
Has anyone raided with her? I ran a hound run with her th other night with my fighter/tank. She is seriously the meanest controlling DDO player I have run into. She was so mean that one guy rage quit, and another was clearly cryig over the mic. Has anyone ever run with mean players? Share your experiencees here.
PS, message to moderators, this post is a joke(but she is mean), you can delete it if you feel it is necessary. Sorry to make more work for you. =)
11-16-2010, 11:50 PM
Has anyone raided with her? I ran a hound run with her th other night with my fighter/tank. She is seriously the meanest controlling DDO player I have run into. She was so mean that one guy rage quit, and another was clearly cryig over the mic. Has anyone ever run with mean players? Share your experiencees here.
At first I was like 'HOORAY!!!'
PS, message to moderators, this post is a joke(but she is mean), you can delete it if you feel it is necessary. Sorry to make more work for you. =)
And then I was like 'NO!!!!!'
Thanks for the let down... I came in here for drama, and all I got out of it was a post-count pad.
11-16-2010, 11:52 PM
Once I read about that crying... I figured it was either a joke or...
The guy crying needs to rake up some money after his mother cancelled his WoW account and go back there.
11-16-2010, 11:57 PM
Drama fail.
11-16-2010, 11:58 PM
11-16-2010, 11:58 PM
This got my hopes up, too. (I'm a fan of D&S.)
11-17-2010, 12:01 AM
I'd love to add my experience to the thread (from about a year ago, and the people concerned don't seem to have forgotten what i said in guild about it at the time, after one of my guildies saw fit to break guild trust and pass on what i'd said), but to do so regarding an individuals name is probably against forums rules.
Enough said xD
Coit out~
ps. (this happened when i was in a different guild, no Farmer would act that way :).
11-17-2010, 02:49 AM
/falling asleep
11-17-2010, 03:13 AM
Coithealz And All "coit" Toons Do Not Exist I Refuse To Believe Such Nonsense. I've Been Through A Life Without Seeing One
11-17-2010, 03:56 AM
Coithealz And All "coit" Toons Do Not Exist I Refuse To Believe Such Nonsense. I've Been Through A Life Without Seeing One
i dunno...
I've run with a number of coit toons, although it might have all been a dream...
11-17-2010, 05:30 AM
i dunno...
I've run with a number of coit toons, although it might have all been a dream...
more like a nightmare...
(;) sorry it was too obvious)
11-17-2010, 08:29 AM
I thought I saw one of Coit's toons in Sands once, but when I ran up to greet him I found out it was just a mirage. All that heat does funny things to the eyes you know!
The mean people dont really bother me.In one ear out the other.
Now the whiny think they know everything people, they make my day.I dont know whybut they make me chuckle.
Yeah every time I raid with her she steals my lunch money!!!
11-17-2010, 05:19 PM
I think some of you misunderstand Ama.... The only time takes control is when I refuse to say anything less you're really getting on my Nerves, also when some people don't know what they are doing. or they do something stupid..... The kind of things that wipes parties, or just plain stupid like I said before..... and Coit as far as you go..... I remember what it was about... We was running Genesis Point... and you said we needed a cleric.... Which we didn't need one STILL don't need one... if you needed a cleric maybe you should rethink your build, Your guildie had no problem sticking in there and we did finish without a problem. Enjoy...... Battlerdy
11-17-2010, 05:28 PM
Has anyone raided with her? I ran a hound run with her th other night with my fighter/tank. She is seriously the meanest controlling DDO player I have run into. She was so mean that one guy rage quit, and another was clearly cryig over the mic. Has anyone ever run with mean players? Share your experiencees here.
PS, message to moderators, this post is a joke(but she is mean), you can delete it if you feel it is necessary. Sorry to make more work for you. =)
lol I've run with her several times and up till I got to the crying over mic part I was going ***? Cause she is like TOTALLY way meaner than that.
11-17-2010, 05:29 PM
AM is a big meanie an hurt my feelings :(
11-17-2010, 05:29 PM
Boooo You Deleted My Post Already
11-17-2010, 06:53 PM
AM is a big meanie an hurt my feelings :(
as right she should!!!! and don't sign like that....i am the true az!
11-17-2010, 07:37 PM
Amalaf - ***?
Has anyone raided with her? I ran a hound run with her th other night with my fighter/tank. She is seriously the meanest controlling DDO player I have run into. She was so mean that one guy rage quit, and another was clearly cryig over the mic. Has anyone ever run with mean players? Share your experiencees here
Amalaf is far from mean, I have known her to be: Very Direct, if she has the star or not if you are playing like a "Mis-Guided-Panzie" you will be told about it, when directions are laid out and someone doesnt follow, they will be enlightened, if you run amuk and aggro mobs, then come running back to the group, if she is on her cleric you will die.... and after she has asked you what is your malfuction is, you might feel like curling up in the fetal position.
What I have experianced she is easy going and love's to laugh hince the name Amalaf and she is on mic alot of the time "What a nice Voice"; my personal opion is the moment a Female DDO players put's someone in check, alot of us men do one of two things role with it, or become a jerk; is it because all they hear is the voice and assume it's... blah blah nag nag nag and you blah blah blah nag nag nag, and dismiss it that I am not sure of.
To make it clear if it still is not; if your doing the right thing she's an Angle, if your doing the wrong thing her name is "Amayell"
11-17-2010, 07:54 PM
Coithealz And All "coit" Toons Do Not Exist I Refuse To Believe Such Nonsense. I've Been Through A Life Without Seeing One
LOL, that's cause Coit lives in Amrath, everyone knows that, i'm sure there's a monument out there somewhere that says 'Coit lives here' xD.
Coit out~
11-17-2010, 08:05 PM
Take ppl for who you want to... they're only as "mean" as you let them be :rolleyes: .... as for the rest of em... well ...meh :cool:
11-22-2010, 09:41 PM
No,but she does like forming epic OOB runs then ditching the group before they can get underway.
11-22-2010, 09:49 PM
No,but she does like forming epic OOB runs then ditching the group before they can get underway.
I remember her now.
11-22-2010, 11:15 PM
No,but she does like forming epic OOB runs then ditching the group before they can get underway.
You mean the one that I saw..and was gonna try to join but when I logged to a diff toon her B/F..took over?
11-23-2010, 07:07 AM
Mean? Naaw. She just doesn't put up with BS. Well, maybe sometimes for a minute. Then someone gets PUNISHED! :D
Jhengji ( mum/ict)
11-23-2010, 07:11 AM
she might be mean, but she's a goood player to run with. unless your on her bad side..:eek:
12-06-2010, 10:00 AM
I love Ama. I haven't grouped with her in so long but she's never done anything to bother me. She is very opinionated and I think alot of people are bothered by her verbalization of whatever it is that she is feeling at that moment. To some that's a B----. to me it's a more urgent form of communication. Obviously if I hear a question that starts with "Why the F" then there is some aspect of importance. Blunt comments does not constitute rude behavior. The only time I've ever heard her go off on someone is when they were doing something they shouldn't have been doing or not listening to verbal instructions. She's knows her way around all of her toons and in any dungeon and I think she expects the same thing from the people she groups with. If you don't follow instructions in Hound or ToD then you are likely to get cussed out or squelched but other than that what is the problem? Here are some tips for dealing with said individual.
1)Voice chat on incase intructions are given verbaly.
2)If you need to AFK then say so and make sure you don't have items in your inventory that are required to complete.
3)Stay within healing range.
4)Mind the dungeon alert.
5)Expect profanity. (Maybe not at you but in general)
6)If you see VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BIASED on the LFM notes then people might be picky about what they want and who they want it from. If your unsure about your character or it's a difficult dungeon then consider another LFM. Especially if your offended easily.
12-06-2010, 10:07 AM
Amalaf is an awesome healer/player
12-06-2010, 10:17 AM
I have enjoyed being in some raids with her.
They all went fine and i personally haven't heard her being mean to anyone - i've witnessed the opposite though.
I think she's sweet :)
12-06-2010, 04:44 PM
Only crying? Geesh...clearly that person has never run with zadraforged and been the source of the problem for the quest.
oh and nice necro btw.
12-06-2010, 05:15 PM
To make it clear if it still is not; if your doing the right thing she's an Angle, if your doing the wrong thing her name is "Amayell"
So you're saying she's an acute angle and not an obtuse angle?
12-06-2010, 10:41 PM
Only crying? Geesh...clearly that person has never run with zadraforged and been the source of the problem for the quest.
oh and nice necro btw.
Zad is the nicest guy on the server. He is like a cuddly puppy that loves drinking out of the toilet.
12-08-2010, 02:05 PM
Has anyone raided with her? I ran a hound run with her th other night with my fighter/tank. She is seriously the meanest controlling DDO player I have run into. She was so mean that one guy rage quit, and another was clearly cryig over the mic. Has anyone ever run with mean players? Share your experiencees here.
PS, message to moderators, this post is a joke(but she is mean), you can delete it if you feel it is necessary. Sorry to make more work for you. =)
I ran my first Shroud with her. She was INCREDIBLY mean to me. Told me to jump into the portal so we wouldn't die, I do, we die, I say sorry and I am gonna drop (I wasn't going to, as everyone was laughing, I was just trying to be funny) and she laid into me with both barrels. I was quiet, she kept berating me the rest of the quest, when we finished I sent her a tell that I would never group with her again because she genuinely hurt my feelings. She seemed to soften up a little after that, apparently she had some bad experiences with male players and takes it out on everyone else. I told her, and I think you can agree, she is the finest cleric I have ever grouped with, hands down. But yeah, if you do not have THICK skin, do not join her groups. And if you do, for all that is holy and good, DON'T die.
I think the issue people have is no one logs into DDO to get verbally assaulted, a little tact goes a LONG way. To whoever annoyed her enough to ruin it for the rest of us, you suck. That is all.
12-09-2010, 10:28 PM
I'd love to add my experience to the thread (from about a year ago, and the people concerned don't seem to have forgotten what i said in guild about it at the time, after one of my guildies saw fit to break guild trust and pass on what i'd said), but to do so regarding an individuals name is probably against forums rules.
Enough said xD
Coit out~
ps. (this happened when i was in a different guild, no Farmer would act that way :).
/sigh.... really coit, really. what happened? wasnt in the guild you dropped to join your current was it?
12-10-2010, 03:57 AM
She is a scroll-stealer.
12-10-2010, 07:58 AM
Amalaf - "the first person I decide NOT to boot drops" :D
12-12-2010, 11:20 AM
More posts about me please.
12-12-2010, 11:30 AM
Never had a problem with her.
She expects you to either (a) know the quest or (b) say if you don't. In fact, given those parameters I've found she and battlerdy are both willing teachers.
12-12-2010, 11:51 PM
We get along great!!!!!! We both think you're all idiots. :D
J/K ....................mostly :p
Only crying? Geesh...clearly that person has never run with zadraforged and been the source of the problem for the quest.
oh and nice necro btw.
I guess the op should be glad that I'm on ddo sabatical while i play cataclysm heh
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