View Full Version : My first griefing experience
11-15-2010, 12:31 AM
I've been playing DDO for a little over a year now. During that time, I've run with some really nice people, some huge jerks, and the occasional wierdo. What happened to me last night really threw me though.
I was running my lvl 5 Paladin and saw an LFM up for Harbor quests. When I joined, there was a sorc (party leader), a cleric and another pallie, all lvls 4 and 5. They wanted to do Kobold's New Ringleader, which I had no problems with. We run through the quest and when we get to the end fight, the sorc starts spamming grease throughout the entire room. I continuously fall down and get owned by Bloodknuckles. I try running to the shrine, but I am JUST out of reach. As I rubberband back, I noticed that the other paladin had picked up my soulstone and I figured he was running me back to the shrine to rez. Instead, they took me to the room opposite the final chest and dropped my stone.
When I rubberbanded back, all three of them were dancing around my dropped stone. The leader says to me that I needed to get my balance up. I rezzed out of the quest and they said 'What happened with that guy?' and then booted me from the group.
I kept an eye on their LFM and noticed that another melee character had joined them and that they were doing Kobold's New Ringleader also. What was interesting was that all of them were out of the quest and he was the only one in. I sent him a tell asking if what had happened to me had also happened to him and he answered in the affirmative.
As much as I like to play this game, it's people like that who really make me rethink why it is I play.
11-15-2010, 12:53 AM
Report for griefing. Suggest the other person do the same. Those 3 might take a little enforced holiday.
11-15-2010, 01:04 AM
Wow! I wish a caster had dropped a fireball on all of that grease and burnt all of those punks to a crisp!
11-15-2010, 01:06 AM
Question,The three of them weren't in the same guild were they?
If so,might want to have a chat with that guild leader.
11-15-2010, 02:03 AM
Question,The three of them weren't in the same guild were they?
If so,might want to have a chat with that guild leader.
It's probably a guild of three and one of them being the guild leader.
11-15-2010, 02:12 AM
Can you PM me their names please?
11-15-2010, 02:13 AM
Report for griefing and move on.
You will meet people like this in life, best to try and put it behind you otherwise they win again
11-15-2010, 02:13 AM
I guess there's always one trd in the PUGbowl.
Sorry about that. I would have burned those names into my brain and filed that one under "to be continued..."
11-15-2010, 04:17 AM
lol what a terrible story... cant help laughing at it, but i m sure being part of it must have been more stressing
anyway, you are a vet obvisouly, so you should survive missing one chest in a lvl 2 quest, you got the xp, the reward and can probably afford the repair bill.
report them for their attitude, make sure their guild is known for being absolute ass and moove on
11-15-2010, 04:27 AM
Wow, I really hope you took SS's and reported this.
Agree with what was said here, don't play into their game, many times manipulating piles of garbage like this will turn things around and end up making the victim turn into the guilty.
I'd say what I would love to do to people like this but it would get me infraction points.......let's just say it would be sadistic and I wouldn't feel a shred of guilt about it at all.
Most people are pretty cool in this game....almost all of them are, but there are some losers who have absolutely no life and this is there "safe" place to cause trouble. Most cyber-bullies are absolute spineless cowards in real life....take comfort in that at least.
11-15-2010, 10:57 AM
Please PM their names and report them.
11-15-2010, 11:11 AM
I've been playing DDO for a little over a year now. During that time, I've run with some really nice people, some huge jerks, and the occasional wierdo. What happened to me last night really threw me though.
I was running my lvl 5 Paladin and saw an LFM up for Harbor quests. When I joined, there was a sorc (party leader), a cleric and another pallie, all lvls 4 and 5. They wanted to do Kobold's New Ringleader, which I had no problems with. We run through the quest and when we get to the end fight, the sorc starts spamming grease throughout the entire room. I continuously fall down and get owned by Bloodknuckles. I try running to the shrine, but I am JUST out of reach. As I rubberband back, I noticed that the other paladin had picked up my soulstone and I figured he was running me back to the shrine to rez. Instead, they took me to the room opposite the final chest and dropped my stone.
When I rubberbanded back, all three of them were dancing around my dropped stone. The leader says to me that I needed to get my balance up. I rezzed out of the quest and they said 'What happened with that guy?' and then booted me from the group.
I kept an eye on their LFM and noticed that another melee character had joined them and that they were doing Kobold's New Ringleader also. What was interesting was that all of them were out of the quest and he was the only one in. I sent him a tell asking if what had happened to me had also happened to him and he answered in the affirmative.
As much as I like to play this game, it's people like that who really make me rethink why it is I play.
Thats a bummer dude,like others have said report them,on another note if you are ever lookin for someone to group up with let me know.I have a lowbie that just made level 8 yesterday. smashabomber is his name.send me a message in game if im on him and I will help you if ya want ;)
One of my guild mates told a story of a similar thing happening at the end of Crucible in the chest area. Just this last weekend. It is regrettable that we cannot name these buggers and identify them for who they are. Turbine really needs to revisit that policy.
Report them, that is all you can do.
11-15-2010, 12:26 PM
That sucks, but it does happen.
Please PM me names if you don't mind.
11-15-2010, 12:39 PM
lol what a terrible story... cant help laughing at it, but i m sure being part of it must have been more stressing
anyway, you are a vet obvisouly, so you should survive missing one chest in a lvl 2 quest, you got the xp, the reward and can probably afford the repair bill.
report them for their attitude, make sure their guild is known for being absolute ass and moove on
I don't understand how you can find this story the least bit amusing.
Then you attempt to trivialize the incident with your subsequent comments.
I find it completely incomprehensible how you can take such a dismissive and apologist stance over such blatantly obvious bullying behaviour.
That sucks, but it does happen.
Please PM me names if you don't mind.
There are no buts, it just sucks that people would put time and energy into being this nasty to another person.
If I saw someone push you over on the street and laugh at you, after helping you up I wouldn't say to you 'hey that sucks, but it happens', I'd be calling the police to report that I'd just witnessed an assault.
11-15-2010, 12:44 PM
I've been playing DDO for a little over a year now. During that time, I've run with some really nice people, some huge jerks, and the occasional wierdo. What happened to me last night really threw me though.
I was running my lvl 5 Paladin and saw an LFM up for Harbor quests. When I joined, there was a sorc (party leader), a cleric and another pallie, all lvls 4 and 5. They wanted to do Kobold's New Ringleader, which I had no problems with. We run through the quest and when we get to the end fight, the sorc starts spamming grease throughout the entire room. I continuously fall down and get owned by Bloodknuckles. I try running to the shrine, but I am JUST out of reach. As I rubberband back, I noticed that the other paladin had picked up my soulstone and I figured he was running me back to the shrine to rez. Instead, they took me to the room opposite the final chest and dropped my stone.
When I rubberbanded back, all three of them were dancing around my dropped stone. The leader says to me that I needed to get my balance up. I rezzed out of the quest and they said 'What happened with that guy?' and then booted me from the group.
I kept an eye on their LFM and noticed that another melee character had joined them and that they were doing Kobold's New Ringleader also. What was interesting was that all of them were out of the quest and he was the only one in. I sent him a tell asking if what had happened to me had also happened to him and he answered in the affirmative.
As much as I like to play this game, it's people like that who really make me rethink why it is I play.
Please pm me the names/guild
11-15-2010, 12:58 PM
Please PM their names and report them.
Yes, PM me their names, and/or the guild.
I just started a new veteran cleric to play with my friends since they are low level. And she's right in that level range. No way would I want to play with these jerks.
11-15-2010, 01:12 PM
When someone needs to make someone else smaller in order to feel better about themselves, it must be that deep inside they really are wussy beings without a glimpse of self confidence...
Once you look at it that way, you will start just being sorry for them.
/Move on
11-15-2010, 01:32 PM
I find it completely incomprehensible how you can take such a dismissive and apologist stance over such blatantly obvious bullying behaviour.
Don't you know it's just a game and anything's fine as long as it's funny to someone. Getting annoyed by people on the internet no matter what they do just means you're too sensitive! :rolleyes:
For more information on bullying (, there are a few excellent websites out there.
When someone needs to make someone else smaller in order to feel better about themselves, it must be that deep inside they really are wussy beings without a glimpse of self confidence...
Once you look at it that way, you will start just being sorry for them.
/Move on
/report (autosquelch)
if bullies look likely to do this to other people too:
Which is exactly what the OP did. Enough reports and even pathetic bullies can learn to exhibit appropriate behaviour. Or not.
PM names and guild please, I do sometimes play on Cannith.
11-15-2010, 01:46 PM
These guys are in my level range, can you please PM me names (to avoid their PUGS).
ps. very annoying to be sure.
11-15-2010, 01:50 PM
Remember when you were in kindergarten and you were on the playground during recess and you decided it would be really fun to get on that big metal merry-go-round? So you go and get on but you just can't push it very fast yourself so it isn't much fun. That's when a 1st-grader shows up and offers to push it for you. You excitedly say yes. And the 1st-grader starts pushing it round and round using some new pushing technique you'd never quite thought of before. You go faster and faster and its so much fun. But then you start to feel a little queasy and tell the 1st-grader that you want to get off. The 1st-grader smiles and says "ok!" but proceeds to push the merry-go-round even faster than before. What seems like an eternity goes on as the merry-go-round keeps spinning and spinning and you can't figure out why this 1st-grader is making you stay on when you clearly want to leave. This continues until finally you can't stand it any longer. You lose your lunch, quite literally, all over the little stones that cover the playground. And that really sucks because they had pizza and french fries today and now, due to this traumatic incident you will never look at pizza and french fries quite the same way.
The moral of the story is that the three players you describe, OP, were 1st-graders. This is also what is known as being a d*ck. I hope they receive everything that is coming to them, namely an evil boss who makes them work unpaid overtime, a 400 lb. spouse, and the herpes.
11-15-2010, 01:56 PM
This is why I almost ever pug. You could tell me to not let one bad apple ruin it, but it;s been more than a few with me. Soloings more fun anyway.
11-15-2010, 04:29 PM
"Originally Posted by d4rkstars
lol what a terrible story... cant help laughing at it, but i m sure being part of it must have been more stressing
anyway, you are a vet obvisouly, so you should survive missing one chest in a lvl 2 quest, you got the xp, the reward and can probably afford the repair bill.
report them for their attitude, make sure their guild is known for being absolute ass and moove on."
I don't understand how you can find this story the least bit amusing.
*Raises Hand* I do!
Then you attempt to trivialize the incident with your subsequent comments.
There was no attempt to trivialize the 'incident', getting punked in a 2 minute level 2 harbor quest ranks somewhere between a mustard burp and a mild toe stub on the Trivianometer, leaning more toward the mustard burp.
Mild Video Game Punkage<-------------Scale of Triviality----------->Being Raped By Rabid Clowns
<--*You Are Here*
I find it completely incomprehensible how you can take such a dismissive and apologist stance over such blatantly obvious bullying behaviour.
dis·mis·sive - indicating lack of interest or approbation; scornful; disdainful
He wasn't being very dismissive, I on the other hand....
a·pol·o·gist - a person who makes a defense in speech or writing of a belief, idea, etc.
Hmm, I see where you are getting that from, since he was defending them when he said, "they were totally not buttholes, and I think they were in the right, those guys are pretty cool and did nothing wrong"... waaaiit, hmm, he appears to have been chastising their behavior rather than defending it... I do not think this means what you think it means.
"Originally Posted by Nines9
That sucks, but it does happen.
Please PM me names if you don't mind."
There are no buts, it just sucks that people would put time and energy into being this nasty to another person.
If I saw someone push you over on the street and laugh at you, after helping you up I wouldn't say to you 'hey that sucks, but it happens', I'd be calling the police to report that I'd just witnessed an assault.
You are equating the trivial discomfort of some mild video game hazing to a physical assault?! Have you seen the outside? No, really, you should get out there. I hear they have trees and people you can talk to without a ptt button and stuff. It's pretty rad.
11-15-2010, 05:21 PM
Its a shame that the OP didn't post this story on another, probably hypothetical, unmoderated forum where he could have just named names without worrying about infraction points. If such a forum did exist then this would be the sort of thing they'd store in their vault.
11-15-2010, 09:16 PM
The offenders have been reported. There are a couple of reasons why I decided to post something on the forum about this. First off, yes, it is a rather childish prank to play and seems insignificant, but it's the breach of etiquette that really ticked me off. I come to DDO to have fun and relax. I'm very happy with the people I run with most often, but recently it just seems like people have gotten downright nasty about stuff. Over the last couple of days, I've been really put off about playing because of some of the things I've seen and heard.
Yes, I'm over it, but I just wanted to let people know about it so they can be on the lookout in the future.
11-15-2010, 09:24 PM
Please PM names and guild(s).
11-15-2010, 09:28 PM
If this was a calamitonian (The Guild of Calamitous Intent), my guild, I want their names yesterday.
In fact, if anyone has a problem with The Guild of Calamitous Intent on Cannith, send me names and tell me what happened. We are pretty strict about behavior like this.
11-15-2010, 09:48 PM
Stopped reading at "saw an LFM up for Harbor quests". Whatever the rant was is always about some PUGging jerk of which there's plenty, so it's safe to just drop group at the first sign.
(then squelch then report if they push it)
11-15-2010, 10:08 PM
i actually agree with the original poster
Yes, it was a harbour quest. Yes he could have done it with a henchie while blindfolded. Yes it only takes 5 minutes.
That's not the point.
Nothing gives someone the right to act like that to another player - nothing. It's one thing a bit of friendly banter & teasing in party chat - we all do it (you should see what my guild tends to say about haflings). It's quite another to deliberatly grief a player like this. Remember - these players may one day become lvl 20's & it would be no fun for anyone if they did this in shroud or tod. & Yes, hopefully they will move on to another mmo before then, but we all know that sometimes they dont.
Please pm names and guild
And finally, don't get discouraged - i run with a lot of pugs and almost everyone is a decent person (of course if they are competent is another matter, ;) )
11-15-2010, 11:40 PM
I don't understand how you can find this story the least bit amusing.
*Raises Hand* I do!
You probably find it funny when people have accidents and hurt themselve's too.
Then you attempt to trivialize the incident with your subsequent comments.
There was no attempt to trivialize the 'incident'..
From the Oxford Dictionary:
trivialize verb (British English also -ise)
ˈtrɪviəlaɪz ˈtrɪviəlaɪz
trivialize something (usually disapproving)
to make something seem less important, serious, difficult, etc. than it really is
You're attempting to trivialize the incident right there by referring to my description of it in inverted commas.
Are you trying to call into question the validity of the use of that word to describe what occurred?
..getting punked in a 2 minute level 2 harbor quest ranks somewhere between a mustard burp and a mild toe stub on the Trivianometer, leaning more toward the mustard burp.
Mild Video Game Punkage<-------------Scale of Triviality----------->Being Raped By Rabid Clowns
<--*You Are Here*
You've just attempted to trivialize the incident again.
There's nothing trivial about a group of people setting out to consciously sabotage someone elses gaming experience.
Being nasty to other people in order to cause them distress is not trivial.
It's called bullying and it's against the rules and the law in almost every civilized human community.
I find it completely incomprehensible how you can take such a dismissive and apologist stance over such blatantly obvious bullying behaviour.
dis·mis·sive - indicating lack of interest or approbation; scornful; disdainful
He wasn't being very dismissive..
From the Oxford Dictionary:
feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration:
..cant help laughing at it you should survive missing one chest in a lvl 2 quest
..can probably afford the repair bill.
These are all dismissive comments.
I on the other hand....
At least you admit it.
a·pol·o·gist - a person who makes a defense in speech or writing of a belief, idea, etc.
Hmm, I see where you are getting that from, since he was defending them when he said, "they were totally not buttholes, and I think they were in the right, those guys are pretty cool and did nothing wrong"... waaaiit, hmm, he appears to have been chastising their behavior rather than defending it... I do not think this means what you think it means.
From the Oxford Dictionary:
apologist noun
əˈpɒlədʒɪst əˈpɑːlədʒɪst
apologist (for somebody/something)
a person who tries to explain and defend something, especially a political system or religious ideas
lol what a terrible story... cant help laughing at it, but i m sure being part of it must have been more stressing
anyway, you are a vet obvisouly, so you should survive missing one chest in a lvl 2 quest, you got the xp, the reward and can probably afford the repair bill.
report them for their attitude, make sure their guild is known for being absolute ass and moove on
The fact that he was trying to laugh it off and downplay the seriousness of it, makes him seem like an apologist for the kind of behavior the OP was complaining about.
There are no buts, it just sucks that people would put time and energy into being this nasty to another person.
If I saw someone push you over on the street and laugh at you, after helping you up I wouldn't say to you 'hey that sucks, but it happens', I'd be calling the police to report that I'd just witnessed an assault.
You are equating the trivial discomfort of some mild video game hazing to a physical assault?! Have you seen the outside? No, really, you should get out there. I hear they have trees and people you can talk to without a ptt button and stuff. It's pretty rad.
Hazing is just another word for bullying or assault.
I think you've made you stance on the subject quite clear.
11-16-2010, 01:48 AM
You probably find it funny when people have accidents and hurt themselve's too.
Yup. There is however a difference between slapstick comedy and a burning bus full of nuns, at least to most people.
You've just attempted to trivialize the incident again.
You missed my point, nobody was *trying* to trivialize someone getting pranked in a video game, it doesn't need to be trivialized as it is already trivial. To trivialize something that already is so would require some highly theoretical Quantam Triviality which I don't feel qualified to expound upon.
Hazing is just another word for bullying or assault.
Sure, if you look at it in a binary on/off black/white sort of way and ignore the matter of degree completely.
I think you've made you stance on the subject quite clear.
That's the last I'll chime in on this, judging from what you've written the possibility of you and I seeing eye to eye on anything is slim to none, and the chance of either swaying the other's opinion is even less.
11-16-2010, 09:05 AM
highly theoretical Quantam Triviality which I don't feel qualified to expound upon.
The Quantum Triviality Field theory: All possible trivialities exist simultaneously until the core situation is observed, at which point, the QTF collapses, leaving behind only a single triviality to vex the observer.
Of course, there is also the Triviality Relativity Theory as well. A situation is only as trivial as it's relative position to you.
11-16-2010, 09:14 AM
If this was a calamitonian (The Guild of Calamitous Intent), my guild, I want their names yesterday.
In fact, if anyone has a problem with The Guild of Calamitous Intent on Cannith, send me names and tell me what happened. We are pretty strict about behavior like this.
Based on the names sent (only 1 of the 3 was available on myddo, and based on what the op said in his pm) they are not in your guild. The one name available on myddo was unguilded. But take that for what its worth - not much - myddo is broken and it doesnt look like a fix is coming soon
11-16-2010, 09:29 AM
You missed my point, nobody was *trying* to trivialize someone getting pranked in a video game, it doesn't need to be trivialized as it is already trivial. To trivialize something that already is so would require some highly theoretical Quantam Triviality which I don't feel qualified to expound upon.
The problem with "trivial" hazing in a computer game, is that often it's a screen for real bullying from people who don't know when to stop, do it to everyone, and escalate the bullying behaviour at any sign of a reaction. That's why people need to report, warn, and then move on, instead of just going "oh hey it's just a game, w/e."
People like that are proud to be bullies because they get to laugh about it with their friends. I don't know about you but I'd much rather play with people who just joke around but don't let the jokes get out of hand like that.
PS: When I was a 4th-grader, a bunch of big 6th-grader boys tried that merry-go-round trick on me. After several minutes at dizzying speed they finally stopped. I stood up and walked a straight line - out of the playground. It wasn't at school or I would have told on them despite "winning" their stupid game. I never played with them again despite being invited a few times. They respected me for winning, but I didn't respect them after what they tried to do.
11-16-2010, 09:30 AM
It's good to hear they have been reported. In my view bullying is never ok, no matter how small the incident may seem to others.
Nomaddog, any chance you could PM me with their names? Thanks.
11-16-2010, 11:24 AM
That's the last I'll chime in on this, judging from what you've written the possibility of you and I seeing eye to eye on anything is slim to none, and the chance of either swaying the other's opinion is even less.
You came along and attempted to ridicule what I posted with some inane comments then proceeded to get your @$$ handed to you on a plate.
I'd be hesitant to continue responding too if I were you. :rolleyes:
11-16-2010, 12:44 PM
11-16-2010, 01:10 PM
Cupcakes anyone? Seems like there's enough in this thread to go around.
I once dropped some noobs stone in Tear of Dhakaan, in the water right after the first shrine. It went all the way to the bottom. Now, it was good fun, and I would have gladly retrieved it, but the noob got po'd very quickly and bailed party. Seems like same sorta incident. Who knows what would have happened had OP stayed, I mean sounds a little rash in here.
11-16-2010, 01:27 PM
Who knows what would have happened had OP stayed
Here is the answer i think (quote from op) :
"I kept an eye on their LFM and noticed that another melee character had joined them and that they were doing Kobold's New Ringleader also. What was interesting was that all of them were out of the quest and he was the only one in. I sent him a tell asking if what had happened to me had also happened to him and he answered in the affirmative."
So it seems to me they would just rc after they finished dancing and leave his stone...
11-16-2010, 01:32 PM
Cupcakes anyone? Seems like there's enough in this thread to go around.
I once dropped some noobs stone in Tear of Dhakaan, in the water right after the first shrine. It went all the way to the bottom. Now, it was good fun, and I would have gladly retrieved it, but the noob got po'd very quickly and bailed party. Seems like same sorta incident. Who knows what would have happened had OP stayed, I mean sounds a little rash in here.
Not in a pug, if you take the time to be an ***hole you probably are. Pranks on a guildie is fine as they know your probably just messing around. Pugs don't normally know each other that well, so in this case it looks bad on the pug and the character of that pugs guild. I'm not saying your an ***hole, but some people are and try to justify it after the fact. ;)
11-16-2010, 04:11 PM
Not in a pug, if you take the time to be an ***hole you probably are. Pranks on a guildie is fine as they know your probably just messing around. Pugs don't normally know each other that well, so in this case it looks bad on the pug and the character of that pugs guild. I'm not saying your an ***hole, but some people are and try to justify it after the fact. ;)
So now being an ahole for the fun of it is looked down on? What else has changed since f2p? :P
11-16-2010, 09:31 PM
PM name and guild if you don't mind please
11-17-2010, 12:32 AM
You came along and attempted to ridicule what I posted with some inane comments then proceeded to get your @$$ handed to you on a plate.
I'd be hesitant to continue responding too if I were you. :rolleyes:
No mere plate could contain the magnitude of mine arse, a proper serving would require at the least a sizable and sturdy trencher. Regardless, you are correct, your masterful use of quoting the actual Oxford English Dictionary filled me with dread upon seeing the same words I had assumed you used as gross hyperbole being shown to have a completely different meaning than the one I had divined from the lesser plebeian dictionaries.
When viewed with the clarity bestowed by the mighty Oxford it turned out that the thread was riddled with apologists and trivializers whose callous and not so tacit approval of an actual assault upon another human being should fill us with horror at man's inhumanity to man. Or to elf, or whatever. I retract my earlier statement, you have shown me the error of my ways and I now see the ugly spiteful episode for the harrowing traumatic incident it truly was.
After being so thoroughly trounced with words I can feel true kinship and empathy for those who have been the victims of assault, even now I reel from the clever blows delivered by the stroke of your mighty pen, or cheeto stained keyboard, whichever.
11-17-2010, 01:14 AM
The problem with "trivial" hazing in a computer game, is that often it's a screen for real bullying from people who don't know when to stop, do it to everyone, and escalate the bullying behaviour at any sign of a reaction. That's why people need to report, warn, and then move on, instead of just going "oh hey it's just a game, w/e."
I can agree with that, but there's a tendency to make mountains out of molehills that grates on my nerves. My point about the trivial nature of the incident was more directed at a commenter jumping other posters for attempts to trivialize the incident when they were basically agreeing with the OP that it sucked and even saying to report it, but not taking it seriously enough for the commenter, or god forbid finding some black humor in it even while commiserating, after all, the only jokes decent folk find funny are the ones ending with puppies and rainbows ya?
People like that are proud to be bullies because they get to laugh about it with their friends. I don't know about you but I'd much rather play with people who just joke around but don't let the jokes get out of hand like that.
Again, in general I agree with you, but what is out of hand is highly subjective from person to person. Our guild motd of "Thou shalt ding often and hilariously" has been up for quite a while, and most of us don't blink at paying the 10% xp tax when it's just us for a good belly laugh (unless it's a pretty hefty chunk of xp, the amusement has to make up for the time lost). We're on our best behavior with others of course, but amongst ourselves the more elaborate the buddyscrewing shenanigan concocted the better as long as everything comes out in the wash by quest's end.
PS: When I was a 4th-grader, a bunch of big 6th-grader boys tried that merry-go-round trick on me. After several minutes at dizzying speed they finally stopped. I stood up and walked a straight line - out of the playground. It wasn't at school or I would have told on them despite "winning" their stupid game. I never played with them again despite being invited a few times. They respected me for winning, but I didn't respect them after what they tried to do.
True, that's bullying, but you wouldn't call it assault or truly heinous. I would consider it trivial when compared to say, a group of 16 year olds talking a 9 year old into sitting on a merry-go-round while they applied a motorbike tire to the rim. One results in dizzyness and possible embarrassment, the other in quite possible gross physical injury done with intent. It's not that your example means nothing, but compared to the crud human beings do to each other on a daily basis just for kicks it is relatively harmless.
11-17-2010, 01:17 AM
No mere plate could contain the magnitude of mine arse, a proper serving would require at the least a sizable and sturdy trencher. Regardless, you are correct, your masterful use of quoting the actual Oxford English Dictionary filled me with dread upon seeing the same words I had assumed you used as gross hyperbole being shown to have a completely different meaning than the one I had divined from the lesser plebeian dictionaries.
When viewed with the clarity bestowed by the mighty Oxford it turned out that the thread was riddled with apologists and trivializers whose callous and not so tacit approval of an actual assault upon another human being should fill us with horror at man's inhumanity to man. Or to elf, or whatever. I retract my earlier statement, you have shown me the error of my ways and I now see the ugly spiteful episode for the harrowing traumatic incident it truly was.
After being so thoroughly trounced with words I can feel true kinship and empathy for those who have been the victims of assault, even now I reel from the clever blows delivered by the stroke of your mighty pen, or cheeto stained keyboard, whichever.
you mean like your masterful quoting of whatever dictionary it is you used proved that you were right? please
also nice job not chiming in anymore, you are clearly the bigger and better man, because you know, everyone else on the internet must have cheeto encrusted fingers and have to be fat right?
No those insults are clearly the result of a refined intelligence and not the spouting of a troll looking to stir up trouble nice job!
11-17-2010, 01:41 AM
you mean like your masterful quoting of whatever dictionary it is you used proved that you were right? please
Nope, that was amateurish use of a lesser dictionary quoting the definitions of terms which had a perceived questionable use, quoting the same definitions from The Oxford was masterful considering the obvious complete incongruity of the meaning between the two. Alas, had I only started there as well...
also nice job not chiming in anymore, you are clearly the bigger and better man, because you know, everyone else on the internet must have cheeto encrusted fingers and have to be fat right?
Bigger man, ow, I see what you did there. But yeah, the cheeto thing was a shot in the dark, like a 1 in 10, but it's a scientific fact that only 90% of mmo forum posters are models and power brokers so I rolled the dice.
No those insults are clearly the result of a refined intelligence and not the spouting of a troll looking to stir up trouble nice job!
Aww shucks, yer makin me blush, it's only a hobby but I do try :)
11-17-2010, 01:42 AM
We don't really know what happened. We have one side of the story. I have done similar things to people I found extremely annoying, or harassing in quests. They want to be an arse, fine, I'll be one back. Like I said, we don't know what happened.
Could also have just been for a few laughs, granted, I would only do something like this if I knew it wouldn't 'bork' the entire quest, and wouldn't screw them out of anything(IE: Friends. Grease in forge after the mindflayer dies, and chuckle as they fall, or drop the pillars on peoples heads after we kill the titan, tossing res's after(And sometimes dropping the pillar on my own head somehow, lol)
But if, for example, we are in titan, and one particular person decides to grab a green crystal, destroy it, grab another green crystal, etc Just to force the guy behind him to heal his way though the hall? THAT guy would have his stone dropped in the lava, or to the bottom of the pit below the flayer. We'd carry onto the next part and let him sit there, or res out(and get booted)
The story the OP presented sounds like one of the two. A harmless prank/joke(And honestly, did they all RC out and leave you there, or did YOU recall out after saying anything? What really happened?)
Just saying, Don't get all your /squelch'in on till you give the other side of the story, you don't know what really happened.
11-17-2010, 09:32 PM
12-05-2010, 06:44 AM
the gui taht spiulled grease was an idiot ... that's that. noone likes grease, yoir balance could be very high but u can steel fall (i'm a monk, and sometimes my high balance just isn0pt enough.) ... if he keeps using grase even on hogher lvl's , pople are gonna get iritated.
12-05-2010, 07:08 AM
PM the names please
12-05-2010, 02:26 PM
Wow... I don't understand a people that would want to play around like that and be wasting their time for adventuring! I hope they are swiftly and seriously punished. Makes me glad I'm a soloist.
12-05-2010, 02:33 PM
Awesome idea!
Gotta try this. Now where can I get two people more...
12-05-2010, 02:53 PM
I agree with Thargnar and AMDarkwolf.
Mountains out of molehills.
Official Dev line on Grease is that it is a Party Buff.
People don't just pick up your stone and move it AWAY from shrines unless YOU have done something to seriously irritate them first.
Try having more of a sense of humor, less of a chip on your shoulder, and maybe increase your Balance.
12-05-2010, 10:31 PM
I agree with Thargnar and AMDarkwolf.
Mountains out of molehills.
Official Dev line on Grease is that it is a Party Buff.
People don't just pick up your stone and move it AWAY from shrines unless YOU have done something to seriously irritate them first.
Try having more of a sense of humor, less of a chip on your shoulder, and maybe increase your Balance.
Too late mate, someone already tried and failed.
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