11-13-2010, 06:19 AM
just some rules and for the guild that i could squeze in motd
*ddo 101 vids on youtube(look up ddo 101)
* no swearing in guild chat
* the first week you start out as a member then are promoted
* this will be speed up by talking in guild chat and being friendly
* all stundents get 5k plat once they get officer
*officer status means you can help enforce the rules or recuit but it does not mean you have to
* the guild is casual you can play at youre own pace and will not get kicked for being inactive
* if we get big enogh to do raids loot will be youre choise what to do with
* the guild chest should only be used to give good items you dont need/cant use or take 1s u can
* if any rules are broken you will be kicked or get povatesoin(time as a normal member)
*if you decide to leave tell us why and say goodbye in motd
*if any member is kicked without breaking any rule it will be invesigated
* motd can be change by anyone as long as its not offencive annoying or removing a important message
* everyone gets a second chance
* we have a sence of humor but no offencive jokes
spam or offensive language 1-14 days as a member
kicking someone without reason 10-30 days(per)
breaking a rule while a member out of guild for out of guild
please dont spam this tread or il have someone spend you to the plane of spammerwraith(read tolero(thats how u spell it i think) post)
(iv gotted some pretty bad 1s)
yes i know my spelling stinks
and im pretty sure this is where it goes
*ddo 101 vids on youtube(look up ddo 101)
* no swearing in guild chat
* the first week you start out as a member then are promoted
* this will be speed up by talking in guild chat and being friendly
* all stundents get 5k plat once they get officer
*officer status means you can help enforce the rules or recuit but it does not mean you have to
* the guild is casual you can play at youre own pace and will not get kicked for being inactive
* if we get big enogh to do raids loot will be youre choise what to do with
* the guild chest should only be used to give good items you dont need/cant use or take 1s u can
* if any rules are broken you will be kicked or get povatesoin(time as a normal member)
*if you decide to leave tell us why and say goodbye in motd
*if any member is kicked without breaking any rule it will be invesigated
* motd can be change by anyone as long as its not offencive annoying or removing a important message
* everyone gets a second chance
* we have a sence of humor but no offencive jokes
spam or offensive language 1-14 days as a member
kicking someone without reason 10-30 days(per)
breaking a rule while a member out of guild for out of guild
please dont spam this tread or il have someone spend you to the plane of spammerwraith(read tolero(thats how u spell it i think) post)
(iv gotted some pretty bad 1s)
yes i know my spelling stinks
and im pretty sure this is where it goes