View Full Version : VIP player can't buy adventure packs??

11-12-2010, 10:38 AM
I have a vip status and would like to buy tangleroot gorge adventure pack while it has special price. Can it be that VIP status prevents such thing? That is NOT good at all. I thought VIP is good thing, but if it prevents this kind of action, its BAD.

Can someone confirm how this goes please?

11-12-2010, 10:39 AM
Because you have VIP status, the store reads it as if you already have it, therefore does not list it as something to buy.

This way you don't make a mistake a buy the same thing multiple times wasting points.

Working as intended even if it means you miss out on sales.

11-12-2010, 10:52 AM
I have heard, and this is at least second hand knowledge, that you can call customer support and have them suspend your VIP for a day so you can buy packs. Whether this is true or not is suspect, but you can always call and ask; the worst they will say is no.

11-12-2010, 11:17 AM
This is one quirk of the VIP system that bugs me a little bit - I could subscribe for 2 years, then if I cancel my subscription, I would no longer be able to access any content I didn't previously buy as a "Premium" player. (Not that I plan to cancel any time soon, just an observation)

11-12-2010, 11:58 AM
This is very bad feature indeed. Actually so bad, that I will not continue my VIP. So silly, that VIP player can't enjoy the same special sell days that free players. Absolutely stupid.

11-12-2010, 12:11 PM
Never been VIP so I am just passing on something I heard that may help....

Someone else said there is a toggle somewhere in the store to 'remove filters'. This way you can buy stuff overlevel, race restricted etc...it may help with your problem.

And just in case.....you do know that you don't need to buy it since you are VIP you get access to it anyway. I don't think that is your issue, but just in case someone else reads this and gets confused I thought the point should be made.

11-16-2010, 04:48 PM
I apologize, but the Account Management department cannot downgrade a VIP player to allow access to the store.

While you do have the option to view all items, you still may not be able to purchase some items if you already have access due to VIP status. If you would like an additional check box that allows you to purchase items that you already have access to, please feel free to post in the Store Feedback (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=234)forum and request that feature.

11-16-2010, 05:40 PM
I apologize, but the Account Management department cannot downgrade a VIP player to allow access to the store.

While you do have the option to view all items, you still may not be able to purchase some items if you already have access due to VIP status. If you would like an additional check box that allows you to purchase items that you already have access to, please feel free to post in the Store Feedback (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=234)forum and request that feature.

There is a workaround. Any player that has a current VIP subscription can cancel said subscription and gain immediate access to buying adventure packs, even if their VIP status will not lapse for a month. Last time all the packs were on 25% sale, I cancelled my subscription, and within minutes was able to buy up all the packs I wanted. Once my sub lapsed, I had access to everything I had purchased. (I did keep all the purchase emails just in case, but never needed them).

If you then wish to resume your VIP subscription, you can then do so. The only downside to this is losing any special promotion subscription prices, but if you are going premium in the near future I don't see the downside.

11-24-2010, 10:16 AM
There is a workaround. Any player that has a current VIP subscription can cancel said subscription and gain immediate access to buying adventure packs, even if their VIP status will not lapse for a month. Last time all the packs were on 25% sale, I cancelled my subscription, and within minutes was able to buy up all the packs I wanted. Once my sub lapsed, I had access to everything I had purchased. (I did keep all the purchase emails just in case, but never needed them).

If you then wish to resume your VIP subscription, you can then do so. The only downside to this is losing any special promotion subscription prices, but if you are going premium in the near future I don't see the downside.

i did a 1 month sub.. on the 15th and same day i cancelled
(learned long ago my attention span doesnt warrant me to do multi-months or renewing)
but i am still locked out of the various VIP granted items in the store

11-24-2010, 10:27 AM
This is very bad feature indeed. Actually so bad, that I will not continue my VIP. So silly, that VIP player can't enjoy the same special sell days that free players. Absolutely stupid.

On the other side of the coin, they were building into the store what might be considered idiot proofing, to protect those players who even thou they already own a feature, went and purchased it a second time. This prevents potentially a lot of calls about people having wasted their money/TP buying stuff that does nothing for their account.

Imagine if the system did not check on your having purchased 32 point build access and people ended up buying it multiple times? Or any number of other features that are intended to be one time only purchase needs.

The game looks at you profile, checks off all the things you already "own" or have a license to, and then locks those out from a repeat and pointless purchase.

Quest packs go on sale routinely. Miss this one, don't worry within a few months you are likely to see most of them on sale at one time or another.

I have all sorts of accounts in the household. 1 VIP, 3 premium and 2 F2P at this point. Each has something to offer for a particular play style. (My main account is the remainin VIP and two of the premium ones used to be subs.)

11-24-2010, 12:43 PM
There is a workaround. Any player that has a current VIP subscription can cancel said subscription and gain immediate access to buying adventure packs, even if their VIP status will not lapse for a month. Last time all the packs were on 25% sale, I cancelled my subscription, and within minutes was able to buy up all the packs I wanted. Once my sub lapsed, I had access to everything I had purchased. (I did keep all the purchase emails just in case, but never needed them).

If you then wish to resume your VIP subscription, you can then do so. The only downside to this is losing any special promotion subscription prices, but if you are going premium in the near future I don't see the downside.

Would be good and wanted cheap fix for this, but no. Just tested it, this doesn't work. My current status is Pending Cancellation... and still, store doesn't allow purchases... grrrr

I undersdtand, that the world is full of morons who needs bullet proof system, to dance with. But then, why make most of us intelligent players pay for it. It should be EASY to make re-check confirmation box like "buy anyway, while I understand that I already have this in vip". I really belive, it is a good for everyone, to allow VIP players to buy stuff from store, that way VIP could even sell more. Now, it just makes me angry and never again coming back around it.

11-24-2010, 05:48 PM
If you would like the ability to "enable" the purchase of items/access you already have, please feel free to provide this feedback in the Store Discussion (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=234) forum.

11-30-2010, 02:21 PM
Quote: "While you do have the option to view all items, you still may not be able to purchase some items if you already have access due to VIP status. If you would like an additional check box that allows you to purchase items that you already have access to, please feel free to post in the Store Feedback forum and request that feature."

Everyone else who would like this please also post in the Store Feedback forum

11-30-2010, 03:13 PM
Would be good and wanted cheap fix for this, but no. Just tested it, this doesn't work. My current status is Pending Cancellation... and still, store doesn't allow purchases... grrrr

Did you check the box maked "Show all"? Because I did the exact process last year and that is how I bought all the packs (at the time) during a sale while still having over 2 weeks of VIP left.

Edit: Could be they changed something to prevent this method in the meantime though.

12-03-2010, 08:58 AM
If you would like the ability to "enable" the purchase of items/access you already have, please feel free to provide this feedback in the Store Discussion (http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=234) forum.

been there done that but
theres 3 current threads now requesting feedback on this/these scenarios in the DDO Store Feedback forum

no responses from anyone associated DDO/turbine
who/where do we go to any kind of respone?

12-03-2010, 05:17 PM
I can assure you that any feedback provided is reviewed. However, not all feedback will receive a response. (To be honest, if they responded to all of the feedback provided, they would never get anything developed or changed. ;) )