View Full Version : Need a Kiter for Thursday 9 PM ToD
11-10-2010, 10:49 AM
Everyone I normally run with got banned (I'm not kidding). Will be a hard run, killing Sulu.
Please send me a tell sometime this evening if interested.
11-10-2010, 11:32 AM
i could kite, but apparently i don't count.
11-10-2010, 11:50 AM
Like, why not get a solid fog clickie and do it yourself if you think it will be that hard to find someone else capable?
11-10-2010, 12:27 PM
Like, why not get a solid fog clickie and do it yourself if you think it will be that hard to find someone else capable?
Junk is most likely referring to the difficulty level of the raid that will chosen(norm/hard/elite) rather than anticipating how much difficulty the raid will have completing.
50/50 chance I am on by 7pm my time.. if I am on I can kite for you.
~the REAL Pants
11-10-2010, 12:51 PM
i could kite, but apparently i don't count.
It's for your own protection, with no pants you'd freeze your nuts off.
11-10-2010, 12:53 PM
Junk is most likely referring to the difficulty level of the raid that will chosen(norm/hard/elite) rather than anticipating how much difficulty the raid will have completing.
50/50 chance I am on by 7pm my time.. if I am on I can kite for you.
~the REAL Pants
You escapes the bannage?
Looks like erroneous bans will be lifted.
11-10-2010, 01:34 PM
Junk is most likely referring to the difficulty level of the raid that will chosen(norm/hard/elite) rather than anticipating how much difficulty the raid will have completing.
50/50 chance I am on by 7pm my time.. if I am on I can kite for you.
~the REAL Pants
I am even more confused by this response than the original question lol. Don't worry about it though; already got neg repped for asking a simple question.
11-10-2010, 03:21 PM
I am even more confused by this response than the original question lol. Don't worry about it though; already got neg repped for asking a simple question.
really Sam, do we need to post this formally? A bard can't kite, a ranger can't kite, a player with a fog clickey can't kite. ONLY a lvl 20 wizard or sorc can kite. God Sam I thought you would have learned this after learning that only a cleric with divine intervention or a monk with water strider can do ice wands in abbot. Maybe you should just take your negative rep and use it to partake in the next holiday event, word has it that it will be a banning experience.
11-10-2010, 03:24 PM
this 9pm EST or Pacific?
I'm never going to make one of the raids again if we don't have a few later at night.
11-11-2010, 03:16 AM
Shoot....too bad I'm not flagged. I'd love to help what little way I could...haha
I want to run in Amrath anyways, but my Guild won't go there. Too pansy I think. They're too busy doing Shroud runs and it's effin ****en me off. Guess I'm gonna have to start soloing out there a bit and see how I do. LOL
Ok had to get that off my chest somehow, but good luck to ya man.
11-11-2010, 08:37 AM
I want to run in Amrath anyways, but my Guild won't go there. Too pansy I think. They're too busy doing Shroud runs and it's effin ****en me off. Guess I'm gonna have to start soloing out there a bit and see how I do. LOL
I can run you through the flagging quests some time but I'm in the middle of TR. They are pretty evil and I understand people's trepidation before going out there. It's the hardest content in the game, harder than many of the epics (you will have to do 1-2 quests on Elite to get your Yugo favor, but Bastion on normal is harder than some of the easier epics like Big Top). When you're on your first toons it's not a bad idea to get geared up before hitting Amrath.
11-11-2010, 08:45 AM
I dont kite but can bring riggem if needed. Or mal, depends on your light monk needs vs dps needs. :)
11-11-2010, 08:48 AM
I dont kite but can bring riggem if needed. Or mal, depends on your light monk needs vs dps needs. :)
Come one, you know the banapalooza is over. Bring your halfling, we need a sacrifice.
11-11-2010, 12:19 PM
i can bring a dps mook ranger :), and also a pretty mean light monk for the adventures......:cool:
on a side note. one could be your halfling sacrifice.....maaaaaybe.
11-11-2010, 04:47 PM
No bannage (rescinded or otherwise) or warnings for me... I skipped the Mabar event entirely working on my TR.
Also, do not count on me for kiting unless you want to push back the start time to 10pm EST. I won't be getting out of work in time to be home by then.
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