View Full Version : Are you kidding me, Ghallanda?!

11-05-2010, 07:50 AM
Okay so I arrived at this server the other day, eager to get on with Shroud gear on my transfered dudes.

I've done 3 Shrouds so far and what have I got? 4 Large Bones. 4. Large. Frikking. Bones.

I'm outta here!! Bye! :p

11-05-2010, 07:54 AM
Paris Hilton would be excited about that...

11-05-2010, 07:59 AM
You've brought bad luck to our server!

The shroud would drop a minimum of 4 large scales PER RUN.

Plus chattering rings, tharnes goggles and other named items that aren't even supposed to drop in that quest.

Look what you've done!

We're boned! Four times over!

11-05-2010, 08:00 AM
You're not familiar with our advanced loot mechanic.

Each devil scale drop has a Double-Strike-Server-Crash chance of 15%. When that thing procs someone is either lucky, or we all get some time back in our day.

11-05-2010, 08:01 AM
LOL, are the generally poor rate of good chest drops in the shroud just Ghallanda specific then?

Would be the first time i've heard that theory put forward, i've always chalked it up to mean devs that want me to do 200 shrouds before i can craft 3 dual shard items.

I generally see a lge scale on average in 1 out of 10 shrouds or so (going by the 100's i've done in g-land).

From what i've seen on the forums, that is about average (not server specific... as far as i know....)

If someone knows different, then yell out, cause a whole new batch of toons may be coming to the server that drops the most larges! LOL.

Coit out~

11-05-2010, 08:10 AM
LOL, are the generally poor rate of good chest drops in the shroud just Ghallanda specific then?

Would be the first time i've heard that theory put forward, i've always chalked it up to mean devs that want me to do 200 shrouds before i can craft 3 dual shard items.

I generally see a lge scale on average in 1 out of 10 shrouds or so (going by the 100's i've done in g-land).

From what i've seen on the forums, that is about average (not server specific... as far as i know....)

If someone knows different, then yell out, cause a whole new batch of toons may be coming to the server that drops the most larges! LOL.

Coit out~

10-15 shroud runs, and 5 scale on my little barb. :)
Now everyone hate me. ^^
But yes, 1/10 seems correct on all my other characters. :(

11-05-2010, 08:18 AM
You remembered to diplo the chest, right?

11-05-2010, 08:20 AM
You remembered to diplo the chest, right?

No I didn't but if I get one more bone, I'll start intimidating them. :p

11-05-2010, 09:03 AM
Actually, we were kidding. Our resident expert rogue Dresek snuck in and swapped out your scales for bones just before you looked in the chest. We all thought it pretty funny. But I am sure that Dresek will give you back your scales if you ask him. ;)

11-05-2010, 09:10 AM
paris Hilton Would Be Excited About That...

Lol :D

11-05-2010, 09:41 AM
Paris Hilton would be excited about that...

I admit I didn't get that remark.. Is it another way of saying "And what makes you think we give a ****?" or a reference to something she's said or done?

11-05-2010, 09:47 AM
I admit I didn't get that remark.. Is it another way of saying "And what makes you think we give a ****?" or a reference to something she's said or done?

I think its more a reference to what she likes to do with Large Gnawed Bones. Y'know...


11-05-2010, 09:54 AM
I see :p
I blame my lack of understanding on the language barrier then.

11-05-2010, 10:02 AM
I think its more a reference to what she likes to do with Large Gnawed Bones. Y'know...


said bones were not gnawed before she got ahold of them

11-05-2010, 10:28 AM
Simple solution. Enter this and win and your problems will be solved. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=280382

11-05-2010, 10:44 AM
I feel your pain, I ran shroud 3 times last night and all I got were Large Bones and depleted cells :mad: My guildmate however, he pulled 2 large scales out of 3 runs! Some people have all the luck :rolleyes:

11-05-2010, 02:30 PM
feel the pain in total I think I have only loot'd 10 Large scales in the last year

Never have lootd the Bloodstone

but if you need Boots of the Innocent give me like 2 runs and you will have them :p

11-05-2010, 04:18 PM
You've brought bad luck to our server!

The shroud would drop a minimum of 4 large scales PER RUN.

Plus chattering rings, tharnes goggles and other named items that aren't even supposed to drop in that quest.

Look what you've done!

We're boned! Four times over!

Paris Hilton would be excited about that...


what are those scales good for, anyway? ^^

11-05-2010, 04:21 PM
Paris Hilton would be excited about that...

That's hot.

11-05-2010, 05:50 PM
Ok well this is sad cause I have the oppersite problem on this server so far I have run shrould 5 times and pulled 7 large scales, I dont seem to be able to pull anthing else (of course I may just be gloating :)).

11-05-2010, 06:00 PM
People may stab me for this, but in my last 9 shroud runs I've pulled 11 scales, yeah that's right, at least 1 scale each run, and in 2 of them I got a scale out of both part4, and part 5.

Although, in my last 9 shroud runs I've only seen 1 g*d D**NED Shard of Power drop, and it wasn't for me. I've got 3 Medium Shards, and Various Supreme Shards, but I'm literally 2 Tier 1 Shards from my Green Steel goodies on my monk, and my wizard. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

So yeah, it's kind of random, but in my experience, the loot on Ghalanda seems much better for me than it was on Khyber. The people are also much friendlier.

11-05-2010, 06:07 PM
What I have seen from personal experience is that different characters of mine seem to have a greater chance at pulling 1 specific type of large item.

Example: My bard seems to pull more Large Scales then all my other characters while my archer seems to pull mostly Large Bones. Guess I shouldn't have made a female archer. :rolleyes:

11-06-2010, 08:29 AM
10-15 shroud runs, and 5 scale on my little barb. :)
Now everyone hate me. ^^
But yes, 1/10 seems correct on all my other characters. :(

I hate your barb.

Ok well this is sad cause I have the oppersite problem on this server so far I have run shrould 5 times and pulled 7 large scales, I dont seem to be able to pull anthing else (of course I may just be gloating :)).

I hate you.

People may stab me for this, but in my last 9 shroud runs I've pulled 11 scales, yeah that's right, at least 1 scale each run, and in 2 of them I got a scale out of both part4, and part 5.

I hate you BIG TIME.

11-06-2010, 08:34 AM
(I'm kidding btw, I love you all actually. :p)