View Full Version : Looking for guild with many EU players.

11-02-2010, 12:11 PM
I am looking for a guild with many players from Europe.
My main character is a lvl 14 Paladin.
Send me an invite token or msg. me if you want to recruit me or have further questions.


11-02-2010, 12:13 PM
did you find one ? im interessed as well

11-04-2010, 10:43 AM
Me too. I play during evenings by CET time, and would very much be happy to join a guild with other EU players.

11-15-2010, 06:43 PM
Hey guys,

I run an EU-based guild on Cannith, but it's members are fairly short. There are only 3 or so active players, but it would be a blast if more would join. I'm on every day at varying times of the day (too much free time as a student ;)). If you're interested, look up one of my toons (Thelrhynn, Vergill, or Vielna).

All the best,

11-16-2010, 11:35 AM
Hi All,

As mentioned in the Silver Legion recruiting thread, the Silver Legion has a fair number of EU players in it. Most are in the UK, but we have some from as far east as Serbia as far as I know. Feel free to look us up at www.guildmedieval.com or find someone in game to talk to if you are interested.

Of course, if you have specific questions feel free to contact me here or in game.