View Full Version : Ddo Is Balanced!

10-29-2010, 07:59 PM
what most pvp haters cite is the lack of balance... But classes in DDO are balanced... They are balanced to work together, not balanced to fight 1v1..

For this reason, I think some kind of PvP system, such as a free-roam area where guilds/groups could compete for farming grounds, could be implemented for fun and intrigue.

10-29-2010, 08:01 PM
ddo pvp is not balanced in groups, just like regular pvp, 12 warforged casters would destroy a balanced party.

10-29-2010, 08:08 PM
My Balance is 40.

10-29-2010, 08:09 PM
ddo pvp is not balanced in groups, just like regular pvp, 12 warforged casters would destroy a balanced party.

I disagree! I think a well-balanced party would destroy a party of any class.

10-29-2010, 08:11 PM
what most pvp haters cite is the lack of balance... But classes in DDO are balanced... They are balanced to work together, not balanced to fight 1v1..

For this reason, I think some kind of PvP system, such as a free-roam area where guilds/groups could compete for farming grounds, could be implemented for fun and intrigue.

such a place exists. form your pvp loving parties, go speak to jackson laws and have at it with each other in a private challenge instance. battle for kills or play capture the flag. so no need to change the game. what you want is already there.


10-29-2010, 08:13 PM
such a place exists. form your pvp loving parties, go speak to jackson laws and have at it with each other in a private challenge instance. battle for kills or play capture the flag. so no need to change the game. what you want is already there.


I disagree! I think the current PvP system is incomplete and lacks incentive.

10-29-2010, 08:19 PM
<snip>... and lacks incentive.

and thats it, isn't it? PvP is broken/unfair because you don't get something for it? What do you want? A Chest? Renown? Tokens/Ingredients?

Not going to happen. PvP is inherently too open for abuse and exploitation. If thats what you want, i would respectfully suggest that you stop playing ddo and go play Guildwars. It seems to be the type of game that you are looking for.


10-29-2010, 08:21 PM
I disagree! I think a well-balanced party would destroy a party of any class.

Build me a well balanced party, just so we're on the same level, please.

10-29-2010, 08:31 PM
a well balanced party.

one caster, one ranged DPS (arcane archer or rogue mechanin), two melee DPS, one divine caster, and one wild card....

would have the grit and the versatility to beat a group of casters, for sure. Now of course there is no rule that says a balanced party will do better than a group of casters... It all really boils down to how coordinated the parties are and how skilled the players are... but if i were pugging for a pvp group i would definitely try to fill a balanced party.

10-29-2010, 08:35 PM
one caster, one ranged DPS (arcane archer or rogue mechanin), two melee DPS, one divine caster, and one wild card....

would have the grit and the versatility to beat a group of casters, for sure. Now of course there is no rule that says a balanced party will do better than a group of casters... It all really boils down to how coordinated the parties are and how skilled the players are... but if i were pugging for a pvp group i would definitely try to fill a balanced party.

How to murder said party:

First off, it's going to matter if it's an AA or a mechanic. If it's a mechanic(lolmechanic), 5 of the casters kill the other side's caster while the 6th goes and dances the divine. After that, clean up the other 4 via running backwards and MM/FM/meteor swarm.

At worst, you'll lose 1 to the other arcane. 2 if the other side picks well and nukes the dancing caster.

If it's an AA, 3 on AA, 2 on caster, 1 on divine. Clean up afterwards.

10-29-2010, 08:42 PM
How to murder said party:

First off, it's going to matter if it's an AA or a mechanic. If it's a mechanic(lolmechanic), 5 of the casters kill the other side's caster while the 6th goes and dances the divine. After that, clean up the other 4 via running backwards and MM/FM/meteor swarm.

At worst, you'll lose 1 to the other arcane. 2 if the other side picks well and nukes the dancing caster.

If it's an AA, 3 on AA, 2 on caster, 1 on divine. Clean up afterwards.

well, mechanics can build pretty good for PvP.. I'm not sure if you're aware that they can bypass 35% fortification if built to do so... one sneak attack on one of those casters that didn't target him because he's a non-issue or because hide works in PvP (lol) could change the entire flow of that battle... also you're assuming quite a bit about the start of the fight... Say the 6 casters don't know what they're going to be up against... say there are choke-points, tight hallways, LoS blocks, and multiple layers... In this uncertain climate, I, again, would put my money on the balanced party.

Edit--> but of course I recognize that it would be easy for a coordinated team of casters to form a plan to quickly dismantle ANY opposition... but in my 15+ years of pvp experience, a straight up fight where everything goes exactly how you planned it is rare.

Edit2--> also maybe every single person in this PvP encounter is wearing an Ioun... EVERY ONE OF THEM.

10-29-2010, 08:44 PM
ddo pvp is not balanced in groups, just like regular pvp, 12 warforged casters would destroy a balanced party.

How about 12 Pale Masters? :D

10-29-2010, 08:50 PM
well, mechanics can build pretty good for PvP.. I'm not sure if you're aware that they can bypass 35% fortification if built to do so... one sneak attack on one of those casters that didn't target him because he's a non-issue or because hide works in PvP (lol) could change the entire flow of that battle... also you're assuming quite a bit about the start of the fight... Say the 6 casters don't know what they're going to be up against... say there are choke-points, tight hallways, LoS blocks, and multiple layers... In this uncertain climate, I, again, would put my money on the balanced party.

Edit--> but of course I recognize that it would be easy for a coordinated team of casters to form a plan to quickly dismantle ANY opposition... but in my 15+ years of pvp experience, a straight up fight where everything goes exactly how you planned it is rare.

WF pale master(yes, I know I didn't specify, but I am now) can get up to 225% fortification. The mechanic is a nonfactor in any fight, as are the melee unless every single gets out of position at the same time.

LoS really only helps the WF caster team, as they can just kite melee around a pillar through CC until it hits, then murder them. Choke points do the same.

As for not knowing what they're going up against: It's not hard to figure out what class someone is based on equipment.

10-29-2010, 09:00 PM
WF pale master(yes, I know I didn't specify, but I am now) can get up to 225% fortification. The mechanic is a nonfactor in any fight, as are the melee unless every single gets out of position at the same time.

LoS really only helps the WF caster team, as they can just kite melee around a pillar through CC until it hits, then murder them. Choke points do the same.

As for not knowing what they're going up against: It's not hard to figure out what class someone is based on equipment.

I'm not convinced :-P I think I'm still putting my money on the well-balanced party. And with new combat feats coming soon to fighters... and of course prestige lines filling out for all classes... WF casters aren't the end-all be-all...

10-29-2010, 09:04 PM
isnt claiming a thread and telling people to get out rude? seems that way to me and also I would agree with the guy rebutting you. PvP is fine as is with no rewards. After all this is a PVE game.

10-29-2010, 09:18 PM
The answer to your question, Pape, is in the OP, so you did not need to ask it. And notice that the OP was from me... making this MY thread.

I get it, carebears... no one is ever going to force you to pvp, I PROMISE!!! so none of you need to post in this thread.

My intentions with opening this thread was to discuss balance issues, not bicker about whether or not PvP should be implemented. again, NO ONE'S GOING TO MAKE YOU FIGHT! So go coddle a half-orc.

10-29-2010, 09:28 PM
The answer to your question, Pape, is in the OP, so you did not need to ask it. And notice that the OP was from me... making this MY thread.

I get it, carebears... no one is ever going to force you to pvp, I PROMISE!!! so none of you need to post in this thread.

My intentions with opening this thread was to discuss balance issues, not bicker about whether or not PvP should be implemented. again, NO ONE'S GOING TO MAKE YOU FIGHT! So go coddle a half-orc.

if balance is what you wanted to talk about then that should have been in your op. But thats not what your op says.

and no, you didnt answer the question. You avoided it. Just like you did now. If you expect recieve something/anything from pvp (incentives - your words, remember?) How do you stop that from being exploited?


10-29-2010, 09:31 PM
what most pvp haters cite is the lack of balance... But classes in DDO are balanced... They are balanced to work together, not balanced to fight 1v1..

For this reason, I think some kind of PvP system, such as a free-roam area where guilds/groups could compete for farming grounds, could be implemented for fun and intrigue.

competition for farming grounds+fun and intrigue= incentives...

10-29-2010, 09:34 PM
if balance is what you wanted to talk about then that should have been in your op. But thats not what your op says.

and no, you didnt answer the question. You avoided it. Just like you did now. If you expect recieve something/anything from pvp (incentives - your words, remember?) How do you stop that from being exploited?


You obviously have a very limited understanding of what pvp is... Exploitation is encouraged in PvP... I don't expect to stop anything from being exploited... if a pvp area were to be implemented I expect the player base to rape the hell out of it as often as possible... exploit every last drop out of it. that's what PvP is all about...

10-29-2010, 09:36 PM
Oh wow this is getting good.


10-29-2010, 09:38 PM
You obviously have a very limited understanding of what pvp is... Exploitation is encouraged in PvP... I don't expect to stop anything from being exploited... if a pvp area were to be implemented I expect the player base to rape the hell out of it as often as possible... exploit every last drop out of it. that's what PvP is all about...

I have more than a basic understanding of what pvp is about. You keep saying "If a pvp area is implemented". There already is a pvp area.

Put up a PvP lfm. Go speak to Jackson Laws. Get your own private instance. Get your jollies in there.

Whats so hard to understand about that? There is a mechanism in the game which does exactly what you want. It isnt good enough?


10-29-2010, 09:47 PM
This thread is SOOO Full of Win!!

Kid 1 "My dad can beat up your dad!"

Kid 2 "No he can't, my Dad can beat up YOUR Dad!"

Kid 1 "nuh huh... my dad was on high school foot ball team"

Kid 2 "well... my dad was the Quarterback on the football team"

Dad 1 "hey joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand....?"

10-29-2010, 10:00 PM
I'm not convinced :-P I think I'm still putting my money on the well-balanced party. And with new combat feats coming soon to fighters... and of course prestige lines filling out for all classes... WF casters aren't the end-all be-all...

If the caster plays correctly, it's impossible to get to him in melee.

If all spells are allowed, it's really, really impossible for him to get to you in melee. Drop a few firewalls around you with a disco ball, and you're impossible to get to.

The only threatening thing to a caster is a caster or an AA. Everything else just isn't.

10-30-2010, 07:13 AM
...It may be impossible for a caster to get caught in the pit when he clicks his time warp and bounces around... but a barb with his sprint boost popped is most likely going to catch a caster who just has his personal haste... haste the barbarian and the caster is too busy trying to get away to be offensive... the balanced party then has RDPS a divine an arcane and a wild card laying back in support...
I really think that diversity is the key to success.
disco ball means nothing to the party who was just hit with holy aura. firewalls mean nothing to a bunch of guys with firestorm greaves. (ouch, hey guys watch out for that one, it's a crit, balanced party team caster blows them all away for 15 sp, end of that). And you're forgetting that EVERYONE in the arena is wearing a ioun stone. EVERYONE.

(yes i ignored pape on purpose)

10-30-2010, 07:27 AM
Anyone else see the irony here?...:rolleyes:

10-30-2010, 07:38 AM
and thats it, isn't it? PvP is broken/unfair because you don't get something for it? What do you want? A Chest? Renown? Tokens/Ingredients?

Not going to happen. PvP is inherently too open for abuse and exploitation.


epics already are a place of abuse and eploitation. drop chests, renown, tokens and ingreds :)
just saying.

sorry for the interruption, keep up the good work!

10-30-2010, 07:53 AM
I disagree! I think the current PvP system is incomplete and lacks incentive.

If I had my vote there would be no PvP in D&D or DDO so what there is currently is way to much.

10-30-2010, 07:56 AM
You obviously have a very limited understanding of what pvp is... Exploitation is encouraged in PvP... I don't expect to stop anything from being exploited... if a pvp area were to be implemented I expect the player base to rape the hell out of it as often as possible... exploit every last drop out of it. that's what PvP is all about...

There are many PvP areas already implemented in several houses? Are you not aware of this?

10-30-2010, 08:02 AM
I appreciate your civility but you're redundantly reiterating points all you carebears make...
PvPers are NOT SATISFIED with the ******** instances. otherwise there would be a legit pvp community! instead I am one of the few who post on here in support of PvP. all you haters intimidated and berated all PvPers away from the community.
And it's besides the point!


10-30-2010, 08:22 AM

Them sound like fighting words to me ;).

10-30-2010, 08:24 AM
This isn't exactly trolling. You are allowed to share your views here we are sharing ours, although I admit some people haven't been as kind as they could have in doing so. It isn't a question of being forced to PvP it is a question of having priorities straight.

As you say the PvP community is small here. Most the people who play this game play it for the PvE not the PvP. Any time the devs take to develop new features for PvP they take time away that could be better spent making high level quest chains, or other such things the community as a whole really needs. Add to this the fact that the source material D&D does not encourage PvP and you can see our objection.

I am more than willing to entertain ideas on how to make pvp-ing better but so far everything you have said as it has repeatedly been pointed out is already implemented. You also make a nebulous statement about making 'incentives' which frankly scares me silly.

PvP at most should be a past time while waiting for a party to fill. There should be no rewards for it besides perhaps useless achievements and that I am still very hesitant about. Suddenly introducing rewards for PvP would force people to PvP to get the rewards and that is not the direction this game should go.

Like many PvP threads I sense the cube draws near. Maybe to appease him and move this thread away from childish back and forth name calling you could give some more details on the changes you are asking for here. To this point it has all been fairly vague.

10-30-2010, 08:31 AM
No pvp MMO has ever been balanced in the history of the world, nor ever will be. Its not possible.

Yours truly,
Former Hardcore Pvper

10-30-2010, 08:44 AM
This isn't exactly trolling. You are allowed to share your views here we are sharing ours, although I admit some people haven't been as kind as they could have in doing so. It isn't a question of being forced to PvP it is a question of having priorities straight.

As you say the PvP community is small here. Most the people who play this game play it for the PvE not the PvP. Any time the devs take to develop new features for PvP they take time away that could be better spent making high level quest chains, or other such things the community as a whole really needs. Add to this the fact that the source material D&D does not encourage PvP and you can see our objection.

I am more than willing to entertain ideas on how to make pvp-ing better but so far everything you have said as it has repeatedly been pointed out is already implemented. You also make a nebulous statement about making 'incentives' which frankly scares me silly.

PvP at most should be a past time while waiting for a party to fill. There should be no rewards for it besides perhaps useless achievements and that I am still very hesitant about. Suddenly introducing rewards for PvP would force people to PvP to get the rewards and that is not the direction this game should go.

Like many PvP threads I sense the cube draws near. Maybe to appease him and move this thread away from childish back and forth name calling you could give some more details on the changes you are asking for here. To this point it has all been fairly vague.

one step at a time on this one... Priorities... I think that the crew that would be in charge of developing any sort of pvp atmosphere wouldn't be the same crew that is in charge of developing new quest lines, or any other content you desire... In fact I would reckon that diverting human resources is something that very seldom happens... as you may know, there are millions of lines of code involved in any game... Often times, it's very difficult for even the most seasoned programmer to make heads or tails of 1000 lines of code another programmer wrote. So thinking that ANY new idea would EVER divert human resources is silly... As the people working on things currently are still going to be working on those things... As it would be extremely labourous to get fresh eyes acclimated.

I don't think that adding incentives would force anyone to PvP... that's like saying epic devil's assault dropping better stuff forces everyone to do epic devil's assault.

And I didn't suggest any changes. I simply am stating that classes are balanced enough for a pvp climate to be implemented... But if you want a fresh idea, i guess i can give it a shot...

The EVIL alignment!

Edit--> I forgot... The source material ABSOLUTELY supports pvp. I've DM'd player battles and also participated in large gatherings of DnD players, some of whom happened to play EVIL characters! In fact, there are a lot of official story arcs that involve player vs player combat... Ever gotten into a fight with the rogue in your party because he kept looting all the potions? that's PvP!

10-30-2010, 08:44 AM
OP, its the attitude of pro-PvP players (and a few who are "expert PvP players") that advocate and PvP in DDO, and in this forum, which gives a lot of people jaded opinions when they say they want this or that fixed or balanced in PvP. Obviously the developers have not given PvP much afterthought, as seen from past updates. Don't get your hopes too high up.

As for your suggestion of a team-based PvP, there exists a mechanism to do that. Get a group, speak to Jackson Laws in front of the pit in the Lobster (and at least one other pit that I can remember), and he will arrange for a team-based PvP match, with two different modes to choose from, as far as I can remember.

That said, if you fail to notice Jackson Laws, it really means you aren't paying attention to the game...or fail to comprehend what others have said in this thread :rolleyes:

10-30-2010, 08:44 AM
-1 OP. Actually I wish I could hit you for EACH of your posts...

-Claiming this is YOUR Thread...Dude...this is a public Forum

-For equating people with a different opinion than you on PvP as trolling

-For using Caps to show you're yelling at everyone for both of the above reason

-For encouraging wanton Exploitation in a scenario very few in DDO want or care about

-For coming to a Forum of a game that cares little about PvP and YELLING at people and calling the Trolls because they don't agree with you

If you want to move your idea forward, come up with legitimate answers to the questions posed. Don't call people out because they disagree with you.

10-30-2010, 08:44 AM
kinda surprised h4x hasnt responded to this yet, oh well

*munches on some of k1ngp1ns popcorn*

10-30-2010, 08:53 AM
if u want to play PvP - go to WoW. Nobody is stopping u. The doors are open.

DDO (D&D) is all about tactics, co-operation, management. Not just hack n slash.

P.S: Dont think because you pay you are elite or some high level. I m in guild 55+ so dont bring your guild thing as well.

P.S: oh and i also have a caps lock in my keyboard.

10-30-2010, 08:54 AM
I appreciate your civility but you're redundantly reiterating points all you carebears make...
PvPers are NOT SATISFIED with the ******** instances. otherwise there would be a legit pvp community! instead I am one of the few who post on here in support of PvP. all you haters intimidated and berated all PvPers away from the community.
And it's besides the point!


I think you're forgetting the fact that this is a PvE game...Anyways good luck on trying to have a legitimate thread about PvP balance...

10-30-2010, 09:01 AM
/silent fart
/facepalming op til his/her eyes bleed.... priceless

+1 if you feel me or you smelt it =-0

10-30-2010, 09:02 AM

But one of the things you want are incentives. Because the game already has areas where you can create pvp groups and fight each other. You can already "balance" the groups however you like.

However, creating "incentives" is in effect FORCING OTHERS TO FIGHT TO BE ABLE TO GET THOSE REWARDS!!

Whew, glad I got that out of my system.

10-30-2010, 09:04 AM
if u want to play PvP - go to WoW. Nobody is stopping u. The doors are open.

DDO (D&D) is all about tactics, co-operation, management. Not just hack n slash.

P.S: Dont think because you pay you are elite or some high level. I m in guild 55+ so dont bring your guild thing as well.

P.S: oh and i also have a caps lock in my keyboard.

LOVE this line!!

10-30-2010, 09:10 AM
kinda surprised h4x hasnt responded to this yet, oh well

*munches on some of k1ngp1ns popcorn*
Allow me to introduce you to:

My Balance is 40.

And I didn't suggest any changes.
Allow me to introduce you to:

I think some kind of PvP system, such as a free-roam area where guilds/groups could compete for farming grounds, could be implemented for fun and intrigue.

But if you want a fresh idea, i guess i can give it a shot... The EVIL alignment!
Allow me to introduce you to: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=183807&highlight=evil+alignment

Right I tried to talk sense. I'm out. Can someone pass the popcorn?

10-30-2010, 09:12 AM

I caps things that I've had to say more than once :-D

Stating that i think the game is balanced enough for legit pvp is not suggesting a change... it's actually just stating that the game is balanced enough for an addition...

10-30-2010, 09:21 AM

I caps things that I've had to say more than once :-D

Stating that i think the game is balanced enough for legit pvp is not suggesting a change... it's actually just stating that the game is balanced enough for an addition...

Congrats. This is the closest you've come to actually presenting some kind of constructive suggestion this entire thread.

It's been rather vague so far. "Farming grounds" "Free roaming areas" "Fun and intrigue". Not too concrete.

Take a minute, figure out your scenario. Perhaps write it down beforehand and think things through. Then present it in some kind of format so that others can read and get a sense of what you want compared to what already exists.

That way people have more to go on then "fun and intrigue"

10-30-2010, 09:41 AM
I didn't mean to make any suggestions lol... you're all demanding a suggestion out of me when I merely wanted to say that I think the balance is good. lol come on... I feel so attacked on this forum... i think DDO would have some amazing PvP if the devs would ignore all the fear-mongers who troll the PvP forum...

10-30-2010, 09:43 AM
telling people there rude and should gtfo
then yelling at people and cursing at them
+1 GJ

this is a pve game with a pvp option to have some fun in
you want a pvp game thats not this game srry

its like going to play football game with a bat and then crying you can't use a bat in foorball and why the field looks so silly and has no pitch or bases

and pvp isn't balanced at all my virtuoso wil own evry one who isn't a palemaster in undeath form i would dance you then procede buy hitting or even punching you to death if i so desire

10-30-2010, 09:47 AM
and pvp isn't balanced at all my virtuoso wil own evry one who isn't a palemaster in undeath form i would dance you then procede buy hitting or even punching you to death if i so desire

El... please tell me you're gonna bludgeon them to death with the Mad Lute!! That would be sooooo Cool!!
Cuz Bardz Rulz!!

10-30-2010, 09:50 AM
telling people there rude and should gtfo
then yelling at people and cursing at them
+1 GJ

this is a pve game with a pvp option to have some fun in
you want a pvp game thats not this game srry

its like going to play football game with a bat and then crying you can't use a bat in foorball and why the field looks so silly and has no pitch or bases

and pvp isn't balanced at all my virtuoso wil own evry one who isn't a palemaster in undeath form i would dance you then procede buy hitting or even punching you to death if i so desire

I appreciate you addressing the OP lol... Yes, bards have unique abilities... and they could definitely turn the tide of a group v group or even guild v guild battle.... but what if the other side has a bard? lol you see that's the ultimate balancing factor of dungeons and dragons... You can't beat class-x? Well you better make some class-x friends!

10-30-2010, 09:59 AM
or grab a wf caster :)

10-30-2010, 09:59 AM
Yes, bards have unique abilities... and they could definitely turn the tide of a group v group or even guild v guild battle.... but what if the other side has a bard? lol you see that's the ultimate balancing factor of dungeons and dragons... You can't beat class-x? Well you better make some class-x friends!

I think the problem is:
You determine what class-x is that can beat all other classes.
You then create an entire party of class-x.
It then becomes class-x vs class-x game.
There you go. Perfectly balanced and boring as hell.
But if you care at all about having the best chance of winning, that's what you would do.
At best you might see it as a party of class-x with 1 class-y vs another party of class-x with 1 class-y.

That's the only way it's balanced.
And then there's gear. And that throws everything out of whack.

But for what pvp is in this game, it is balanced. Because it doesn't really matter what happens in the pvp arena. It bares no impact on the rest of the game. There are no rewards. There are no accomplishments.

That's fine and works just as it should.

So, sure. PvP is "balanced" and WAI.

10-30-2010, 10:04 AM
what i meant was that all classes are viable in their own ways and that no class is dominant in 100% of situations...

And the extravagence of gear only further balances the game. since no matter what tactic you're using, there's typically at least 2 items that could completely counter-act what you're trying to do.

10-30-2010, 10:09 AM
no matter what tactic you're using, there's typically at least 2 items that could completely counter-act what you're trying to do.

/agree with this at least

10-30-2010, 10:29 AM
I came up with a neat suggestion lol... What if you could assemble a 6 man from your guild... challenge another guild to assemble a 6-man, and wager guild renown? I would be down to use the current PvP maps for this but one thing must be changed... the regeneration! Maybe we'd have to come up with some other way to get your SP back... like round-timers? but having unlimited SP just makes PvPing as a caster stupid.

10-30-2010, 10:34 AM
Wagering guild renown? That sounds like an interesting idea. So the losing guild loses renown and it goes to the winner?

10-30-2010, 10:36 AM
Wagering guild renown? That sounds like an interesting idea. So the losing guild loses renown and it goes to the winner?

that's what i had in mind... There's obvious exploitation possible... guilds throwing matches and what not... but it seems like a non-issue... have a relatively low cap on the amount of renown wagerable... and have like a 24hr timer dissallowing you from having more than one battle in a single day...

10-30-2010, 10:41 AM
As far as preventing regenerating spell points in PVP areas, it does seem like it would also be a relatively simple thing for Turbine to do. I imagine it couldn't be more complicated then setting a marker that flags it like a quest or wilderness area rather then a city/tavern area.

I think if you work out some of the points of how it could work, you might have a fairly interesting and fairly straight-forward and easy to implement idea here.

10-30-2010, 10:49 AM
I'll think it through and put up a fresh thread... and we'll watch it get flamed down by the clone army of anti-pvp drones! lol

10-30-2010, 11:27 AM
The answer to your question, Pape, is in the OP, so you did not need to ask it. And notice that the OP was from me... making this MY thread.

That's not how discussion threads work. You don't own them, it isn't yours. And calling people names doesn't help your case.

10-30-2010, 11:36 AM
As far as casters and regenerating mana, perhaps shrines could be allowed. Like they are in Wilderness areas, they could reset after 15 minutes. Or maybe you could even be allowed to set the reset times when the pvp match is set up.
Of course since they can be interrupted by just about anything so easily, something may need to be done to allow some fair way to get mana back.

Perhaps just a safe zone like works like a tavern, only faster, and also takes time to reset after each use, so that a caster can't just jump in, get mana enough for a few spells, jump out and kill someone, and then jump back in.

Just some ideas.