View Full Version : Gah! -- did I just gimp myself?

10-28-2010, 04:41 PM
Let this be a lesson to the rest of you fools out there: DO NOT LEVEL WHILE DISTRACTED!

Did I just trash my character?

My favored soul has 12 Wis and at level 4 I stupidly put one of my stat points into Dex.

Now, with +2 tome and the other 4 points from levelling, I will never achieve 19 Wis.

Is there any way to repair the damage without re-rolling?

I know I'm not losing much time at level 4, but does reincarnation allow me to keep my XP?


10-28-2010, 04:43 PM
you need charisma to cast spells, not wisdom

10-28-2010, 04:43 PM
Re-roll. It's not worth the cost of the heart to reincarnate a level 4 character.

10-28-2010, 04:46 PM
I agree with reroll as you seem to have wisdom (adds +dc to spells) and cha (adds spell points and access to spell levels) confused. But you don't need to.
You also only need 19 cha after items+enhancements to cast level 9 spells. This is easy to do starting with even a very low permanent investment in cha.

10-28-2010, 04:58 PM
No big deal. Your items will also count towards casting, spell points, spell DC, etc. Play him out and at lvl 20 if it is really bothering you, lesser reincarnate and fix anything else that you may not like.

10-28-2010, 05:29 PM
Which do you consider the least painful option:

Rerolling and releveling a new char and hoping you don't make the same (or similar) mistake twice?
Paying to LR just to remove a single stat pt?
Keep playing to level cap, knowing the whole time you're ZOMG -1 WIS FROM MAX!!1!?

10-28-2010, 05:37 PM
as far as I am aware you will only need a 19 cha items included 20 for a nice even # @20 Wisdom.

a side note @lvl 4 is @ 1 hour worth of grind


10-28-2010, 05:49 PM
To be fair, no one makes this kind of mistake twice, just like no one forgets con twice, because they were amazed their strength and dex got so high so easily.

10-28-2010, 05:59 PM
As Incineration said, you need Charisma equal to 10 + Spell level to cast spells. Wisdom only adds to the DC of your spells. (10 + Wis modifier + spell focus feats + items) For melee, healing and buffing there isn't a need for Wisdom. Wisdom is only used when you use offensive (debuff or damage) spells.

Charisma is also used for bonus spell points, but at level 20 it only adds 29 spell points for every additional modifier bonus. (Going from 18 (+4) -> 20 (+5) charisma as a level 20 FvS adds just 29 sp) This is a fairly small amount compared to the 1730 (base) + enhancements + Items (doubled), so going above 19 Charisma as a FvS isn't a goal that you need to reach. http://ddowiki.com/page/Spell_Points

Now, on to building your character.
It's a good idea to place your ability score increases where you put the most build points when you made your character.

Raising a stat from 8-14 takes 1 build point per increase. From 14-16 it takes 2 points/increase and 16-18 it takes 3.

So, raising 2 stats from 8->18 costs 32 build points. Then if you spend your 5 ability score increases on a different stat you can up it from 8->13. Your 32 build points and 5 increases end you with 18, 18, 13, 8, 8, 8.

If you did it differently, by spending 20 points to raise 2 stats to 16 and 4 points to raise 1 ability to 12 you have 8 build points left over. Then you spend your 5 ability increases 2 each on ability 1 and 2 to increase them to 18 and 1 to go from 12->13 on the third. You'll end up with 18, 18, 13, 8, 8, 8 and 8 build points left over. With those build points you could increase one of the main stats by 2 points (cost 6 build points) and raise one of your 3 lesser traits by 2.

Then you would end with 20, 18, 13, 10, 8, 8.

I realize that my explanation is hard to follow, but the basic gist of it is that if you use the ability score increases to raise something in the range of 8-14 it's only worth 1 build point and if you raise a stat in the range of 16-18 it's worth 3 build points. Also, if you increase an ability above 18, then it's much more valuable than a build point, since build points have a restriction that ability score increases surpass.

There should be some good FvS builds on the forum that can do what you're wanting from your character. I'd check them out.

10-28-2010, 06:01 PM
as far as I am aware you will only need a 19 cha items included 20 for a nice even # @20 Wisdom.

Stop confusing this even more!!

As for the OP:

probably re-roll is the BEST option anyway because it sounds like you're not totally sure what you ought to be doing.

To cast spells you need Charisma eual to 10+spell level.
Your DCs are based on wisdom - but you can certainly get by with even a 6 starting wisdom and no level ups invested in it.