View Full Version : Bug? Renown lost on leaving guild

10-26-2010, 04:05 PM
Anyone else found this? I just left my small guild on one character to join my other guild with that character.

I was presented with a "yes leave" or "no don't leave" screen, so I clicked yes.

Then I was presented with a "yes take my renown with me" or "no don't leave the guild on bad terms" screen, and clicked no.

Then my old guild lost renown for me leaving. I thought it was supposed to keep the renown if you choose NOT to destroy the renown.

Is the text bugged, or do you lose renown for your old guild no matter how you leave it? I'm scared to leave the guild with any other characters now because they're my friends and I want to keep some characters in it!

10-26-2010, 04:09 PM
I also thought the renown hit would only happen when all of a player's characters were removed. Or do you have more than one account, and you removed all of a certain account's characters?

10-26-2010, 04:10 PM
Same thing happened to me with two characters last night. I chose no, do not leave on bad terms yet the renown was taken from my former guild nonetheless. I let my former guild leader know it was not my intent, but the mechanism should work as described.

10-26-2010, 04:12 PM
I think you lose some with either option, just "yes" is a lot more. There's a post on the Llamania forums about it.

10-30-2010, 05:29 PM
I do have more than one account but have several characters of both accounts still in the guild. When you leave on good terms the guild shouldn't lose anything, they're already losing your potential future renown and that's bad enough.

Is this a bug or WAI? I haven't even had an answer.

11-11-2010, 03:52 AM
I would like an answer to this as well. Left my small guild with 2 toons and despite me answering no to taking any renown I had a message saying I took 4.000-something guild renown with me :(

11-12-2010, 10:28 PM
4000 a drop in the bucket

12-29-2010, 12:28 PM
ANy other info on this bug? Apparently it still happens.

12-29-2010, 01:10 PM
Well, I'm not sure if this is working as intended but Vanshilar did a nice write up on his Guild Renown tests:


In here he states:

* On a character quitting, he has the choice of leaving in good terms or leaving on bad terms. If he leaves on good terms, the guild loses 10% of whatever he had gained. If he leaves on bad terms, the guild loses 25% of whatever he had gained. This is an option that comes up with the player chooses to leave the guild. Note that the guild leader/officer expelling is equivalent to the character leaving on bad terms, in terms of renown loss.

12-29-2010, 01:33 PM
Well, I'm not sure if this is working as intended but Vanshilar did a nice write up on his Guild Renown tests:


In here he states:

* On a character quitting, he has the choice of leaving in good terms or leaving on bad terms. If he leaves on good terms, the guild loses 10% of whatever he had gained. If he leaves on bad terms, the guild loses 25% of whatever he had gained. This is an option that comes up with the player chooses to leave the guild. Note that the guild leader/officer expelling is equivalent to the character leaving on bad terms, in terms of renown loss.

that makes no sense if someone just wants to reroll a character..... If the character is just deleted without "Leaving the guild" what happens?

12-30-2010, 02:19 PM
This is something I have been wondering myself for sometime. Many good questions/points have been brought up specifically the character deletion question. Anyone have any extra info about this?

12-30-2010, 02:29 PM
that makes no sense if someone just wants to reroll a character..... If the character is just deleted without "Leaving the guild" what happens?
If I remember right, there is a mechanism in place that reduces the penalty for booting people who have been inactive for a certain amount of time. I cant find the documentation on it, though. I think deleting your character counts as leaving on good terms, but I also cannot find that documentation. I have a hard time searching through the posts on Lam for some reason. :(

12-30-2010, 02:36 PM
The U7-8 renown changes took the system from messy and exploitable to over-complicated, painful, messy, and exploitable. Decay just needs to be cleaned up and simplified.

12-30-2010, 02:38 PM
Couldn't find the post, but a dev said that if the account has been inactive for a short time the lost renown is less, and if it has been inactive for a long time there's no loss.
Don't know if it was implemented that way.

I still think that if the character is deleted while in guild there should be no loss, as opposed as actually leaving the guild.

03-28-2015, 08:39 AM
Anyone else found this? I just left my small guild on one character to join my other guild with that character.

I was presented with a "yes leave" or "no don't leave" screen, so I clicked yes.

Then I was presented with a "yes take my renown with me" or "no don't leave the guild on bad terms" screen, and clicked no.

Then my old guild lost renown for me leaving. I thought it was supposed to keep the renown if you choose NOT to destroy the renown.

Is the text bugged, or do you lose renown for your old guild no matter how you leave it? I'm scared to leave the guild with any other characters now because they're my friends and I want to keep some characters in it!

If you leave a guild on bad terms the guild loses 25% of the renown that toon earned for it. If You leave on good terms the guild loses 10% of the renown that toon earned for it. If a leader boots a toon the guild loses 25%, unless the toon has been inactive for 1 month or more then its 10%. If you delete a toon without leaving it loses 25%. Please leave of your own freewill on good terms.

04-02-2015, 02:23 PM

04-02-2015, 02:30 PM
Thread has some miss info. From wiki:


Guild renown loss from leaving characters

Guilds may also lose renown when a character leaves the guild. Note that this renown is just gone, they cannot add it onto another guild.

If a character leaves on amicable terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from the guild), 10% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character leaves on bad terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from the guild), 25% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character is expelled by an officer of the guild (regardless of if the account is inactive or not), 25% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character is deleted from the Character Select screen while a member of a guild, no renown is lost.
If all characters from an account leave the guild, the Modified Guild Size is increased by 1 for the next 2 weeks. This is the "Recent Departures" portion of the Modified Guild Size. This increases the guild's daily renown decay for 14 days.

So, if a player needs to re-roll a character, they should:

Have at least one other character in the guild, so they won't add to the Recent Departures. If they have no other character in guild currently, bring one in as a placeholder.
Delete the character from the Character Select screen without removing it from the guild.
Recreate the character and get it re-invited to the guild.
Remove the placeholder character from the guild if desired. If the placeholder didn't earn any renown while in the guild, none will be lost when it leaves. If it did earn some renown, leave on amicable terms to minimize the loss.

When kicking out an inactive member, you receive:

Full Penalty: Member was inactive for less than 30 days.
Reduced Penalty: Member was inactive for 30 days or more, but less than 180 days.
No Penalty: Member was inactive for 180 days or more.
Note:These kicked members will still count as recent departures for decay purposes.

04-02-2015, 02:41 PM
Anyone else found this? I just left my small guild on one character to join my other guild with that character.

I was presented with a "yes leave" or "no don't leave" screen, so I clicked yes.

Then I was presented with a "yes take my renown with me" or "no don't leave the guild on bad terms" screen, and clicked no.

Then my old guild lost renown for me leaving. I thought it was supposed to keep the renown if you choose NOT to destroy the renown.

Is the text bugged, or do you lose renown for your old guild no matter how you leave it? I'm scared to leave the guild with any other characters now because they're my friends and I want to keep some characters in it!

it is a convoluted system.
basically its a lose or lose more system.

when you leave you take nothing with you no matter what.
Everything you have done stays with the guild.

Guilds may also lose renown when a character leaves the guild. Note that this renown is just gone, they cannot add it onto another guild.
If a character leaves on amicable terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from the guild), 10% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character leaves on bad terms (by selecting that option when they voluntarily drop from the guild), 25% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character is expelled by an officer of the guild (regardless of if the account is inactive or not), 25% of the renown that character gained while a member of the guild is lost.
If a character is deleted from the Character Select screen while a member of a guild, no renown is lost.
If all characters from an account leave the guild, the Modified Guild Size is increased by 1 for the next 2 weeks. This is the "Recent Departures" portion of the Modified Guild Size. This increases the guild's daily renown decay for 14 days.

I find it annoying the way the current system handles guild renown, that I choose for end rewards instead of loot, guild pots I purchased with my personal money.
We did a guild reform a while back where our guild was decaying , people left and reformed a new guild.. we all left with nothing and started from scratch.
The 4milionl in renown I had painstakingly collected using DDO store pots and end reward list choices .. poof gone...(before sagas and such).

I would like to see the system overhauled.
I should take 50% of the renown with me when I leave and bring that to a new guild.. 50/50 split.
If I leave the next guild I lose half again and so on and so forth...
at least this way if a guild fractures and wants to split the ones leaving don't lose everything and the ones who stay only lose 10% of the ones who left..

04-06-2015, 01:09 PM
If you leave a guild on bad terms the guild loses 25% of the renown that toon earned for it. If You leave on good terms the guild loses 10% of the renown that toon earned for it. If a leader boots a toon the guild loses 25%, unless the toon has been inactive for 1 month or more then its 10%. If you delete a toon without leaving it loses 25%. Please leave of your own freewill on good terms.

5 year old necro, grats.

In seriousness ty for further adding info, some people still were confused with that