View Full Version : Why do you even read these PVP threads?

10-24-2010, 08:05 PM
As you all know (except one specific person), that PvP in DDO sucks horribly. Why do you read these threads if it does? Is it just to see all the "great" ideas that he has for PvP that makes you fall off your chair in laughter (or because you grab for your head as it hurts from the stupidity)? We all know Turbine will make PvP better once it starts costing points, so might as well get rid of PvP and make more game play instead of thinking of ideas to (try to) make PvP better (which will never happen).

10-24-2010, 08:10 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.

10-24-2010, 08:24 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.

Yep, we've suffered from this mistake before. If you disagree with a suggestion that you think will negatively affect gameplay (such as balancing for PvP), it is very important to speak up. Just writing /not signed isn't enough (generally); explain why you think it's a bad idea.

10-24-2010, 08:50 PM
No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.


... Just writing /not signed isn't enough (generally); explain why you think it's a bad idea.

/signed :D

10-24-2010, 09:06 PM
The only reason I read them is they show up in the "recent threads" view.

10-24-2010, 09:12 PM
I'm just waiting to see if any of this will make on a day-time TV talk show... *(insert random programming)* :D

10-24-2010, 09:17 PM
I enjoy PvP threads. The constant nerfing requests make me smile.

10-24-2010, 09:28 PM
I've come to realize something:

We no longer really care about what he/she is saying. We just care who is saying it.

After so many thread that were selfish in nature/intent, the idea that the next thread and the next one after that, ad infinum, will be selfish and possibly contain horrible ideas that would destroy the game in some way has parasitically linked itself to her/his name. I just realized this when I saw a thread posted by that person which, according to other forumites, had good ideas but wasnt acceptable because he/she posted it.

This is prejudice. Prejudice that was earned yes, but prejudice nonetheless. The problem is, I'm not sure if it can be fixed; we no longer trust that person and that person does not seem to mind being disliked. If anything, we have establish a routine that makes change impossible.

This is a problem that I have no solution for. I KNEW I should have taken Calculus instead of Statistics senior year in high school. My guidance councelor even said "If you ever need to figure out how to fix a reputation problem, Calculus is what you'll need. Statistics is for normal things like baking and becoming a doctor." But Noooo; I just had to be a doctor and take an easy math. /wrists

It is my hope the person in question will create an alternate forum account eventually and decrease the number of nerf requests/complaints about game balance when things really are balanced. Then the prejudice may fade into our memory.

10-25-2010, 06:22 PM
they are hilarious, thats why.


10-25-2010, 06:33 PM
As you all know (except one specific person)

Actually there's a lot of people who like pvp (me included) the way it is. Granted i would never try to nerf something because of pvp, but i'd love to have some new things added. Some effects are already in place and a lot of new effects could be tested first in pvp and then added to quests in game.

An example:


Also real pvp'ers don't try to nerf or balance things, we just look for new strategies.

Edit: Also even tho i hate most of his suggestions i do have to thank him for bringing pvp to the attention of people.

10-25-2010, 06:54 PM
(or because you grab for your head as it hurts from the stupidity)

Or it explodes (http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/463603/)

10-25-2010, 06:58 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.


If using huge amounts of time to revamp PVP has a significant lack of support, and this lack of support is vocalized and made well known, those people hours will likely get allocated to items on the list that garner more player support, such as new content and fixing current issues.

10-25-2010, 08:50 PM
It is my hope the person in question will create an alternate forum account eventually and decrease the number of nerf requests/complaints about game balance when things really are balanced. Then the prejudice may fade into our memory.

There is nothing wrong with this account and I don't care what forum people think.

10-26-2010, 03:34 PM
If you don't care what 'forum people' think why are you posting on the forums.

If your suggestions don't get support from the 'forum people' then they are unlikely to get support from the Devs....Therefore you inherently have to care what the 'forum people' think if you truly want the changes you suggest. Alternatively you are trolling for reaction and your account should be severely restricted. Which is it?

10-26-2010, 03:39 PM
I've come to realize something:

We no longer really care about what he/she is saying. We just care who is saying it.

After so many thread that were selfish in nature/intent, the idea that the next thread and the next one after that, ad infinum, will be selfish and possibly contain horrible ideas that would destroy the game in some way has parasitically linked itself to her/his name. I just realized this when I saw a thread posted by that person which, according to other forumites, had good ideas but wasnt acceptable because he/she posted it.

This is prejudice. Prejudice that was earned yes, but prejudice nonetheless. The problem is, I'm not sure if it can be fixed; we no longer trust that person and that person does not seem to mind being disliked. If anything, we have establish a routine that makes change impossible.

This is a problem that I have no solution for. I KNEW I should have taken Calculus instead of Statistics senior year in high school. My guidance councelor even said "If you ever need to figure out how to fix a reputation problem, Calculus is what you'll need. Statistics is for normal things like baking and becoming a doctor." But Noooo; I just had to be a doctor and take an easy math. /wrists

It is my hope the person in question will create an alternate forum account eventually and decrease the number of nerf requests/complaints about game balance when things really are balanced. Then the prejudice may fade into our memory.

Well, after the first 100 nerf posts, people generally stop trying.

10-26-2010, 03:43 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.

That is about as plainly put as it can be. ;)

10-26-2010, 04:08 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.

Agree with this as well. If it shows up in the Recent Threads list and it might effect my PvE experience, I need to get involved. This wouldn't be an issue if 1) PvP wasn't in DDO, or 2) PvP was handled by a completely separate team, taking NO dev time/resources away from the rest of the game/bug fixes, AND did not effect PvE combat AT ALL. Unfortunately, since #2 will never be the case, and #1 does not seem to be on the agenda, my only recourse is to read/reply to PvP threads that might threaten my fun, same as I reply to PvE suggestions that would so the same.

10-26-2010, 04:13 PM
I'm just waiting to see if any of this will make on a day-time TV talk show... *(insert random programming)* :D

Dude, the DDO forum IS my daytime talk show! :D

11-03-2010, 05:40 PM
As you all know (except one specific person), that PvP in DDO sucks horribly. Why do you read these threads if it does? Is it just to see all the "great" ideas that he has for PvP that makes you fall off your chair in laughter (or because you grab for your head as it hurts from the stupidity)? We all know Turbine will make PvP better once it starts costing points, so might as well get rid of PvP and make more game play instead of thinking of ideas to (try to) make PvP better (which will never happen).

makes my tummy feel all fuzzy and warm

11-03-2010, 05:42 PM
If we say nothing then the assumption is that we dont object to the idea.

11-03-2010, 05:43 PM
To OP..some of us just go to the list of new posts and read the titles...click on the ones that look interesting.....

Why does it bother you that people read the PvP threads?

11-03-2010, 05:46 PM
History has shown that lack of opposition to stupid ideas on the forums sometimes leads devs to think that the idea has support.

No one wants to allow dev time to go into breaking things that actually work properly because they think the community silence is agreement.

This. This exactly. I'm glad someone was able to put into words my gut feeling.

Thank you.