View Full Version : Young Pale Master problems

10-23-2010, 01:53 PM
Hello, wise man and women of these forums, I recently made a dwarf Wizard because it seemed like a whole bunch of fun to me.

Now everyone has been telling me that Wizards are basically useless until 6, wich i have accepted and have put myself trough these levels in the hope that things will get better soon.

I leveled to 6 2 hours ago, happily became Pale Master and was ready to kick some serious butt out there but so far it's completely underwhelming, i'm still practically useless compared to other classes. Necrotic Touch isnt very usefull since im squishy and does really low dmg for the dangers it brings. And there arent really any enhancements that compliment Negative Energy.

Have i made a wrong choice? Is Pale Master just a an unfinished spec or will things get (alot) better soon?

10-23-2010, 01:55 PM
Level 7 is when you get Firewall...

Things get a lot easier then.

10-23-2010, 01:56 PM
Now everyone has been telling me that Wizards are basically useless until 6

Why 6? Level 7 is when you get Wall of Fire. Sounds weird to me.

EDIT: Ninjaed by Aylin.

10-23-2010, 02:03 PM
I did the quest Partycrashers with my (then) lvl 11 wiz on elite the other day. It was just me and a pocket cleric. I went to do the extra bonus with the contraband room and that big giant demon, which I had completely forgotten was there, and I either couldn't or could barely dmg it at all. In came Necrotic Touch. It took a few minutes but that little power saved my ass and netted some decent equipment for my lowbies.

In closing, Necrotic Touch = yay!

But, like the others said, lvl 7 is where the fun begins. Once I got wall of fire I went and did every undead quest I could think of and just cake walked through all of them. If you're on Argo (or even Khyber, I think I have a few decent toons there) Drop me a pm and I'll help power you up to 7 if you want.

10-23-2010, 02:03 PM
Level 12 is when you get the forms which seem to be the best part of line. really the best advantage you'll get from the line prior to that is the bonus to necromancy dc. Like the above poster said level 7 you get firewall and for any wizard that makes things easier.

10-23-2010, 02:16 PM
Haven't had a chance to test it yet, but Necrotic Touch used to work when you are feebleminded/in an antimagic field. Thus it (and its counterpart, Necrotic Bolt) are highly useful against beholders.

10-23-2010, 02:32 PM
(1) I wouldn't spend the enhancements on Pale Master 1 at 6 unless you were a charmer / summoner build. I'd stick to the traditional elemental-enhancements (fire/cold, specifically) but still take the feats. You can spec-in Pale Master 1 later on.
(2) Wall of Fire at 7 changes everything.
(3) Pale Master 2 is where things really change w/ the ability to be in Lich or Wraith form and have Death Aura up. That's your next real breakpoint.

10-23-2010, 07:17 PM
I've also found necrotic touch nice with false life. I get +17 false life atm, and I'll just let my team run in first, and start touching things. As long as you don't go in first you shouldn't get aggro. Necrotic touch costs 2 hp, and with 17 false health, you get 8 uses on 15 mana. =x

10-25-2010, 06:36 AM
Thanks for the replies, i tried it for a night and a morning and just deleted the char and restarted a new dwarfette :) Pale Master seems way to gimmicky for me and i rather pickup Toughness feat and some dwarf racials as an enchantment Archmage then go with the seemingly broken Pale Master tree.

Maybe later, but Archmage definetly seems much better for now, almost 6 again so just one more level for Spamwall :D

10-25-2010, 09:29 AM
This is spot on and great advice +1

(1) I wouldn't spend the enhancements on Pale Master 1 at 6 unless you were a charmer / summoner build. I'd stick to the traditional elemental-enhancements (fire/cold, specifically) but still take the feats. You can spec-in Pale Master 1 later on.
(2) Wall of Fire at 7 changes everything.
(3) Pale Master 2 is where things really change w/ the ability to be in Lich or Wraith form and have Death Aura up. That's your next real breakpoint.