10-22-2010, 07:10 PM
I beg thee to nerf me
Do you see What I see
DPS that shouldn't be
oh I beg thee to nerf me
Undead damage scares thine rogue
Runs from them like a cat on his toes
Dark monks now are a little powered down
oh how I beg thee to nerf me
Should I kill in just one swing
Or should I run from that crazy thing
Where did all my DPS go
They took it away in an update long ago
So when your sitting there playing DDO
Remember the damage output of long long ago
Oh I beg thee to nerf me
Quazicotl lev 16 Rogue orien +1 if you like that.
Thank yee for the negative rep me likes that
Thank you sir may i have another
Do you see What I see
DPS that shouldn't be
oh I beg thee to nerf me
Undead damage scares thine rogue
Runs from them like a cat on his toes
Dark monks now are a little powered down
oh how I beg thee to nerf me
Should I kill in just one swing
Or should I run from that crazy thing
Where did all my DPS go
They took it away in an update long ago
So when your sitting there playing DDO
Remember the damage output of long long ago
Oh I beg thee to nerf me
Quazicotl lev 16 Rogue orien +1 if you like that.
Thank yee for the negative rep me likes that
Thank you sir may i have another