View Full Version : My eyes! My eyes! (New UI choices)

10-21-2010, 01:17 PM
Turbine, please hire a someone with UI design experience for a couple days and use them to avoid monstrosities like this:


This makes me want to puke, the color contrast is so horrible. You've got conflicting things going on here. Dark background for the panel, smaller light background for a sub-panel, a horrible red to highlight title/buttons and too light of a border on the buttons. Too many things are going on at once here, call me crazy but if I stare at this my eyes just kind of lose it...

Something's got to go. Just go back to a simple tan background (it's easy on the eyes) and a less mucky red and you're fine. Remove the dark background (use it as 'empty space' not background color) since it contrasts too much with the rest of the UI, and definitely too much with the game world itself (blue sky, colorful areas etc, see top left corner) and please remove the horrible highlight around buttons (this is worse in the new inventory panel, it makes all the icons look very fake)

/Rant Off

Edit: I never knew there was a User Interface sub forum... mods feel free to move this there :( (Or move here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=281265))

10-21-2010, 01:19 PM
I don't know....looks fine to me. Maybe I just don't have an eye for design like you.

10-21-2010, 01:21 PM
i kinda like it. if you don't, go get a skin. they are generally free...

10-21-2010, 01:22 PM
/signed I agree totally with OP.

10-21-2010, 01:22 PM
I'm a graphic artist and I think they look great. Its a matter of preference I suppose.

10-21-2010, 01:23 PM
I like the new UI :D

10-21-2010, 01:24 PM
I also don't have a problem with it. It is my understanding you can get different skins, maybe you should try one out or make your own?

10-21-2010, 01:26 PM
I like the changes, simple, to the point. I see nothing wrong with it.

10-21-2010, 01:33 PM
The inventory icons make it look like Runescape though...

10-21-2010, 01:34 PM
I agree. Too chunky and garish for my taste. It now looks like one of those old 256 color 80s games with the huge buttons due to horrible 320x200 resolution. I think the previous UI was technically and functionally inferior but aesthetically superior.

10-21-2010, 01:36 PM
i kinda like it. if you don't, go get a skin. they are generally free...

Skins all need to be updated for the new UI, and I'm not sure Turbine released the skin pack yet.

10-21-2010, 01:41 PM
It's not TOO bad... I think what kills it for me at least are the BRIGHT white outlines and lettering. It's too stark compared to the goldish color and the black... Ya bad scheme...

10-21-2010, 01:42 PM
Most of the new UI changes dont bother me, but what does bother me is they removed the semi-transparent chat windows' borders. Dont know about you all but I move my guild chat into a separate transparent window towards the top of my screen where it only has some light outlines around the window/button/text field. Now its either all transparent (I mean you cant even see where the text field is) or it has the entire clunky UI border around it. Plus the button is always solid now. Minor things but definitely not an improvement (chat windows in particular) if you ask me.

10-21-2010, 01:43 PM
I love the new interface. I mean, it's no Pool of Radiance but, it'll do. :)


10-21-2010, 01:44 PM
Gotta agree with FlyingTurtle.. after just 2 hours playing with it, I'd rather go back to the old Look and Feel with the new functionality.

10-21-2010, 01:45 PM
I love the new design, actually. It feels... refreshing.

10-21-2010, 01:47 PM
(SSI Gold Box Pool of Radiance screenshot)

Yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about.

10-21-2010, 01:51 PM
TO me the red looks great in some interfaces like the mailbox but seems overkill in others. Would prefer if they could find a way to let pick the colors like they do on the forums.

10-21-2010, 01:54 PM
I guess I'm in the middle here. I like the reds and I like the textures. I also like the new layout. I don't care for the overstated borders though. If they could tone down the bright borders on everything, the contrast wouldn't be as harsh.


10-21-2010, 01:59 PM
The new interface is pretty bad. But it IS an improvement over the old one.

Just need to get around to finding out how to skin the UI and pick new colors i think.. The red has to go.

10-21-2010, 02:02 PM
I also don't have a problem with it. It is my understanding you can get different skins, maybe you should try one out or make your own?

I have the DDO lite skin. Like the skin but it won't change the menus.

There was a bit of difficulty seeing certain parts of those menus so they took out those skins.

Another thing about the Lite is your active hotbar isn't bing highlighted like it did before. At least that is happening with mine.

10-21-2010, 02:06 PM
I stared at it for a good five minutes but I still don't see anything wrong with it. Maybe my eyes aren't good with matching colours and fashion.

10-21-2010, 02:19 PM
I like the overstated "chunky" feel with the buttons popping on highlights. At least it pops instead of fades out in a wash of tan.

I could think of better skins that users could make, but for a default skin, it's soo much better than the original.

10-21-2010, 02:25 PM
I like the new UI. To each their own.

10-21-2010, 02:37 PM
I think the previous UI was technically and functionally inferior but aesthetically superior.

This is where I am as well. I liked the old look better but again, that's a personal preference thing and if it really bothered me I could (at least eventually if not now) get a UI skin.

10-21-2010, 02:46 PM
Problems with this dialog:

- Its busy. Lots of unnecessary lines.
- Its inconsistent. Looks like old styled control was plopped on top of new style dialog.
- Lots of alignment issues - none of the right edges align.
- Different font usage for different labels. Note the e's

Looks like something out of windows 3.1 era, instead of slick dialogs we're used to now.


10-21-2010, 02:57 PM
In my opinion the only solution to this is to make the window customizable

10-21-2010, 02:59 PM
Rather than repeat myself:


10-21-2010, 03:10 PM
I scream whenever a menu pops up with the new colors!

Maybe I just need to get used to it...

10-21-2010, 03:21 PM
I scream whenever a menu pops up with the new colors!

Maybe I just need to get used to it...

You scream? Really?

If anything, they just made the UI look like the forums. Are people screaming and complaining about how the forums hurt their eyes?

10-21-2010, 07:20 PM
Turbine, please hire a someone with UI design experience for a couple days and use them to avoid monstrosities like this:


This makes me want to puke, the color contrast is so horrible. You've got conflicting things going on here. Dark background for the panel, smaller light background for a sub-panel, a horrible red to highlight title/buttons and too light of a border on the buttons. Too many things are going on at once here, call me crazy but if I stare at this my eyes just kind of lose it...

Something's got to go. Just go back to a simple tan background (it's easy on the eyes) and a less mucky red and you're fine. Remove the dark background (use it as 'empty space' not background color) since it contrasts too much with the rest of the UI, and definitely too much with the game world itself (blue sky, colorful areas etc, see top left corner) and please remove the horrible highlight around buttons (this is worse in the new inventory panel, it makes all the icons look very fake)

/Rant Off

Edit: I never knew there was a User Interface sub forum... mods feel free to move this there :( (Or move here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=281265))
/rant on
If thats the worst of your problems consider yourself LUCKY. I can live with the looks of a crappy looking UI versus
TWF and a host of other things getting stealth nerffed again which there are a list of screw ups in this update to add to the already too long list of bugs and corrections that need to be made rather than piling more problems on the antiquated equipment they're still using. No DDO dev is perfect and certainly not any of their products/updates are either...JMO

10-22-2010, 12:59 AM
I like the new design..but then again, I also like women, so...

10-22-2010, 01:59 AM
lmao...Sorry *serious facegrinseriousface*

I'm picturing people screaming when the menu comes up :D

Some things do require a bit of work but overall I think it's much better. Maybe if they allowed you to have the old skins selectable with custom skins people would be happy....

10-22-2010, 02:13 AM
Yeah the new UI is a bit marmite. I actually wonder what the thought process was for the new skin, it looks like it's tried to incorporate a lot of the popular community created skins, but in my opinion at least, has tried to be too detailed.

I'll be creating a ramped down version of the new DDO skin, in particular the horrible inventory panel which is quite hideous imo. I'm also in the process of completely overhauling the Fade2black DDO UI (http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info237-Fade2black.html) which should be released in the next month.

10-22-2010, 03:39 AM
I don't mind it, but would probably go back to the old UI if given the choice.

10-22-2010, 10:58 AM
Personally I like it... I guess you can't make everyone happy.

10-22-2010, 04:25 PM
Rather than repeat myself:


I found that after making this thread, link is already in the OP ;)

To anyone that agrees with me, (or those that disagree but might still be interested), Sanadil has made a nice skin which can be found here (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=281405).



I'd still prefer a tan background but still much better ;)

10-22-2010, 05:50 PM
The main issue with the new UI is that all of the interfaces have grown in size. Unless you're playing on a 21+ inch widescreen it is ridiculous!

10-22-2010, 06:19 PM
I love the new interface. I mean, it's no Pool of Radiance but, it'll do. :)
You just brought me waaay back...


10-22-2010, 06:39 PM
I love the new interface. I mean, it's no Pool of Radiance but, it'll do. :)


While definitely dated looking and no longer playable, PoR is still the best D&D video game of all time! :) Epic!

10-22-2010, 06:56 PM
I personally like the new UI. If its such a pain, either make your own/download or don't play. It's not that hard.

I know i'll get neg repped for this, but it had to be said

10-22-2010, 07:24 PM
The main issue with the new UI is that all of the interfaces have grown in size. Unless you're playing on a 21+ inch widescreen it is ridiculous!

24" widescreen, but is ok on my 19" also.

While I don't have a problem with it, I would love to be able to customize it like you can in Warhammer. Throw in some addons that let you do different things such as change the minimap to a square one and I would be happy.

10-22-2010, 07:36 PM
at first I was wholely unimpressed.
As I played with it more. looked at the different windows it grew on me.
Just like the new Inventory screen was strange and confusing. but then during some dungeon crawls it all made much more sense being able to search through the various types of stuff that you are holding.

10-23-2010, 06:38 AM
I like the new design..but then again, I also like women, so... I like the new design... but th-- GAH! Ninjaed again!

10-23-2010, 11:49 AM
The main issue with the new UI is that all of the interfaces have grown in size. Unless you're playing on a 21+ inch widescreen it is ridiculous!

That I wouldn't know, however that's probably right. At 1920 x 1080 (not that high) it looks pretty good actually.

Only thing is I would REALLY like a manual transparency meter.
