View Full Version : The case of the magical mysterious mobs that flicker in and out of existence

10-21-2010, 12:10 PM
Last night on Thelanis a guildie and I ran Catacombs on elite and 7 times total a skeletal fighter would flicker in and out of reality and would take damage then insta heal. THey could not move, but sometimes would attack. Hirelings will get stuck on them and you have to turn on the passive button to get them off.

It is actually a really interesting affect, but could affect you from getting Conquest if enough mobs were to do this.

10-22-2010, 01:48 AM
It's a lot worse than that. The Brimstones protecting the altars in cursed crypt did the same thing for me. So not just effect conquest, effect completion.

11-05-2010, 07:22 AM
I've has this happen twice to me today in two different places. The Haunted Library and The Mystery of Delera's Tomb.

In both cases it was undead that I needed to kill in order for a door to open. In the library I managed to kill them eventually just by damagespiking them before they flickered, and came back fully healed. Sadly that's not an option in Delera's right now with a different character. I just can't kill Skeletal Swordsman in under a second with this character. So the door won't open, and I'll have to quit.

It's a serious bug. Does it only seem to be happening with undead?

11-05-2010, 07:25 AM
I had it happen to me the other day in the solo quest out in the Inspired Quarter. It was a suit of armor which is technically a construct so it's not only undead this is happening with. Although they do rise from the ground like a zombie and make that new undead spawning noise.

11-05-2010, 07:27 AM
If you cast web at them they get stuck and you can kill them. Though when web broke (or firewalled) away, they started flickering again.

11-05-2010, 07:32 AM
I had it happen to me the other day in the solo quest out in the Inspired Quarter. It was a suit of armor which is technically a construct so it's not only undead this is happening with. Although they do rise from the ground like a zombie and make that new undead spawning noise.

It might still be to do with that new undead spawning system then, I guess. It's jolly annoying. I just filled in a full bug report for it.

11-05-2010, 07:37 AM
This 'bug' was introduced with Update 7. Vorpal/Disruption/Smiting strikes can kill those mobs however. It most often seem to happen with ghostly kind of mobs that spawn at a certain position but then seem to swap position with a mob of another instance. The reason I think it is swapping position with another instance is that fighting such a mob in "Raiding the Giants' Vault" I checked after a successful smiting the Quest log and found a kill count of about 50 mobs, while only a handful of mobs are in this quest.

Anyhow I already bug reported it a while ago.

11-05-2010, 07:53 AM
Something similar used to happen with the scorpions guarding the key near the path to the beholder in the rainbow in the dark quest, except they didn't heal.

Maybe it's a bug with the "raise from the ground" mechanic.

11-05-2010, 08:01 AM
I had the same problem once in epic wizking.
A skeleton warrior popped up in a corner, walked towards me.
I dropped a firewall and it vanished and re-appeared in the corner where it first appeared, at full health.

So i dropped another firewall on it there, and everytime it took damage it vanished.

It kept doing it so fast that the clang sound when a skeleton takes damage became almost like a buzz sound.

Had to ignore it and clear out the rest of the quest instead

11-05-2010, 08:06 AM
I had this same thing happen to me in the Delera's chain yesterday. It was in quest 3 of the 4-part chain on elite, and involved two skeletal warriors (possibly ghostly skeletons) after we lit up the lock in the really annoying lock room. We decided to ignore them and go use the shrine that was right there. While we were shrining, they decided to unbug and run into the shrine room to take cheapshots at us. Once they decided to follow us into the shrine room, they were 100% bug-free and met a swift end with greatswords to the face.

We thought it was an isolated bug, so thanks for posting this thread! Hopefully they can fix this.

11-05-2010, 10:07 AM
One of the hidden features of the last update :) - usually it is not a big problem, but for example in the Haunted Library quest there's a part where you are locked in the room until you kill all monsters. Make sure to bring enough firepower to one-shot some of those bugged undead you'll see there.

11-05-2010, 11:06 AM
One of the hidden features of the last update :) - usually it is not a big problem, but for example in the Haunted Library quest there's a part where you are locked in the room until you kill all monsters. Make sure to bring enough firepower to one-shot some of those bugged undead you'll see there.

Had this happen in exactly that spot... Fortunately we had a caster w/ DDoor...

Disruption weapons help a lot when this bug hits, but it's definitely annoying.

11-05-2010, 02:11 PM
Also experienced it in the Catacombs, on the Crypt of Gerard Dryden, it was either a Dryden Ancestor or a Skeletal Swordsman doing the flicker dance of nigh-immortality.

11-05-2010, 02:15 PM
Saw this in the crypt and then endgame margurite one monster didn't spawn, submitted a bug report and they generated all the undead I'd already fought (thank diety I was doing this for favor on a level 13 cleric or I'd have been toast.)

11-05-2010, 02:32 PM
They also kind of un-bug if you can trip them. They respawn again as soon as they stand up, but you get a few extra seconds to take them out while they're on the ground.

11-05-2010, 02:41 PM
I had this issue with the wights in Haunted Library. Just for a laugh I used my pally's turn undead, and the wights stopped flickering. They also politely stood there why I hacked them down to zero. Door opened, quest continued.

11-05-2010, 03:49 PM
Yep. Haunted Library & Valaks (timed quest, btw). Disruptor is getting me past the flickery, respawney, Schrodinger's armored wights and skeletons, ATM.

11-06-2010, 01:30 AM
I didn't see a fix for this in Lamannia's new patch notes today :(

I think I'm just going to have to avoid undead-based adventures for now. It's just too annoying to fail a quest because of this. It's a particularly damaging one for newer players, who will not understand what's happening.

11-08-2010, 09:34 AM
I didn't see a fix for this in Lamannia's new patch notes today :(

I think I'm just going to have to avoid undead-based adventures for now. It's just too annoying to fail a quest because of this. It's a particularly damaging one for newer players, who will not understand what's happening.

I might be doing the same, as this bug is very obnoxious.

11-17-2010, 04:33 AM
It's a lot worse than that. The Brimstones protecting the altars in cursed crypt did the same thing for me. So not just effect conquest, effect completion.

Yes, I bug reported this the other day. GM was no help. It's happened twice to me in there. As they are red
named and have a gazillion hit points (on elite) none of the listed workarounds (insta kill) work. You also
need them to advance the quest. Very annoying.

It happened to me when they re-tethered.

11-17-2010, 04:42 AM
yep I had this happen earlier today in the Deleras as well. Just tripped them and killed them but it seems this is pretty new-ish. I hadnt run Deleras in awhile and was just doing it to get a guildy the end rewards but noted this problem happen multiple times with ghostly skeletons....kinda annoying really

11-17-2010, 08:51 AM
Don't know if it's the same issue, but twice I had a mob appear to come back to life after I killed it, then vanish again. Once in the Orc Prison in Cerulean Hills, the other while doing the Captives quest.

11-17-2010, 04:23 PM
Last night on Thelanis a guildie and I ran Catacombs on elite and 7 times total a skeletal fighter would flicker in and out of reality and would take damage then insta heal. THey could not move, but sometimes would attack. Hirelings will get stuck on them and you have to turn on the passive button to get them off.

It is actually a really interesting affect, but could affect you from getting Conquest if enough mobs were to do this.

Get disruptors. The only way you can kill those monsters is basically to be able to one shot them. Eventually the disruptor will get through and you will kill them. Also, if you can do enough damage in one or two swings sometimes you can kill them too.

that's the best workaround I can give you until this bug is fixed.

If you're too low level for a disruptor (since you said catacombs) get a maul of undead bane and try to do enough damage fast enough. Chug haste pots or whatever you need to do.

11-17-2010, 04:27 PM
I have had this happed a couple of time in Wizard King. I just walked away and killed some other skellies...eventually, he freed himself and I killed him.

11-17-2010, 04:35 PM
Here's a parallel thread with some additional workaround suggestions:

I haven't gotten Trip to work yet, but I've had the skeletons in Delera's break free on their own after I've hit them and then walked away from them.

11-17-2010, 04:46 PM
Whatever it is, I've seen it at all levels, but only on undead critters. IT's been a problem more than once in completely quests for my groups, but if you can get lucky and single hit kill it somehow it will stop trying to spawn and you can move on.

11-17-2010, 08:40 PM
I didn't investigate closely, but it appears to me as if the S&B skeleton model has had a collision region added to it that causes it to respawn if it's placement is close to a solid wall.

I suspect this was an accidental side effect of the Pale Master specialty.

11-18-2010, 11:43 AM
Had it happen again in Valak's Mausoleum, in the part where you swim down and to either side for two switches. If I hadn't been on a character with the ability to get very good Jump, I would have been stuck behind the spikes that block the exit and would have been unable to complete the quest without recalling.

Has there been any developer comment on this? Is there any bug that has a more pervasive negative impact on quest completions?

11-18-2010, 04:46 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

11-18-2010, 04:52 PM
I don't have a loc off the top of my head, no, but it happens primarily in Delera's, notably primarily to ghostly skeletons in my experience.

Two locations I recall it happening is the very first ghostly skeleton in part 3 - Free Delera - that first room with the nearly inaccessible chest and the archers on ledges, and later in the same quest, the last ghostly skeleton that spawns by the door as you're leaving the 4th soul lock room.

11-18-2010, 04:57 PM
Had it last night in The Haunted Library. I didn't know about this thread so didn't get a /loc, but there's a hallway lined with sarcophagi with a room with shrines at the end. Along that hallway there are four places where secret doors slide open and undead ambush you. If you go into one of those rooms it is lined with sarcophagi and there is a chest, and when you open the chest a gate closes and seals you in and undead ambush you again. I had two undead that were trying to claw out of the ground in front of their sarcophagus get stuck. I couldn't damage them enough to kill them, they'd keep respawning and healing. Fortunately, I had parked a hireling Cleric at the entrance who I called to me and ordered to do Turn Undead...this successfully landed on both of the stuck undead and took them out of their cycle of respawning, then I could kill them, the gate raised, and all was well again.

To be clear, the Turn Undead stunned them and they slumped over into their "Oh no I'm stunned" pose. I killed each before they could recover from the stun, so I don't know if they would have gone back to their respawning cycle. Neither had a chance to move around, so I'm not sure if they were mobile and truly 'unstuck' from their spots or not. However, from when the stun landed, to when I killed them, they stopped respawning.

11-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?
In The Haunted Library, it happens in the chamber with the chest.

When you drop (literally) into the area where the second unpickable door is (I sent in a ticket once I opened that lock, that will get you a nearby /loc) you have to head into the nearby area to find the key. The first left is an ambush room with a chest. The Wrights that spawn from the Sarcophagi will do the phasing thing.

The ticket I submitted last week was for the door. You are able to open it with the lock pick skill. I called it "Unpickable Door in the Haunted Library" or something similar.

11-18-2010, 05:01 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

Erm can't recall the loc now but its in my Bug report filed over a week ago....

It was doing the Fallowcrest Lib on Hard then Elite with my Barb, the two skeli warriors in the final room did the reincarnation boogie (as we're calling it in guild).

Since then seen it various necropolis quests and just yesterday in Two Toed Tobias in 3 Barrel. Looks like its an undead thing to me.. But thats just my experience.

11-18-2010, 05:02 PM
Last week, I was running Raiding the Giant's Vault on a level 18-19 radiant servant spec'd cleric with the Air Elemental summon present.

Three times in a row at least one of the animated armors would exhibit this behavior. It was always at least the one on the north side in the main room, below the rune (the one that was more south) and sometimes the second armor just past that one, up one block.

I did not know if it had to do with the summon and I never tested it with another character or without the pet (I was zerging to 20).

The armors would flicker in and out, unkillable.

11-18-2010, 05:10 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

It was in Wiz King, going up into the towers. A Skellie Warrior (S&B) standing on the ledge beside the steps. I could hit him, but he would immediately respawn with 100% HP. Very Rapidfire type thing. I was attacking with a Maul, but it sounded like TWF at double or triple speed attack. Almost like I was hitting 2 or three skellies with one strike. Couldn't kill him until he freed himself.

11-18-2010, 05:12 PM
Had this issue a few times in catacombs, and while waiting for a guildie cleric to finish what he was doing (level 18 mech rog, no way i'm gonna 1-shot him,) I decided to see what I could find out about this bug. My conclusion is that the skeleton (in this case) would re-spawn when he aggroed on something. If i stood behind him, he would stop re-spawning, but if he saw me, or i attacked him, he would start re-spawning again. Hope this helps.

11-18-2010, 05:16 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

If I go into one of the quests where it happens, I'll grab a loc.

I thought the bug reports collected the /loc? If so, maybe it's available to the team compiling bug reports? This went in 11/05 "Thank you for submitting the bug titled 'QUESTS: Monsters flicker in and out, taking one hit then respawn with full health'. Your bug has been sent to our Quality Assurance team to be reviewed."

11-18-2010, 05:20 PM
in raiding the giants vaults with the animated armors. The first time I got stuck between the armor and a ledge and decided to /death out (not /loc given on the bug report due to the /death command). It happened again a few times with the three armors guarding the last chest (you have to kill at least some of them to open the chest). Oddly enough, I haven't seen it with skeletons.

11-18-2010, 05:22 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

I submitted a bug report with /loc for a missing skeleton in endgame margaurette in the catacombs. Also I think I submitted one for Valek's in the rooms with the spikes but don't remember for sure. Next time I run it for favor if I can get it to occur I'll submit one.

11-18-2010, 05:35 PM
Had this just about an hour ago in Enemy Within. Don't think it's critter specific, but situational. Ran Enemy the other night, had some undead do this, but they were in different areas than today's run.

Had in Delara's before as well.

11-18-2010, 05:37 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

I have seen it happen on just about any undead monster that spawns from the ground near a wall or breakable (such as the ambush sarcophagi in Delara's, Haunted Library, etc where coming close to them causes several undead to spawn and shatter the sarcophagi as they do).

It seems to be wights, skeletons, ghostly skeletons, and occasional blackbone skeletons that do this, though that could just be the limits of the monster types who spawn with that mechanic. I've never seen an incorporeal undead get stuck this way.

If you guys want to see it in action, hit me up on Ghallanda server on any of my characters listed in my sig and I'll find a mission you can follow me around on to see it.

11-18-2010, 05:47 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?
Enemy Within
r1 lx2024 ly96 i2050 cInside ox-329.60 oy26.44 oz-129.99
Two Frostmarrow Sellswords that reappear in less than one second. They stop if can kill them inside 1-2 attacks, or if your attack prevents them from taking actions.

11-18-2010, 05:49 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

Locs on the armors in the Giants' Vault are:
(Standard): You are at: r1 lx1776 ly16 i2049 cInside ox8.49 oy24.80 oz-287.56 h77.3
(Standard): Q:0x7000D728

(Standard): You are at: r1 lx1776 ly16 i2049 cInside ox19.38 oy47.06 oz-298.82 h84.4
(Standard): Q:0x7000D728

(Standard): You are at: r1 lx1776 ly16 i2049 cInside ox-134.00 oy47.70 oz-249.13 h223.6
(Standard): Q:0x7000D728.
After a while, I figured it was WAI because if my character goes directly in melee, the armor takes and keeps damage,
but if the character activates the armor(s) and then retreats to use a ranged attack, the flickering (and 100% healing), begins. Even so, attacks that deliver lethal damage in 1 stroke (e.g. smite), will kill them.

11-18-2010, 05:59 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

As stated by others, it happens in the Catacombs quest chain. My group had it happen Sun night. I submitted a bug report, think it's #66361 and titled something to the effect of "Skeletons in the Catacombs quest chain flickering." It happened a few time in the Crypt of Gerard Dryden part, but wasn't a huge issue since you don't necessarily have to kill all the undead.

Then we hit the Endgame part where you fight your way up the stair sections with the barriers and one skeleton bugged out. That was an annoying 15 minutes of waiting making the quest take twice as long.

Sounds like any quest with undead has the potential for this bug to occur. And it's only since Update 7 that it started happening. I've never seen it happen at any other time.

What I don't understand is why is this the first you've heard about it if, according to the PM I received, it's known by the QA team. How long does it take before the QA team fills everyone in on bugs being reported? :confused: Why hasn't it been added to the Known Issues list or will it be?

All I know is that my guild isn't running any undead quests until it's fixed.

11-18-2010, 06:47 PM
We had it happen in almost every Cats quest on Elite, last sun night.

When you have to climb the stairs one bugged out for over 10 mins, and we tried everything to get him to de-bug. One member submitted a bug report while another tried to get a CSR.

Of course, soon after they hit submit, he (a Skelly Warrior, but it happened with Zombies and regular skellys too) snapped out of it, we killed him (again i guess lol) and were able to finish the series! (where the CSR finally showed up while talking to the Friar for the end reward lol)

Weirdness.. We are going to TRG or STK or something else next time we play till its fixed. So no DELS :(

EDIT: Gypsy, was I with you?? lol

11-18-2010, 07:56 PM
EDIT: Gypsy, was I with you?? lol

Yep. Hey, Jams! :) I'll see you tonight. Think TRG might be on the agenda, but definitely no Delera's. :(

11-18-2010, 08:02 PM
Also saw this in the level 9 vault of night (I think is the name, House P near bogwater tavern where you kill the vamp.) Dropped through the floor and entered the room closest to the heal shrine and one skellie bugged out. Went to the room nearer the entrance to this area (the room where if you open a chest a bunch of skellies spawn and you have to kill all of them.) I know that I filed a bug report on that one as well as talking to support.

11-18-2010, 08:10 PM
I've seen it happen in Xorian, Delera's 2, Delera's 3, and The Necromancer.

Skeletons will spawn, and something in the spawn process glitches causing them to disappear and instantly respawn. If you can do enough damage in the split-second they exist, you can kill it to stop the respawn. Otherwise, it's an unreactive skeleton that just (functionally) resets to full health every second.

11-18-2010, 08:44 PM
Last night on Thelanis a guildie and I ran Catacombs on elite and 7 times total a skeletal fighter would flicker in and out of reality and would take damage then insta heal. THey could not move, but sometimes would attack. Hirelings will get stuck on them and you have to turn on the passive button to get them off.

It is actually a really interesting affect, but could affect you from getting Conquest if enough mobs were to do this.

I had this happen to a group I was in last night in Deleras. For a while I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to kill it since every time it phased in and out, it would heal full. I think it was a ghoul.

11-18-2010, 09:41 PM
This happened recently in ADQ1. In the pit where you go when you choose the wrong path. It was the named zombie. He didn't move, but would heal to full as I had him almost dead. Eventually, we outdamaged him and killed him, but it was like he was tagged with crazy powerful regeneration when he got low on HP. I think he would swing back, but didn't chase us around the floor of the pit at all.

Edit: the ranged aggro is possible. My wife dropped into the pit with me as her AA. She may have grabbed aggro first and that triggered it. And yeah, it seemed like maybe it was just respawning real fast. Would explain the lack of pursuit.

11-18-2010, 10:58 PM
It usually seems to happen with skeles that jump up out of the ground when they spawn. Had it happen in multiple quests, but clearly remember Xorian Cypher. Have also had it happen in Giant's Vault, mostly with the armors on the climbing ledge around the central chamber. Oddly enough, have not seen it in the necropolis quests this week.

Seems to have started around Mod 7 release iirc.

11-18-2010, 11:39 PM
Quest: The catacombs series quest where multiple times you have to pull the lever in the room full of sarcophagi to open the <insert color here> gate. I've seen it happen to multiple skellies in the same room. Based on my experience and the rest of the thread, it appears that the mob making an attack roll is the key. And yes, so far I've only ever seen it with undead that spawn on a trigger - like breaking their sarcophagus.

eg: You shoot one of these undead at range. A bugged melee will start running toward you - you can shoot it multiple times without it resetting, but as soon as it gets close enough to attack, it resets. For bugged archers, this reset appears to happen the instant it goes to shoot (does it actually shoot? I don't recall). If you trip/stun/otherwise render the mob unwilling or unable to take a swing, it will not reset.

Then you hear that faint yet booming voice in your head saying "FINISH HIM!" :p

The first time I encountered these bugged undead (2 of them at the same spawn time), it threw me - I left them behind and continued on. Next time I was running past that room their issue had gone away and I was able to finish them off.

11-18-2010, 11:54 PM
Stormcleave, Elite, Blackbones @ Pious Grew'el:
(Standard): You are at: r1 lx139 ly879 i77 ox72.71 oy149.96 oz158.87 h257.3
(Standard): Q:0x700029CA

Deleras, The Missing Party (PT2), Elite
(Standard): You are at: r1 lx192 ly16 i2052 cInside ox101.51 oy26.50 oz-74.28 h119.5
(Standard): Q:0x70000E06

11-19-2010, 02:59 AM
I've had it happen to basically any type of undead anywhere. Catacombs, Delera's, etc and once it happened to a miniboss.

Sometimes I can "cure" it by running up, whacking it and running away a bit, then run back. Repeating that a few times sometimes makes him follow all of a sudden. Not always though, and not with that miniboss.

11-19-2010, 03:55 AM
On the positive side: it seems an ideal source of chi for monks as they can regenerate chi with each hit.

11-19-2010, 07:03 AM
I had the problem last night exactly where Rimble did in the Haunted Library.

We fired up a firewall and raged and got it, but it was tense as we were stuck in there (we didn't have D-Door memmed)

Same thing occurred in the bottom of the second room where the floor collapses, past the part mentioned above. But we weren't trapped in there at least.

11-19-2010, 07:31 AM
I have bug reported this several times in several locations.

The commonalities of this bug seem to be House J and undead spawns. When my TR monk was running all the House J quests, this occurred quite often and I reported it most of the time. It did seem to happen more often on elite than other difficulties. The only time I can remember it was a real issue was in the Haunted Library where you were trapped in a room with them and needed to eliminate them to unlock the door.

Usually I was using them as Ki batteries and when I had a full bar I would smite them and could kill them, but on elite it would take a while. None of the named did this behaviour that I can recall.

11-19-2010, 07:38 AM
Happened to me in 'The Xorian Cypher' yesterday.

Some of the skeleton warriors who rise out of the ground in the corridors leading up to the final boss room.

11-19-2010, 03:09 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

Any undead quest can have this happen and it is only undead, and only been happening sense Mabar event was put into existence.

I'm expecting undead are getting stuck in an infinate loop where upon Marbar is telling them to respawn.

You know, creating lag. ;) ((I had to say it. Just teasing.))

11-19-2010, 03:31 PM
On the positive side: it seems an ideal source of chi for monks as they can regenerate chi with each hit.

That would be classified as an Exploit.

11-19-2010, 08:49 PM
I first run into this phenomenon in "Raiding the Giant's Vault" and directly bug reported it. This is however already several weeks in the past. I even tryed to reproduce it after that, but it is not always the same mob. However it is possible to kill such a mob with a vorpal/smiting weapon on a successful critical hit. However this is less easy as it sound as the mob may flicker away the second you try to confirm the 20.

11-19-2010, 08:55 PM
yep me too, in necropolis 1,2 and 3, and in the undead quests in house and deleras.. seems random, ive bug reported it too.

this ones preventing quest completion in some quests for some groups - needs a priority fix. sort it turbine.

11-19-2010, 08:59 PM
Just happened to me for the first time today in Orchard (the vanishing had happened before, never in that area) with the Wraith Lords.

11-20-2010, 02:39 AM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

Sorry, I didn't do the /loc, but I do recall one time it was in Thrall of the Necromancer on the west side in the middle of the water so no collision with a wall.

In all cases, I could damage them but they would reappear full up. if I did enough damage in 1 round, then they would die, otherwise, they would just respawn fully healed.

11-21-2010, 12:15 PM
I've seen this error a lot, at least once per mission with undead in it. It's always undead when I see it, but there's so many undead in the game, I may just be missing it happening with living mobs.

I just finished a run through Rest for the Restless. When I got to the end of the mission, I cleared all the mobs who were not strobing, and then put in a bug report while watching Nepenthe's Son strobe in front of me for about two minutes.

Hoping something would fix it, I dismissed my hireling healer (just me and Samuel Merrick in the mission from the start) and then walked away from the strobers. (the end boss of the mission and one of his entourage were both strobing)

I turned around at the bottom of the ramp, and both skeletons were following me.

From this, I take the following. If I need to kill a strober, I will:
1. Walk away, out of sight of the spawn point.
2. Kill everything else in the mission.
3. Dismiss all hirelings.

BTW, I bug reported this the day Update 7 released. Name of the report included the words Strobing Respawns.

11-22-2010, 04:48 AM
Wiz king on normal

(Standard): You are at: r1 lx32 ly96 i2051 cInside ox219.65 oy260.46 oz-358.94 h119.5
(Standard): Q:0x70006118



Screen caps taken in rapid succession, presented in chronological order. Notice in panel 3 I captured a frame in which there was no skeleton. Shortly after Screenshot #7 was taken, he broke free and I finally killed him.

Prior to taking the screencaps, I did manage to trip him and start beating him down, but he stood up, flickered, and came back in at full health.

If I left him alone, he still flickered, but slowly. Hitting him caused him to flicker in and out rapidly.

11-22-2010, 03:18 PM
This happened to me in Rest for the Restless yesterday.

On elite, the Named Boss and last 2 skeletons did this and me and a guildie spent a good 10 minutes beating and smiting him until he died.

11-22-2010, 03:28 PM
Interesting... anybody have a /loc?

Ask 404, Flimsy. I've sent him a few PMs as well as bug reported a reproducible method for you.

11-22-2010, 03:55 PM
Had this happen with a skeleton in Xorian Cipher over the weekend. Same story - just stood in one spot and insta-healed when attacked.

Fortnuately, killing it wasn't any kind of priority, so we just left it.

11-22-2010, 06:17 PM
I had this happen in Xorian Cipher with the skeletons that pop up in various places (three or so of them exhibited this behavior), and just the other day in the Korthos explorer area, with the Sahuagin closest to the waterfall in the river.

11-30-2010, 10:27 PM
Prior to taking the screencaps, I did manage to trip him and start beating him down, but he stood up, flickered, and came back in at full health.

If I left him alone, he still flickered, but slowly. Hitting him caused him to flicker in and out rapidly.

I noticed this in the Xorian Cipher today. Tripping the skeletons prevented their twitchy regeneration, but the one skeleton that we didn't happen to kill before he stood up got twitchy again.