View Full Version : a little insight
10-20-2010, 09:29 AM
Was just pondering some new ( new to me ) builds since this new update and all is coming out. Was wanting a little input or suggestions on them.
FvS AA. 18 FvS/1 ranger/1 monk ( for bow strength/Monk wis bonus to AC) - purpose of good ranged damage + BB kiting. intention of using Zen Archery also.
FvS Melee 18/2 monk or 20 FvS half-orc. 2H build. ( preferably with high wis for DC's. but also high STR to maintain melee dmg) - purpose of being melee soloist/multi-role like WF FvS except having better wis for DC's and possibly monk? for AC/evasion in a 2H build.
Any comments/suggestions on these? I'm excited about both builds IF I'm not over looking some build breaking flaw.
10-20-2010, 09:34 AM
Was just pondering some new ( new to me ) builds since this new update and all is coming out. Was wanting a little input or suggestions on them.
FvS AA. 18 FvS/1 ranger/1 monk ( for bow strength/evasion) - purpose of good ranged damage + BB kiting. intention of using Zen Archery also.
FvS Melee 18/2 monk or 20 FvS half-orc. 2H build. ( preferably with high wis for DC's. but also high STR to maintain melee dmg) - purpose of being melee soloist/multi-role like WF FvS except having better wis for DC's and possibly monk? for AC/evasion in a 2H build.
Any comments/suggestions on these? I'm excited about both builds IF I'm not over looking some build breaking flaw.
18/1/1 does not have evasion
10-20-2010, 09:47 AM
I made an elf cleric 18 / 1 wizard / 1 fighter AA which would work awesome as a half-elf FvS (or cleric).
Wizard is important to avoid having to take mental toughness and getting a free metamagic feat (net gain of 2 feats).
Fighter or Ranger or Monk are options for other level but I chose fighter for the HP boost.
Picking up strength shot is questionable but good if enough points can be squeezed into strength considering the other stat point requirements (17 finishing dex for manyshot, 6 point investment into Con, 16+ starting wisdom + level ups, 14 starting charisma).
If I was to do the build again I would rely on half elf dilettante for strength shot (hopefully enhancements will be added to increase the numerical value) to fit in all the necessary feats. (point blank shot, weapon focus: ranged, rapid shot, manyshot, improved critical: ranged, toughness, maximise/empower healing/empower, quicken and zen archery. Metamagic feat choice depends on if taking RS PrE for a cleric, improved empowering on a FvS or just want maximum healing).
I don't think 17 cleric is viable as lose too much SP and spell slots and it is important for such a build to be a viable raid healer imo and even still you need a decent amount of gear to be able to do it. Plus having the option for tier 3 PrE is good.
None of the above feats can be skipped imo and the only way to then fit in strength shot is to take a second level of a feat giving class which locks out 9th level spells for FvS or tier 3 PrE's for cleric.
Zen Archery is good on this build once you get to level 18 or so when you can really push your wisdom into high values especially now as a half elf who can take human versatility: wisdom.
It would be quite easy to push a half-elf version of this build over 450 hp to be immune to power word stun, cleric/fvs AA could own in PVP if geared right i think, but that is just an aside ...
10-20-2010, 01:24 PM
Build 1: FvS AA 18 fvs/1 rng/1 mnk
1. Like mentioned, it will not grant you evasion. You need 2 monk for that. 2 monk means no level 9 spells.
2. To do good DPS with your bow, you need manyshot. It would be really hard to fit in manyshot + prereqs and still have all the needed metamagics, not to mention ic: ranged and precise shot. It's doable, but know you are sacrificing from both aspects to fit things in.
Build 2: FvS 20/2mnk or 20, THF H Orc
1. FvSs only get Simple weapons + their faith favored weapon. This means, in either build, you will be using a qstaff (unless you burn a feat). This is what makes WF FvS so good, they get Greatsword for free. QStaff is the worst THF weapon there is.
10-20-2010, 01:32 PM
qstaff is the worst thf weapon there is unless you happen to be acrobat, and even then its not too great
10-20-2010, 01:33 PM
Was just pondering some new ( new to me ) builds since this new update and all is coming out. Was wanting a little input or suggestions on them.
FvS AA. 18 FvS/1 ranger/1 monk ( for bow strength/Monk wis bonus to AC) - purpose of good ranged damage + BB kiting. intention of using Zen Archery also.
has been discussed, no reason to go this road.
FvS Melee 18/2 monk or 20 FvS half-orc. 2H build. ( preferably with high wis for DC's. but also high STR to maintain melee dmg) - purpose of being melee soloist/multi-role like WF FvS except having better wis for DC's and possibly monk? for AC/evasion in a 2H build.
this will work. no need to use a feat for proficiency, ur to hit will be high enough with decent gear. only if u gonna run lots of epics with specific bosses with high AC u should consider wf for greatsword proficiency. remember that scrolls of master touch are buyable in portable hole for a 1 minute profiency. u need ur free hand for the scroll so take the scroll with a scimitar to get prof. for it and use the scimitar on high ac targets. evrything outside of epic u can hit.
Any comments/suggestions on these? I'm excited about both builds IF I'm not over looking some build breaking flaw.
10-20-2010, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the comments. The archer build I will look deeper into the feats possible to make it work and see if I want to go that route since it is doable.
The THF half-orc...I was under the assumption, that like other races Half-orc would be getting a favored weapon. I could just be presuming too much though. I assumed half-orc, like WF might have Greataxe or something of the sort was a favored weapon, giving me the proficiency for free.
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