View Full Version : A few questions on shurikens

10-18-2010, 10:06 AM
I'm a wizard with a monk splash, thinking of crafting a LitII or MinII shuriken as a toy for some situational use. Have a few questions on shurikens first:

1. If I equip a greensteel shuriken in one hand, and a ghost touch kama of tendon slice 10% kama in the other hand, will my shuriken (throwing weapon) also gain the ghost touch and tendon slice 10%?

2. Will a MinII or LitII shuriken do more damage in the sands, gianthold, and reavers refuge?

3. Will a MinII or LitII shuriken do more damage in shavarath, shroud, VOD, and TOD (I already know the MinII wins is best for DQ)?

4. What's the approximate dps one would see with a MinII or LitII shuriken assuming you don't miss (i.e. have high attack), are a dex not strength build, are hasted, and have TWF/ITWF?

10-18-2010, 10:59 AM
I believe that the only weapon efects from one weapon that effect the other weapon are: Seeker and Backstabbing.

These effects also come on items and effect all weapons being used.

I have tested both, and they do effect throwing weps.

Also, I made a GS Shuriken for my monk. As this is the only ranged weapon a monk can use and stay centered.

I chose to go Min II.
Because I've been in Shrouds where we had to back off and range the Pit Fiend.
And I could also see using it in DQ raids.

Min II is also Keen.

It's a lot priority for me to finish it though. But crafting to tier II was easy and it does some ok damage....at least better than any other Shuriken I could expect to have.

But My Wizard made GS heavy Crossbow. (not upgraded yet)
And I would probably go Lit II for the Crossbow.

I'm a firm believer in that all chars should have effective melee and ranged weps...even casters.

But GS weps of that sort are low priority for my ingrediants use.