View Full Version : a few questions on monk class feats.

10-16-2010, 11:06 PM
hello there,leveling a monk,been researching quite a bit about them,but there's a few things I've been able to get pretty much no definite info on,after searching the web.

Perfect self- adds 10 dr/epic and you are considered a lawful outsider. the dr i understand,but what does the lawful outsider,do,as far as gameplay goes? make you immune to certain spells,or what? and what exactly pierces epic dr?

timeless body- i believe all this feat does is protect against things like "wraiths lingering touch" from spawning a wraith if you die?

Those were the only ones i was confused about.thanks in advance.

10-17-2010, 12:38 AM
hello there,leveling a monk,been researching quite a bit about them,but there's a few things I've been able to get pretty much no definite info on,after searching the web.

Perfect self- adds 10 dr/epic and you are considered a lawful outsider. the dr i understand,but what does the lawful outsider,do,as far as gameplay goes? make you immune to certain spells,or what? and what exactly pierces epic dr?
Lawful Outsider means your immune to "person" spells like hold person and charm/dominate person, as well as player bane weapons IE human, elf, halfling bane weapons. Only one creature in the game can break epic DR and that is kasquik, the kobald in the shroud. There may be one other guy, the named skelly in the litany whos name I cant remember right now.

timeless body- i believe all this feat does is protect against things like "wraiths lingering touch" from spawning a wraith if you die?

Those were the only ones i was confused about.thanks in advance.

in RED

10-17-2010, 06:38 AM
thanks for the reply,i appreciate it. glad to hear the level 20 class feat makes me immune to charm and hold person,they have to be some of the most annoying spells to fail a save on.

10-17-2010, 09:12 AM
thanks for the reply,i appreciate it. glad to hear the level 20 class feat makes me immune to charm and hold person,they have to be some of the most annoying spells to fail a save on.

funny thing is that you can still get held by hold monster which quite a few monsters cast. Technically to them you and your other buddies are considered monsters.