View Full Version : Skill Points - WF Wiz/Rog (32 Point)

10-14-2010, 05:09 AM
I'd like to roll a 32 point WF Wiz/Rog and I'm thinking this for stats:

10 - STR
8 - DEX
18 - CON
18 - INT (with level up points here)
10 - WIS
6 - CHA

I'd like to be able to do traps effectively but I'm fairly useless at remembering where they are so I'd like to be able have Spot as well as Search and Disable. I'm not going to worry about UMD on this character and I won't be investing any points in Open Lock whilst I'm levelling.

I shouldn't have any problems getting gear with maximum plus to Spot/Search/Disable for each level and I'm lucky enough to have found a +1 and a +2 int tome on characters that don't need them! :)

So I'm just wondering how I should be spending my skill points?

Do I need to be maxing Concentration at each level and then spreading the rest our over Spot, Search and Disable? If that's the case I guess I won't be able to max out the Rogue skills for the first few levels (if at all, even once I've used the tomes) would this be a problem?

Alternatively is there a minimum I could be spending on concentration in order to free more up for the other skills?

I'm going to be taking Quicken as a feat and as I'm not going with UMD I don't intend to be doing much with scrolls... I'll get a raise dead clickie elsewhere! ;)

10-14-2010, 05:16 AM
scenario 1:
you get 6 skillpoints per wizard lvl. from lvl 9 on (you took int advancement twice already) you can spent 7 skillpoints per level. from lvl 17 onwards you get 8 skillpoints/level.

scenario 2 (imo better but involves ingame plat or cash)
eat +1 tome at lvl 3 or 4. get 7 points from lvl 5 onwards. eat +2 tome on lvl 7/8 and get 8 skillpoints from lvl 9 onwards. 9 skillpoints from lvl 17 then.

usually i'd say to forget about spot. seeing you are a new player, spot is maybe important for you.

anyway, its kinda ok to let some points down. at lvl 9 or maybe 11 you might wanna take your 2nd rogue level and fill up missing points there.

skipping umd is discuss worthy even on a warforged ;)

wisdom is not the greatest investment for 4 ability points. +2 willsave won't cut it in the end ;)

edit: max concentration.
edit 2: try and get some points in balance/jump aswell (on the roguelevels)

10-14-2010, 05:30 AM
My first toon that hit lvl 20 was 18wiz/2rog drow - back in days when you didnt need umd check for heal scroll :)
I was raising umd, DD, serch, concentration - max some points were in balance, spot, jump i take my 2nd lvl of rog late realy late.
And i would say +1 int tome is very good to have on wizard, +2 i also good but that one is harder to get for new player i wouldnt recomend spending TP on +2 tome

My vision fo WF build novice would be:
max DD, serch, concentration, spot.
UMD 18 (-2 cha +4 gh = 20, or if you have delara UMD 14 [3 necky 1 voice] - you can use rr items)
jump 10 (with spell it is 40 wich is cap)
rest in balance

1st lvl feat toughness, 2lvl extend, 3 reflexes

first few lvls (till lvl 6 - fire ball) you should be able to use great axe with masters touch and hit on mob to make things easier

10-14-2010, 06:22 AM
You may want to consider going 18 int, 20 con, and forget the wis. You just can't do enough with wisdom to matter much at higher levels. Protection from Evil, a level 1 spell, will protect you where you're weakest against will saves.

I kept concentration and search maxed, distributing the rest of the points across spot, disable device and open lock. Since the 18/2 build was my first toon, Spot certainly helped in learning where the traps are. Once you feel comfortable with that, you can always lesser reincarnate and ignore Spot entirely.

You may want to reconsider your choice to not put points in open lock. Some of the more entertaining dungeons require lock picking. If you have to make a choice, you can afford to let Spot slide and "find" traps by having them blow up on you. It really depends on your personal preference, although you may want to warn your party members if you're going to let things go 'splodey. ;)

Quicken is an interesting feat, one that I'm only really starting to appreciate. While it's totally necessary on my drow cleric, it's usefulness is much more situational on the WF wiz/rog. Of course it depends on the spell, but I've found it to be fairly rare that a routine spell gets interrupted. So rare that it just isn't worth the spell point cost to keep it running. The two notable exceptions to that rule are when repairing main tanks in some raids, or when soloing Lailat. It's definately worth having, but probably something to take later in the toon's development.

G'luck with the build, it can be fun as hell to play.

10-14-2010, 01:37 PM
if you're running with people who know the quest well, you can rely on them to know the traps. if you aren't, you can use ddowiki's maps if you're able to have it open at the same time.