View Full Version : My first Tempest Spine run

10-08-2010, 01:15 PM
I ran TS for the first time earlier.

Told the group it was my first time and was offered some good advice.

Saw some new monsters (the freakiest being a floating head thing) and something that made me chuckle - a 1970s disco stage and glitterball.

During the fight with the big Boss, at the end, just as we killed him I got knocked off the mountain and missed the final chest and then got killed whilst making my way back to the top (i only made it as far as about 20 meters from where I landed and got my butt kicked by some monster with a long tail)

All in all I had a great time and would like to thank all those that helped me and made me feel welcome during the quest.


10-09-2010, 08:01 PM
Some hints.

If you get knocked off, equip your feather fall item. Then go into sneak mode. Then type "/stuck". This will teleport you back to the top; it's only usable once per account per day though, so don't over-use it. Sneak helps you not attract attention when you're lazily drifting down into the hungry mobs of elementals and reavers.

10-09-2010, 08:18 PM
I ran TS for the first time earlier.

Told the group it was my first time and was offered some good advice.

Saw some new monsters (the freakiest being a floating head thing) and something that made me chuckle - a 1970s disco stage and glitterball.

The floating head thing is a beholder. It's a classic monsters that is the bane of every spell casters' existence. It uses antimagic, disintegrate and instadeath. It can toss you around a room with telekinesis as well. If you're a caster (ANYTHING that can use magic) or don't have death ward, you want distance between those things and you. If it looks at you, it'll use antimagic followed shortly by it's instadeath move.

It's great that you were able to complete tempest spine on your first run. It took me 2 grouping tries to beat it the first time.

10-09-2010, 11:39 PM
at the least you were at the proper lvl for the quest grats on that

there are other shorter quests with better loot no big loss.

10-10-2010, 08:01 AM
Thanks for the replies.

Ran my snecond TS today and got knocked off again.

Didnt equip my FF boots in time but still didnt take damage when I landed?

Learnt about the \stuck command today (but id moved first d'oh) so I ran back up and got lost in the caves.

Luckily someone came back down and guided me back up for the loot.

I have a DB docent, so this time I stared the Beholder in the eye and then helped smite it, lol

10-10-2010, 08:21 AM
Congrats on your TS run!

I take it you're not a classic D&D player then? ;)

Anyway, the other long-tailed monster that killed you in the cliffs are likely fire reavers.

And don't get so cocky with a Beholder even with a Deathblock item on. I learnt my lesson when I got killed instantly while running away from one (that chased me halfway across the map in the Orchard!). I was like "what the hell??" when someone pointed out that it likely hit me with Disintegrate. Yup, if they can't hit you with Deathray, they still can hit you with Disintegrate. ;)

10-10-2010, 09:17 AM
Congrats on your TS run!

I take it you're not a classic D&D player then? ;)

Anyway, the other long-tailed monster that killed you in the cliffs are likely fire reavers.

And don't get so cocky with a Beholder even with a Deathblock item on. I learnt my lesson when I got killed instantly while running away from one (that chased me halfway across the map in the Orchard!). I was like "what the hell??" when someone pointed out that it likely hit me with Disintegrate. Yup, if they can't hit you with Deathray, they still can hit you with Disintegrate. ;)

Last time i played D&D was about 20 odd years ago.

Thanks for the warning about the beholder, next time I'll be a little less cocky lol

I might rethink my approach regarding the final Giant seeing as i keep getting knocked off. I usually attack him from behind but Im beginning to think thats the root cause - when hes about to die I believe he gets extremely scared resulting in Giant sized, fear induced flatulence. As Im trying to hamstring him from behind I catch the full force of his noxious discharge and get "blown off", to coin a phrase

10-10-2010, 07:17 PM
I'm by no mean an expert, but I think that closer to the wall is a much safer spot to fight him that out in the open. Best strategy is to position yourself with your back against the wall (no matter where he is facing that is) so that even if you get knocked off you'll be bouncing off the wall and back into the arena.

10-11-2010, 02:11 AM
I'm by no mean an expert, but I think that closer to the wall is a much safer spot to fight him that out in the open. Best strategy is to position yourself with your back against the wall (no matter where he is facing that is) so that even if you get knocked off you'll be bouncing off the wall and back into the arena.

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Im usually the pillar side hence the flying lessons I recieve. I'll try attacking fom wall side, as you suggested, and see what happens.

10-11-2010, 04:58 AM
Gratz mate, one of the reall classical ones in DDO! In away I miss the days when cap was 10 and TS was the thing to run, specially on elite... meant real teamwork and planning. BH are always a pain in the butt!

10-11-2010, 07:48 AM
Gratz mate, one of the reall classical ones in DDO! In away I miss the days when cap was 10 and TS was the thing to run, specially on elite... meant real teamwork and planning. BH are always a pain in the butt!

I think I shall always remember it as well, especially as I did my first dance during the second run.

One minute Im casting Devine Favour and getting ready to do some smiting, then the next thing I know Im doing a solo version of Riverdance whilst the battle rages on all around me. To make matters worse it seemed to go on forever and I noticed a couple of the group turn and watch my "mighty WF power house" doing a solo Irish jig oblivious to the mayhem going on all around.

I actually felt embarrassed

A moment I shall never forget