View Full Version : Alignment effect on gameplay?

10-07-2010, 09:40 AM
hey guys...sorry for the n00b question. I have tried a search and cannot find anything about this topic so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a Lawful Good Monk. Obviously, because of his alignment, I assumed that the path of light was best for him. In all honesty I didn't even consider the dark path because I figured it wouldn't be available. Anyway, I have used my token to change a feat to switch from light to dark(ToD rules..lol). I also have taken the Ninja Spy prestige enhancement.

The question I have is that it is telling me that using some of these enhancement is considered a dark act. Will this effect my alignment? I don't want to change alignments because I have a killer set of holy handwraps.

Thanks in advance.

10-07-2010, 09:42 AM
hey guys...sorry for the n00b question. I have tried a search and cannot find anything about this topic so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a Lawful Good Monk. Obviously, because of his alignment, I assumed that the path of light was best for him. In all honesty I didn't even consider the dark path because I figured it wouldn't be available. Anyway, I have used my token to change a feat to switch from light to dark(ToD rules..lol). I also have taken the Ninja Spy prestige enhancement.

The question I have is that it is telling me that using some of these enhancement is considered a dark act. Will this effect my alignment? I don't want to change alignments because I have a killer set of holy handwraps.

Thanks in advance.

no, it won't affect your alignment.

alignment is purely used to determine what weapon effects you can use (without umd), if certain spells damage you and if certain items give you a negative level or not...

10-07-2010, 09:44 AM
DDO pretty much ignores alignment except for determining which weapons you can equip (some are "good alignment only" or "Chaotic or UMD only" etc) and which classes you can take (like lawful for monk, non lawful for barb).

10-07-2010, 11:04 AM
DDO pretty much ignores alignment except for determining which weapons you can equip (some are "good alignment only" or "Chaotic or UMD only" etc) and which classes you can take (like lawful for monk, non lawful for barb).

The exception being monk handwraps. You can equip and use any monk handwraps regardless of alighnment required and not suffer a neg level for using chaotic or anarchaic handwraps which will normally happen when a lawful character uses em.

The only exception are the deleras handwraps which require you to be good.

10-07-2010, 11:11 AM
The only exception are the deleras handwraps which require you to be good.

i'm pretty sure they don't. at least they didn't at some point.

10-07-2010, 11:12 AM
hey guys...sorry for the n00b question. I have tried a search and cannot find anything about this topic so any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have a Lawful Good Monk. Obviously, because of his alignment, I assumed that the path of light was best for him. In all honesty I didn't even consider the dark path because I figured it wouldn't be available. Anyway, I have used my token to change a feat to switch from light to dark(ToD rules..lol).I also have taken the Ninja Spy prestige enhancement.

The question I have is that it is telling me that using some of these enhancement is considered a dark act. Will this effect my alignment? I don't want to change alignments because I have a killer set of holy handwraps.

Thanks in advance.

heh...... perhaps you should read the release notes for U7

(Still a great move... but no longer OP'ed)

10-07-2010, 11:12 AM
DDO pretty much ignores alignment except for determining which weapons you can equip (some are "good alignment only" or "Chaotic or UMD only" etc) and which classes you can take (like lawful for monk, non lawful for barb).
I think that some mobs do Unholy damage (2d6 to Good). It should also be possible that there are mobs with Axiomatic, Anarchic, True Law, True Chaos, etc damage effects as well. If not, they should be added as its only fair we get hit with the same. :D

10-08-2010, 10:47 AM
i'm pretty sure they don't. at least they didn't at some point.

Its cool Im pretty sure you are wrong.


Required trait: Good aligned

10-08-2010, 10:55 AM
yeah, sorry. was thinking the devout handwraps as the devotions are nice but not mandatory for a monk to have :)

10-08-2010, 11:02 AM
yeah, sorry. was thinking the devout handwraps as the devotions are nice but not mandatory for a monk to have :)

Whereas devouts are the ones that every non-shinatao III needs and most will never have due to horrific drop rate.