View Full Version : Epic Belt of the Mroronan?

10-07-2010, 02:28 AM
So currently runnin with epic vambraces, spectral gloves and belt of the mroronan. Obviously Im losing out on 3d6 bane damage on evil outsiders. However Im gaining the stat consolidation primarily the toughness heavy fort allowing me to put on an sp cha skills item (helm) which will allow no fail heal scrolls. Planning for the epic kundarak warding bracers which covers the only 3 things (con,res,prot) Im missing with this set up. The toon is weidling an epic sos with silver property. Just looking for other pally opinions on whether its viable to drop the lorinthors set for the no fail heal and squeezing in everything I want.

10-07-2010, 02:34 AM
totally going off-topic from the OP.... but everytime someone talks about this belt, they call it the belt of the moron (and not on purpose lol)

sorry OP just happened for like the 4th time today .... and then I saw this thread LOL

10-07-2010, 02:35 AM
when I talk in vent i call it and the helm the "****" of the moron too just for ease or pronunciation.

10-07-2010, 02:50 AM
Seems you are running epics quite a bit. I honestly don't think heavy fort / toughness should be much of an issue what with being able to augment for them. vambraces + shintao set + kotc set + spectral covers every stat with +1 exceptional str / char built in.

10-07-2010, 03:08 AM
suppose I could go heavy fort toughness on the vambraces.....was wanting to put good luck on em as its my only blue slot, but can swap out head for bloodstone for heals.

10-07-2010, 05:42 AM
I can't see dropping the kotc set because your best bet is to alternate that set with ravager depending on content (esp since both belts are con6 and no gfl, all you lose from the swap is 1 charisma).

There are plenty of other ways to consolidate gear. My twf pally can work in the claw set, etc, and is also working in a torc for the self-healing and the like. It shouldnt be too difficult to do.

In terms of sheer dps gain from eq slots, the 3 largest pickups are kotcset (10.5 dam per hit), epic claw set (+4 modified by crits is effectively around 6 or so a swing) and ravager (7 damage per hit vs bleeders, for non-evil outsider mobs).

You'd be better off sacrificing other potential damage adders to get what you need, whether that be shintao set (only +2 damage) or even eternal fire (which is also less).