View Full Version : Scroll Ninja Thread...
10-05-2010, 05:38 PM
Send PM for names...lets keep this up for people we might need to avoid (they can ninja from each other once they cant get into other groups)
Scroll in question : Bracers of the Claw
10-05-2010, 05:43 PM
No need to PM the names/guilds. We should all know by know that Turbine intends epics to only be run with close friends and associates.
At least, the epics that actually drop scrolls anyway.
10-05-2010, 05:46 PM
No need to PM the names/guilds. We should all know by know that Turbine intends epics to only be run with close friends and associates.
At least, the epics that actually drop scrolls anyway.
Its the principle, this is DDO not WoW, I want to know who to avoid in my future pugs and I would expect others that like to pug would want to know the same...
10-05-2010, 06:01 PM
lol i'd love to hear the whole story and also get the name PMed. I'm always happy to pull some strings and turn someone deserving of it into my "pariah of the month".
10-06-2010, 02:07 AM
How exactly do you prove someone ninja'd a scroll?
10-06-2010, 02:09 AM
How exactly do you prove someone ninja'd a scroll?
Scroll there.
Only one person around it.
Scroll not there.
Or, five guildies, one non-guildie. The minute the quest is over, non-guildie bails, no scroll is produced.
I see the Ninjas all the time. Its normally the Guo Ren kids, but I'm fairly sure its because they just don't play be the same rules. Or, at least, pretend that they don't when they're in a PUG Epic.
10-06-2010, 05:00 AM
Pm name please, I don't pug spots often with people I don't know, but wouldn't want to be a victim for not asking.
10-06-2010, 05:05 AM
What I find interesting is that I play with a lot of Chinese players--and they DON'T pick up scrolls, they wait til the end or the section is cleared and then they are rolled on. . Where as in American groups someone always feels that they have to pick it up instantly--and many times they forget and leave quest . ..Or-they cant remember what scroll it is since they have so many. . .I personally don't pick up scrolls either since I have quite a few on a couplle dif alts and it gets confusing so I do not pick them up.
I use TTS weapons on 2 alts, and people always be picking up my soul gems faster than I can even look at them. . .I think, that one can't always be sure who is picking up what, and that it is easy to scape goat people under the current system. My point is, it is both Americans and everyone else around the world that ninjas scrolls.
10-06-2010, 08:45 AM
Send PM for names...lets keep this up for people we might need to avoid (they can ninja from each other once they cant get into other groups)
Scroll in question : Bracers of the Claw
Be like me... make one man guild, solo epics, then no ninja worries :P
Edit: If I saw someone ninja the bracers of the claw scroll I would lose it.
Please PM name.
10-06-2010, 10:31 AM
What I find interesting is that I play with a lot of Chinese players--and they DON'T pick up scrolls, they wait til the end or the section is cleared and then they are rolled on. . Where as in American groups someone always feels that they have to pick it up instantly--and many times they forget and leave quest . ..Or-they cant remember what scroll it is since they have so many. . .I personally don't pick up scrolls either since I have quite a few on a couplle dif alts and it gets confusing so I do not pick them up.
I use TTS weapons on 2 alts, and people always be picking up my soul gems faster than I can even look at them. . .I think, that one can't always be sure who is picking up what, and that it is easy to scape goat people under the current system. My point is, it is both Americans and everyone else around the world that ninjas scrolls.
Face it hex, kheg is pm'ing your name around as a ninja ;)
10-06-2010, 10:46 AM
What I find interesting is that I play with a lot of Chinese players--and they DON'T pick up scrolls, they wait til the end or the section is cleared and then they are rolled on. . Where as in American groups someone always feels that they have to pick it up instantly--and many times they forget and leave quest . ..Or-they cant remember what scroll it is since they have so many. . .I personally don't pick up scrolls either since I have quite a few on a couplle dif alts and it gets confusing so I do not pick them up.
I use TTS weapons on 2 alts, and people always be picking up my soul gems faster than I can even look at them. . .I think, that one can't always be sure who is picking up what, and that it is easy to scape goat people under the current system. My point is, it is both Americans and everyone else around the world that ninjas scrolls.
Well then, I guess we've had different experiences in this department.
Sounds like you at least have a passing knowledge of the Chinese players you're with - the ones I'm speaking of are names I've never heard before, and never see again. Sometimes the scrolls are off the ground before I can even read the name.
Whereas with the reputable players that I know and play with on a regular basis, be they American, Aussie, Canadian, or Chinese bilingual (Shr plz, thank you, and haste does not make you bilingual), it is :
Examine Scroll.
Call out name of scroll. Possibly even do a quick hotlink/type.
Pick up scroll.
Roll at a good dead time/the end.
Out of the 3 20's I have, I only let one of them hold onto my Epic Shards/Seals/Scrolls, and those are in their own special ingredients bag, set to *not* auto-collect. So scrolls from active quests never mix with scrolls that are from prior questing. It seems to be an effective method of preventing "accidental ninja-ing".
I also feel your pain on Trap the Soul. Often, I couldn't care less if they pick them up - but every now and then, I like my little war trophy, especially with Devs actually giving a couple of them uses now. Doing the math, it costs me around 1,250 plat every time I cast it (Spell based, not GS based)- having someone pick up the Soul Gem is.. annoying.
10-06-2010, 05:05 PM
Well then, I guess we've had different experiences in this department.
Sounds like you at least have a passing knowledge of the Chinese players you're with - the ones I'm speaking of are names I've never heard before, and never see again. Sometimes the scrolls are off the ground before I can even read the name.
Whereas with the reputable players that I know and play with on a regular basis, be they American, Aussie, Canadian, or Chinese bilingual (Shr plz, thank you, and haste does not make you bilingual), it is :
Examine Scroll.
Call out name of scroll. Possibly even do a quick hotlink/type.
Pick up scroll.
Roll at a good dead time/the end.
Out of the 3 20's I have, I only let one of them hold onto my Epic Shards/Seals/Scrolls, and those are in their own special ingredients bag, set to *not* auto-collect. So scrolls from active quests never mix with scrolls that are from prior questing. It seems to be an effective method of preventing "accidental ninja-ing".
I also feel your pain on Trap the Soul. Often, I couldn't care less if they pick them up - but every now and then, I like my little war trophy, especially with Devs actually giving a couple of them uses now. Doing the math, it costs me around 1,250 plat every time I cast it (Spell based, not GS based)- having someone pick up the Soul Gem is.. annoying.
Imagine if you were used to scrolls not being picked up, and you joined some American groups and found that the Americans were always instantly picking up scrolls and saying/mumbling soe stuff that you couldnt understand--they could think that you all are ninja-ing as well so just doing the same--while putting all your names on QQ. I jsut don't like these threads, as they don't allow for the miscomunication factor.
Anywho--if you really want scrolls, only run with people you know, or most of these quests can be farmed or solo'd to a point, and that is how we get ours.
I don't care about my soul gems, but it did make me realize how fast people pick stuff up--including the most "trust" Americans..
I do not have enough space in my inventory to not auto gather, nor enough time to sort inventory .
I guess I should put my claw scrolls on the ah:)
10-06-2010, 05:23 PM
they could think that you all are ninja-ing as well so just doing the same--
At the end of the quest, the scroll is Hotlinked, the d100 or whatever following directly after that. Then people roll. I think there's hardly any room for interpretation there. No, the people that ninja these scrolls are doing just that - either because that's how they're used to doing it commonly in their groups, or because they're just [insert expletive here]. I give room for there to be either situation, as I have no way of being sure what any individual player is used to in their groups, especially when there is a language barrier.
I do not have enough space in my inventory to not auto gather, nor enough time to sort inventory .
You have time to solo these quests/quest portions ad nausea, but not to manage inventory? I think now you're just being contrary for the sake of it.
Two Ingredients bags. One with all my other junk, on autogather. One with Epic stuff, not on auogather. At the end of the quest, any tokens/seals/shards get switched over - it takes two seconds, probably while we're rolling off one of the scrolls we've picked up. Its a simple concept. I didn't say you needed to ascribe to my methods, but was pointing out that the whole "oh it got mixed up with my other scrolls, I don't know which one I picked up LOLZ" situation is one that is easily preventable.
10-06-2010, 05:47 PM
You have time to solo these quests/quest portions ad nausea, but not to manage inventory? I think now you're just being contrary for the sake of it.
Well--no--lol--that is where my time goes, either leveling my TR or Farming scrolls/seals, and on top of that organizing raids--i sort thru my inventory about once every 3 or 4 months. Often times I am going from one quest to the next or one raid to the next with barely time for an afk when I play.
All my melees have UMD, and different gear for different things--my ranger literally has 6 empty back pack spaces, my kensai 9. The others have a bit more but they get full as we often run from quest to quest while doing EPic in red Fens.
10-06-2010, 05:48 PM
Personally I have never seen a scroll hotlinked but that does seem like a good idea.
10-06-2010, 06:38 PM
Well--no--lol--that is where my time goes, either leveling my TR or Farming scrolls/seals, and on top of that organizing raids--i sort thru my inventory about once every 3 or 4 months. Often times I am going from one quest to the next or one raid to the next with barely time for an afk when I play.
All my melees have UMD, and different gear for different things--my ranger literally has 6 empty back pack spaces, my kensai 9. The others have a bit more but they get full as we often run from quest to quest while doing EPic in red Fens.
My Sorc is the same way on inventory spots. Painful at best. Maybe 4 slots, I'd probably have to destroy something to Shroud craft. My non-umd fighter, on the other hand? Plenty of space. Big surprise, right?
Personally I have never seen a scroll hotlinked but that does seem like a good idea.
If you like the idea, run with it. I think its a wonderful way of letting people know what's up.
10-06-2010, 08:11 PM
What I find interesting is that I play with a lot of Chinese players--and they DON'T pick up scrolls, they wait til the end or the section is cleared and then they are rolled on. .
just FYI the scrolls and other collectable bags do not last forever on the ground. I think their TTL is about 15 minutes.
10-09-2010, 12:31 AM
just FYI the scrolls and other collectable bags do not last forever on the ground. I think their TTL is about 15 minutes.
Was farming scrolls in Von 1 and let a bag sit (not sure if they have the same duration or not). The bag was definately there after 8 mins but my ADD kicked in and forgot to run back until 13 min count and it was gone. =)
But getting back to Kehg's post, I pretty much farm solo for scrolls or run with people I know to avoid ninja's. I'd be curious about the name though if you wanna PM me.
10-10-2010, 05:32 PM
Last time I let a scroll sit until it disappeared, I think it was pretty close to 11 minutes - the duration of a scroll GH I used for a timer.
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