View Full Version : WTB 2x Large Devil Scales

09-28-2010, 07:48 PM
like the title states I need 2x Large Devil Scales

thanks for that point I dont mind paying 350k for each scale I think that should be fair.

only need one more paying 450k

09-28-2010, 07:53 PM
It will help people if you say what you are willing to trade or pay for them.

WTB 2 Scales for 10kpPlat isn't going to get you any response. 100k/each maaaaybe if you find a really nice seller - 300K/each most likely - more = for sure. Trades are usually multiples of other larges or some form of dragon scales etc...mainly due to the high level of need for Larges in pretty much all crafting.

09-28-2010, 11:32 PM

p.s also got some boot mats and other larges if somone would rather make a trade

09-30-2010, 03:16 PM
Did you get these already ?

10-01-2010, 11:02 AM
no still need those 2

10-01-2010, 01:43 PM
only need one more now paying 450k

10-01-2010, 05:32 PM
Send me a tell on Shocklore, or Jacaroma and i'll sell you a scale for 450k!

10-01-2010, 09:01 PM
thanks got the scales now :D