View Full Version : Nixero (Reference Post)
09-26-2010, 11:00 PM
09-26-2010, 11:03 PM
reserved in case.
09-27-2010, 11:30 AM
Um, 18 Cleric - 2 Monk?
09-27-2010, 12:55 PM
Um, 18 Cleric - 2 Monk?
09-27-2010, 08:34 PM
This build is completely copy and pasted in many sections, without permission, from my guild forums. The build is Fanfare on Ghallanda (, which had previously been posted in its 32-point incarnation as Unyielding Crusader (
Fan and I are known for publishing our builds because we are generally quite happy to see them shared. This one already has a thread, but Fan had not finished the TR and wanted to wait to post it until she could talk about the playstyle with more authority.
And, as you know, Fan did suggest that you might enjoy something similar for Nixero.
However, enjoying a build concept and copy and pasting major sections onto the main boards, under your own heading, without permission and without attribution ... this is just dishonest.
Nixero, I hope you take this lesson with you not only as you continue on the DDO forums but also as you are finishing high school and college.
I like battleclerics and I've always loved Fanfare, my 18 cleric/2 monk khopesh battlecleric. I've been thinking about going over to favored soul because they get more spell points and wings.
But you know what I like even better than spell points and wings? DPS. With a 36 point build, I can make a max strength, khopesh battlecleric with divine might III (+6 damage/swing). I'm currently a 32 point build, so I'm going to reroll monk once (for the passive +1 damage), and then make this 36 point battlecleric crazy build! +7 to +8 damage/swing over my current build - yeah!
This build also gets a helpful level of armor class as an afterthought without really trying or putting on armor class gear (60 self-buffed, 72 max).
As a cleric I get much nicer spell selection than a favored soul. Holy aura just got improved, so it now grants+4 ac and saves to the whole group. I couldn't fit it in as a favored soul splash build. Death pact (throwing myself a raise after death) is another nice spell I get to keep that I wouldn't as a fvs.
So battlecleric it is! I hope to go warpriest with this build eventually, but will spec radiant servant until warpriest is out.
Level 20 Lawful Neutral Human Female
(2 Monk / 18 Cleric)
Hit Points: 562 HP (calculations below)
Spell Points: 1638 (calculations below)
Saves estimate: (self-buffed with recitation, gh, holy aura, +5 resist item, alchemical resistance ritual, haste)
Fort: 38
Reflex: 33
Will: 40
36 point build:
Stat array assuming +2 tomes:
str: 17 +2 tome+1 human +6 item +3 excep +5 level=34+2 rage+2 yugo=38 (+6 titan's grip = 44)
dex: 15 +2 tome +5 item =22
wis: 8 + 2 tome+3 exceptional+ 6 item +3 cleric=22
int: 8 +3 tome =11
cha: 16 +2 tome +6 item +2 enhancement =26
con: 13 +6 item +2 tome+1 human =22
Stat array respec with +3 tomes:
str: 18 +3 tome+1 human +6 item +3 excep +5 level=36+2 rage+2 yugo=40 (+6 titan's grip = 46)
dex: 14 +3 tome +7 item =24
wis: 8 + 3 tome+2 exceptional+ 6 item +3 cleric=22
int: 8 +3 tome =11
cha: 15 +3 tome +6 item +2 enhancement =26
con: 14 +3 tome+6 item +1 human =24
Feats and leveling:
Level ups into Str.
Max ranks in concentration, umd, others split between balance, jump, tumble
Feat: (Human Bonus) Two weapon fighting
1 Feat: (Selected) Extend spell
3 Feat: (Selected) Khopesh
(Monk Bonus) Toughness
Monk Bonus) Power attack (but don't turn it on until higher levels)
6 Feat: (Selected) Empower healing
9 Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
15 Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
18 Feat: Greater two weapon fighting
Two possible gear sets:
On hitting 20, based on what I already have:
Weapons: Lightning 2 khopeshes, Mineral II khopeshes (Holy/acid burst/+4 insight AC and Holy/acid burst/+2 wisdom); Greater banes; Vorpal Khopeshes
Red Dragonscale robe: w/toughness, 6 charisma
Bracers: Bracers of the glacier (200 sp, spell pen VIII, fireshield cold guard)/chaosguardes
Goggles: Tharne's goggles w/ resistance ritual
Helm: Crafted Min II(healing lore, +150 exceptional sp, heavy fort, +5 prot)
Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum / swap for Tempest set bonus 1d4 slicing
Cloak: Greensteel: 45 hp / +6 wis / +5 concentration / +1 str / Concordant opposition
Trinket: Bloodstone
Belt: Knost's belt/ superior devotion clickies
Gloves: Spectral gloves/vile blasphemy/bramble casters
Boots: Gyroscopic Boots, FF/balance, FF/jump, Firestorm greaves, anchoring, kundarak delving boots
Ring: Encrusted Ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, 20% healing amp)
Ring: Tempest ring (6 dex, 1 wis, +2 str)/ Telvi's touch (6 cha, 1 wis, greater devotion VIII)
Ideal gear*:
Weapons: Lightning 2 khopeshes, Mineral II khopeshes (Holy/acid burst/+4 insight AC and Holy/acid burst/+2 wisdom); Greater banes; Vorpal Khopeshes
Red Dragonscale robe: w/toughness, 6 charisma
Bracers*: Bracers of the glacier (200 sp, spell pen VIII, fireshield cold guard)/ Levik's bracers (6 str, 20% healing amp)
Goggles: Tharne's goggles w/ resistance ritual
Helm: Crafted Min II(healing lore, +150 exceptional sp, heavy fort, +5 prot)
Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum / swap to Shintao set bonus for +2 hit/dam
Cloak: Greensteel: 45 hp / +6 wis / +5 concentration / +1 str / Concordant opposition
Trinket: Epic bloodstone
Belt: Ravager belt (6 con 2 seeker)/ warpriest belt (6 con +2 to-hit)
Gloves*: Epic spectral gloves w/7 dex, GFL / titan's grip for clicky
Boots: Gyroscopic Boots, FF/balance, FF/jump, Firestorm greaves, anchoring, kundarak delving boots
Ring: Ravager Ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/morgana's ring (6 wis, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/encrusted ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, 20% amp)
Ring: Shintao Ring (6 wis, 3 str)/Tempest ring (6 dex, 1 wis, 2 str)
*Gloves/bracer slots a little loose - would like to see how the bracer/glove sets that were leaked from update 6 are implemented. Those could be a big boost that this character could easily take advantage of.
Potential ToD sets swap like this:
Everyday: torc, ravager set, shintao ring
Max dps: tempest set, ravager set
Additional to-hit: shintao set, warpriest set
max dps on undead/constructs: frenzied set, shintao set
Armor class:
Lightningstrike/dps AC: (no swaps, no buffs)
10 base
8 dragonscale
5 wis bonus
7 dex bonus
5 protection
1 alchemical AC bonus
1 monk bonus
2 recitation
4 holy aura
3 barkskin pot
1 haste
4 shield 10 wand
= 51
with min II khopeshes (instead of lightning strike)
4 insight ac
1 wis bracket on min II khopesh
2 chaos guard swap
Yugo pots
2 yugo dex and wis pot
=60 self-buffed
Raid party:
4 bardsong
6 paladin
2 ranger
=72 max ac
11 ranks
4 GH
8 cha
3 item
1 luck
=27 with my set up, enough for 50% teleporting and shield 10 wands
possible upgrade
+6 shroud cha item
=32 umd
HP calculation:
144 cleric 18
16 monk 2
20 toughness minos
22 toughness feat
30 human racial toughness
140 con
45 shroud hp item
30 greater false life
20 heroic durability
10 agents favor
5 way of the patient tortise
20 rage
40 yugo pot
=542 buffed hit points
=562 buffed hit points w/+3 tomes
Spell points calculation:
50 10*bonus
90 18 cleric*bonus
930 base
80 first level magic training
200 archmagi
150 shroud sp
110 enhancements
=1610 spell points w/ lightning strike
=1638 w/ +2 exceptional wis min II khopesh
09-27-2010, 08:39 PM
Note, this build is a reference post for myself. It is not a build for beginners, as it does require raid gear.
This build is meant to be a Dps battle-cleric. The good thing about Clerics is there survivability, with radiant servant/BB's/and great healing ability they can put them selves up there with some of the best solo builds and with the right feats/gear you can make a pretty solid Dps toon.
The goals of this build:
[color=orange]Damage: This build should be capable of doing enough melee DPS to pull their weight filling a melee role in any raid on Elite or Epic (they need not be an all-star, but they will pull their weight).
[color=orange]Soloing: They should be able to solo tough endgame quests such as Elite Sins of Attrition, Elite A New Invasion, and future high-level content.
[color=orange]Healing: Healing on this build will be great especially for a battle cleric. Could possibly Solo heal elite shrouds and other epics/raids with the right player and gear.
Nixero 18 cleric 2 monk
Race: Human
Stats: 32 point (first life)
Base/Fully geared&buffed
Skills: Max Concentration and UMD. Put leftover points (acquired by eating a +2 Int tome at level 7) into Balance.
Feat: (Human Bonus) Two weapon fighting
1 Feat: (Selected) Extend spell
3 Feat: (Selected) Khopesh
(Monk Bonus) Toughness
Monk Bonus) Power attack (but don't turn it on until higher levels)
6 Feat: (Selected) Empower healing
9 Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
15 Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
18 Feat: Greater two weapon fighting
-242 base w/toughness feat
-60 +6 con item
-40 +3 exceptional/litany
-20 +2 tome
-20 minos
-30 GFL
-45 Shroud
-30 racial toughness III
-10 Draconic
-5 way of the patient tortise
-20 rage
-40 yugo pot
Spell Points
-930 base
-80 start
-170 enchanments
-200 item(swap belts for shrine)
-150 GS
-270 Wis
Ideal Gearing:
Weapons: Lightning 2 khopeshes, Mineral II khopeshes (Holy/acid burst/+4 insight AC and Holy/acid burst/+2 wisdom); Greater banes; Vorpal Khopeshes
Red Dragonscale robe: w/toughness, 6 charisma
Bracers*: Bracers of the glacier (200 sp, spell pen VIII, fireshield cold guard)/ Levik's bracers (6 str, 20% healing amp)
Goggles: Tharne's goggles w/ resistance ritual
Helm: Crafted Min II(healing lore, +150 exceptional sp, heavy fort, +5 prot)
Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum / swap to Shintao set bonus for +2 hit/dam
Cloak: Greensteel: 45 hp / +6 wis / +5 concentration / +1 str / Concordant opposition
Trinket: litany
Belt: Ravager belt (6 con 2 seeker)/ warpriest belt (6 con +2 to-hit)
Gloves*: Epic spectral gloves w/7 dex, GFL / titan's grip for clicky
Boots: Gyroscopic Boots, FF/balance, FF/jump, Firestorm greaves, anchoring, kundarak delving boots
Ring: Ravager Ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/morgana's ring (6 wis, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/encrusted ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, 20% amp)
Ring: Shintao Ring (6 wis, 3 str)/Tempest ring (6 dex, 1 wis, 2 str)
Max raid buffed:74
-11 ranks
-4 GH
-8 cha
-3 item
-1 luck
=27 with my set up
possible upgrade
+6 shroud cha item
=32 umd
Second life: Monk for passive +1 to damage
will not go into great detail here. just a regular ole joe shmow monk build.
Third and final Life:
Nixero 3.0 :D
Race: Human
Class" 18 cleric 2 monk
Stats: 36 point
Base/Fully Geared&Buffed
(self-buffed with recitation, gh, holy aura, +5 resist item, alchemical resistance ritual, haste)
Fort: 38
Reflex: 33
Will: 40
Feat: (Human Bonus) Two weapon fighting
1 Feat: (Selected) Extend spell
3 Feat: (Selected) Khopesh
(Monk Bonus) Toughness
Monk Bonus) Power attack (but don't turn it on until higher levels)
6 Feat: (Selected) Empower healing
9 Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
12 Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
15 Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
18 Feat: Greater two weapon fighting
Ideal Gearing:
Weapons: Lightning 2 khopeshes, Mineral II khopeshes (Holy/acid burst/+4 insight AC and Holy/acid burst/+2 wisdom); Greater banes; Vorpal Khopeshes
Red Dragonscale robe: w/toughness, 6 charisma
Bracers*: Bracers of the glacier (200 sp, spell pen VIII, fireshield cold guard)/ Levik's bracers (6 str, 20% healing amp)
Goggles: Tharne's goggles w/ resistance ritual
Helm: Crafted Min II(healing lore, +150 exceptional sp, heavy fort, +5 prot)
Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum / swap to Shintao set bonus for +2 hit/dam
Cloak: Greensteel: 45 hp / +6 wis / +5 concentration / +1 str / Concordant opposition
Trinket: litany
Belt: Ravager belt (6 con 2 seeker)/ warpriest belt (6 con +2 to-hit)
Gloves*: Epic spectral gloves w/7 dex, GFL / titan's grip for clicky
Boots: Gyroscopic Boots, FF/balance, FF/jump, Firestorm greaves, anchoring, kundarak delving boots
Ring: Ravager Ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/morgana's ring (6 wis, 1 exceptional str, greater devotion VIII)/encrusted ring (6 str, 1 exceptional str, 20% amp)
Ring: Shintao Ring (6 wis, 3 str)/Tempest ring (6 dex, 1 wis, 2 str)
+7 to +8 damage/swing over my first life!
I'm extremely disappointed, Nixero. As Rock posted above, and everyone not on the GRR boards can see, your post is largely a direct copy-paste of my own main build, that I posted on our guild forums in July and suggested for you in August. It's just not okay to copy/paste without asking first. I'm all for sharing similar builds, but this is straight copy/paste plagiarism in large part. I'd like if you removed it so that I can maintain my own build thread when I finish leveling.
If you wanted a
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