View Full Version : Dps Idea
09-23-2010, 07:00 PM
Okay so I was just messing around with my characters and decided to make a combo of fighter barbarian. Well the main concern is will this type of character be or sustain it's ability till level 12? or possible even higher. Here is the stats...
Rest dumps. Atm I switch between using a thf weapon, usually maul or greataxe and 2 longswords here are my feats also...
Level 1 Fighter:Toughness and two weapon fighting.
Level 2 Fighter: Power Attack
Level 3 Barbarian: Oversized weapon fighting
Level 4 Barbarian:
Enhancements now...
Fighter Haste I
Fighter Strength I
Racial Toughness I
Barbarian Extra Rage I
Barbarian Power Attack
Barbarian Willpower I
Improved Spell Resistance I
Barbarian Constitution
Fighter Toughness
I'm trying to max out the strength on this build, and dps. What should be my next steps. Comments are appreciated :)
09-28-2010, 01:40 AM
Given that 12 constitution, I'd strongly advise some way of reducing melee threat. There's an item set from Red Fens that will help.
One of the big pitfalls of the Zergling DPS Barbarian is that they have poor defenses, and lots of hitpoints. So if they start taking mass aggro, healers cannot keep up.
And no, the ~5 DR they get doesn't do much to help. You get that much from the newbie quests in Korthos. Why anyone thinks it'll do anything at level 20 defies all reason.
You either need a way to avoid taking a lot of heat, a way to POWERFULLY self-heal, or a ton of healing amplification. Preferably all three.
That's also why most Warforged Barbarians are passionately HATED by Clerics.
09-28-2010, 01:58 AM
Given that 12 constitution, I'd strongly advise some way of reducing melee threat. There's an item set from Red Fens that will help.
One of the big pitfalls of the Zergling DPS Barbarian is that they have poor defenses, and lots of hitpoints. So if they start taking mass aggro, healers cannot keep up.
And no, the ~5 DR they get doesn't do much to help. You get that much from the newbie quests in Korthos. Why anyone thinks it'll do anything at level 20 defies all reason.
You either need a way to avoid taking a lot of heat, a way to POWERFULLY self-heal, or a ton of healing amplification. Preferably all three.
That's also why most Warforged Barbarians are passionately HATED by Clerics.
actually its not 5 dr at 20, its 7-10 depending on enhancements taken, but generally i agree, taking away hps from barb build is not a good approach.
healers friend taken 2x plus at least one healing amp item fixes whole reason to hate wf, not like its costly, and i dont think you can say 'most' and 'passionately' when talking about what healers think about wf.
they may hate those wf barbs who have passed level 12 and havent taken any steps towards more healer friendly, and those are minority among barbs.
09-28-2010, 02:51 AM
... i dont think you can say 'most' and 'passionately' when talking about what healers think about wf.
they may hate those wf barbs who have passed level 12 and havent taken any steps towards more healer friendly, and those are minority among barbs.
Sorry, my first encounter with a WF Barb was on my level 5 Dwarf Cleric in Irestone Inlet on hard.
The fellow had no levels of Healers Friend at all. He promptly ran right into the middle of the first Hobgoblin camp and started swinging at the ten or so Hobgoblins there. I started healing the party as fast as my cooldowns allowed, but my heals barely even nudged his red bar. I think his AC was an 11.
I realized that he was consuming more healing resources than the entire rest of the party, and that I could either keep him alive, or keep the other five of us up.
He then spent ten minutes cursing at me and blaming me for his death, then ragequit the group.
Forgive me for being a tad bitter about the experience. I'm not the only Cleric who refuses to heal Warforged without Healer's Friend, though.
10-07-2010, 10:21 AM
Pick TWF or THF- not both- you try to take the feats and enhancements for both and you will suck at both at high end- you will not pull the DPS numbers either style is capable of. If you mean that you are just gonna use a thf weapon sometimes for kicks and giggles, that’s cool, go for it. Just don’t try to get both feats.
If you are going to splash barb either just splash 1 level to get rage or splash 11 to get to greater rage. Anywhere in between is just not worth it. Barbs are hind end loaded- they start to shine at 11th in DPS- a fighter will surpass them through 10th level.
The others have said it all ready- if you go WF get healers friends or you will just aggro clerics who will not want to group with you.
Con is not a dumpstat- however on a WF you can make up for that 12 con by taking the toughness feat and enhancements. You will have a playable HP count.
Also, that damage reduction can be tweaked on a WF to where it does matter- and even if you just have the 5-7 df it will still help a lot when it comes to archers. Combine that dr with a stone skin and you can shrug off a ton of archers while you kill a caster or a red name that matters more.
Over sized twf doesn't matter much in the end, but it will help in the low-mid range. YOu will end up so strong that the negs on using an oversized just don't matter.
10-07-2010, 10:31 AM
I agree... a WF barb that doesnt invest FULLY into Healers Friend isnt worth healing.
and when im playing my cleric ill always ask any WF chars "You got healers friend?" in a casual tone.... if they say no ill respond with "Hope you brought potions"
While ill not purposely let them DIE... i wont spend more healing power on you then it takes to lift you off the floor. (IE. a single cure serious wounds, or Raise dead... whichever the situation requires)
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