View Full Version : UberWarrior Raid Schedule

09-22-2010, 11:59 AM
Hey Sarlona Server!

Are you having problems finding a raid group? Are you tired of sitting in a raid group waiting for more players? If The the answer is Yes to any of they questions, I have the solution for you. Join Uber's raid LOOT run program.

The process is simple Log on to Sarlona at 10:30 pm EST. Look for Uberwarrior's posting for raid and join them. And if you act now you can reply to this post and earn a perma spot with joins accepted starting at 10:25pm. Please look below and let me know what spot fits you.

Schedule is as follows:

Sign up for a perma-spot at 10:25 EST. Log-in up before 10:30 or they go to the general public.
Monday's Vault of Night
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

Tuesday's Demon Queen
2nd Group Preraid leader: Open
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

Wednesday's Titan - Group Forms at Tempest Spine
Green Puzzle room solver: Open
Taxi Driver: Open
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

Thursday's - OPEN

Friday's Vault of Night
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

Saturday's Demon Queen
2nd Group Preraid leader: Open
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

Sunday's Titan - Group Forms at Tempest Spine
Green Puzzle room solver: Open
Taxi Driver: Open
Healer 1: Open
Healer 2: Open
Trap Monkey: Open
DPS1: Open
DPS2: Open
Strings: Open
Nuker 1: Open

If we complete this schedule you should have twenty raids in 10 weeks. Not too bad.

Also of note these are non epic runs. But since they are loot based runs level 20's will be welcome.

Due to current popularity and ease of pugs, I am not scheduling raids for Reavers, Shroud, Hound, VOD. May decide to open an abbot run if popularity/desire increases.

Current ideas on the table are....
Called loot - you call one piece of loot and if it drops you and anyone else who called it, rolls for it.
NOOB Training - After we know what to do, we can let in 2-3 noobs to train them too.
Naked Runs - Facing the dragon naked sounds fun right?!?
Flagging run help - Who does not need to be flagged to see a Warforged titan?

My long term goal is to have enough people to conduct a mass True Resurrection team. This way we can all fix those blemishes or even better yet work our way to a Completionist.


09-22-2010, 12:26 PM
i have several toons that need lots of dq and vault runs.

I play on Friday and Tuesday nights regularly and then i might sneak on other nights if the wife falls asleep early

im usually on from 8-12 pm cst-- most of my toons have Flasharte as their last name

ill look for your raids

09-22-2010, 01:22 PM
Can I sign you up for a spot? What role can you fill?

09-22-2010, 01:38 PM
Goodluck with your raids but you might want to specify if they are going to be Epic or not.

09-22-2010, 01:54 PM
As I recall from seeing his lfm's, they are actually run at level. So that would be no epics currently.

09-22-2010, 01:57 PM
As I recall from seeing his lfm's, they are actually run at level. So that would be no epics currently.

What if they are level 20? So is this being level restricted?

09-22-2010, 03:15 PM
What if they are level 20? So is this being level restricted?

maybe it depends on how many level 20s they have in guild;)

09-22-2010, 03:57 PM
What if they are level 20? So is this being level restricted?

These are LOOT runs so level 20's are welcome. If you are grinding XP you can get it some place else. The idea here is to complete as many of these as possible to make a True Resurrection easier. I will update the main post to make it more clear.

09-22-2010, 05:36 PM
Epic I assume?

09-22-2010, 10:08 PM
NO Epic. It is easier to find loot runs on epic

09-22-2010, 11:47 PM
Ran the First Wednesday Titan run and it went smooth. Thanks to all that joined.

Tomorrow is an off day. VON on Friday

09-22-2010, 11:50 PM
NO Epic. It is easier to find loot runs on epic

I am confused.

09-23-2010, 05:07 AM
whats confusing? hes a non 20, whos trying to awaken some ofthe old love for these raids that hardly anyone(including me) run on non epic.

Good to see a titan regular run, seems im the last one left running these.. :D

09-24-2010, 01:22 PM
I have had ZERO takers. We are doing VON tonight and I know you want to.