View Full Version : Are these too low?

09-21-2010, 11:06 PM
I have a skills rogue that is lvl 7 and she has 2 lvls of fightr and 1 lvl of cleric in her also. Here are her numbers:

Disable: 33
Open Locks: 27
Search: 29
Spot: 29
Listen: 24

Are these numbers too low? Oh, btw, that is with boost only.

09-21-2010, 11:37 PM
I have a skills rogue that is lvl 7 and she has 2 lvls of fightr and 1 lvl of cleric in her also. Here are her numbers:

Disable: 33
Open Locks: 27
Search: 29
Spot: 29
Listen: 24

Are these numbers too low? Oh, btw, that is with boost only.

Disable,open lock,and search looks good but I wouldn't put points into listen at all, spot can be real low to be usefull in epic content
Id put those points into UMD and Balance

09-22-2010, 11:43 AM
Are these numbers too low?

Only one way to find out! Report back to us when you get to lvl20. :D
