View Full Version : All Arcane Archer Shroud - Sept 28 (Tue) 8 PM Eastern

09-21-2010, 10:17 AM
We did it last night with just 6 of us, I want to see how fast it'll go with 12. Guild calendar is full for the rest of the week.

It's a Captains Crew Guild run but I'm pretty sure they'll be a pug spot or two open as I don't think we have 12 AAs at Shroud level. Look for the LFM at that time.

Your survivability is your responsibility. Please have enough HP and self-healing to not need a nanny.

You don't need to be a Ranger, just an AA. I believe we have a bard coming. When it's situationally appropriate melee weapons are allowed.

09-27-2010, 10:18 AM
Just a friendly bump as I'm sure we'll have pug-spots available. I don't think my guild has 12 Arcane Archers who are Shroud-able.

Your survivability is your responsibility. Please have enough HP and self-healing to not need a nanny.

09-28-2010, 09:42 PM
Can't get 12 people to show up for this, my own guildies couldn't even stay off timer . . .

So we brought 6, 3-round part 4. 1 Death do to an un-lucky meteor swarm. Gonna try it again in the next week or two to see if 12 lightning bows can do a 1-rounder.
