View Full Version : what other feats to take?
09-18-2010, 05:47 PM
so hey every1 I was planning on starting a halfling dex based monk and while planning the feats I found out that I had 2 extra feats I don't know what to do with
so first off let's writ the stats:
14 STR
16 DEX + 2 level ups
14 CON +2 level ups
14 WIS +1 level up
so according to my stat allocation what 2 extra feats should I get my feats now are
lvl 1 toughens + TWF
lvl 2 weapon fineness
lvl 3 stunning fist + light path
lvl 6 power attack + free feat
lvl 9 ITWF
lvl 12 IC:bludgeon
lvl 15 GTWF
lvl 18 free feat
I thought about taking dragon marks but TBH I prefer to take all the 3 or non at all and I also thought about dodge so any1 has suggestions?
09-18-2010, 06:21 PM
may i suggest going all +5 level up into dex since that will be your main stat you try to hit with
also dodge you need luck of heros if you want the light pres and then maybe another toughness or skill focus UMD
09-18-2010, 06:54 PM
may i suggest going all +5 level up into dex since that will be your main stat you try to hit with
also dodge you need luck of heros if you want the light pres and then maybe another toughness or skill focus UMD
I wanna put 2 lvl ups to con so with +2 con tome I will get to tier 4 earth stance and +1 to wis so with all the enchantments to it I will have +2 AC and DC and the -2 to hit doesn't seem too much and I don't wanna the light pre
09-18-2010, 09:55 PM
Your to hit will suffer in epic until you get say warpriest and epic spectrals.
09-18-2010, 10:24 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but stunning fist has to be taken as a monk bonus feat. You can either take it at sixth level, or live without toughness through korthos (like that's a problem) and take it at first level and then take toughness at third level. For one of the free feats I recommend you take the appropriate feat to unlock your prestige class (yay update 7 shintao rewrite). For unlocking shintao, I recommend luck of heroes as it's the one that's the least bad. The other, well... more toughness can't hurt.
09-19-2010, 03:08 AM
so let me get this straight a lot of the builds and classes out there are feat starved and us monks have too much feats? and again what will shintao give me because it doesn't look to good to me
09-19-2010, 06:31 PM
Shintao is getting a complete rewrite for update 7. Currently, the only information we have is from Key points are listed below.
Shintao Monk III will be in Update 7, and the last line of the enhancement is "Your Protection from Tainted Creatures bonuses increase to +6, and your unarmed attacks now bypass Silver damage reduction."
Shintao Monk: Jade Strike
Cost: 10 Ki
Benefit: You perform a melee attack that is anathema to tainted creatures, that increases their physical damage vulnerability by 10% and reduces their fortification by 25%. A successful Will save negates this effect (DC = 10 + Wisdom Modifier + your monk level). This ability only functions on aberrations, extraplanar creatures that are not classified as 'Lawful Outsiders', and undead, and counts as a Light move. Creatures that are both extraplanar and either aberrations or undead receive double this effect. On critical hits, a tainted target will be locked in a tomb of jade on a failed Will save (DC = 10 + Wisdom Modifier + your monk level). Extraplanar Aberrations or Undead must succeed at two consecutive Will saves to avoid their fate.
Additional note: For "tainted creatures" definition purposes, "Non-Lawful Outsider Extraplanar creatures" means "things that are extraplanar on Eberron" - if you follow them back to their home plane, they still count.
"You gain an additional +2 to Diplomacy, Heal, and Intimidate, and the ability to expend ki to stun opponents at range or lock 'tainted' creatures (aberrations, extraplanar creatures that are not classified as 'Lawful Outsiders', and undead) in a tomb of jade."
09-19-2010, 06:53 PM
I would only grab Dodge if you are going for AC; but without enough Int for Combat Expertise you will have a very difficult time getting enough AC to matter past the desert. Assuming you plan to level this character past level 12...
If you are NOT going for AC; then going Dex build instead of Str build is foolish. Buff up your Str (esp. that level up point in Wis which is pointless) and drop Weapon Finesse, then you will have enough feats for full dragonmark line (or even more toughnesses) as you prefer.
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