View Full Version : DDOcast Episode 185 (9-18-10)

09-18-2010, 04:34 PM
Hi everyone! Episode 185 of DDOcast is now ready to go - here's a LINK (http://www.cyberears.com/cybrss/10353.mp3) to the episode, just left-click to play, right click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.

Lessah joins me this week for a chat about Update 7 and more! Skaggy the Lost has a great poem about Wall of Fire, Ecgric has a chat about adventure packs, races and more in "The Premium Perspective" and we get lots of Turbine Point-fueled phone calls. Thanks so much for listening.

NOTE: I am conducting a lottery-styled drawing for two 500 point Turbine Point codes! Send an email to ddocast@gmail.com with the subject TP Lottery Entry and I will draw two emails randomly on the next show.


DDOcast Episode 185 (9-17-10)

:15 Intro
3:00 Lotro thoughts
7:00 Update 7 on Lammania next week
9:20 Pirate Lottery
11:50 First giveaway
15:25 Rogue Feat
17:30 Ice Storm
18:55 PAX interview notes, Epic talk
30:00 Second Call
34:05 Hirelings and lag
37:10 Archmage
40:40 Bard PrEs
41:55 Bug talk
44:08 Pirate Music from DDO
48:35 Third Call
50:25 The Premium Perspective
58:45 DDO Poetry Corner, "The Beauty of Firewall"
1:02:10 DDO Library update
1:02:30 Store stuff
1:05:20 Emails
1:11:10 Last call and errata


TOTAL TIME: 1:17:44


LINK (http://cdn.content.turbine.com/sites/clientdl/ddo/beta/ddohigh.exe) to the current download location for the DDO Lammania client. LINK (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=178602) to the official Turbine writeup on accessing Lammania.

LINK (http://my.ddo.com/turbinecommunity/2010/09/17/pirate-lottery/) to info on the Pirate Day Lottery.

LINK (http://ddocast.com/2010/09/15/ddocast-pax-2010-interview-notes.aspx) to the DDOcast PAX Interview notes.

LINK (http://my.ddo.com/turbinecommunity/2010/09/17/the-eberron-chronicle-32/) to the latest Eberron Chronicle.

LINK (http://my.ddo.com/tolero/2010/09/17/ddo-sea-shanties/) to Tolero's music preview on my.DDO.com.

LINK (http://my.ddo.com/rich626/) to Skaggy the Lost's my.DDO.com page.

LINK (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ddo-library/id361476925?mt=8) to the DDO Library.

LINK (http://www.ddo.com/ddostorenew) to the latest new stuff in the DDO Store. LINK (http://www.ddo.com/ddostore/1156-ddo-anniversary-sale-days) to the latest anniversary sale info.

