View Full Version : Quis's Current Build(by request)*Advanced Build*

09-14-2010, 11:41 PM
First I would like to say this build requires a hell of a lot of gear, furthermore its 1 level TR of monk so it has 34 points starting. I have 2 +4 tomes which complement the build nicely but not required by any means. So, this build is not for if your new or starting out, if you don't have access to stuff like this. I would then point you to my 32 point build (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=240251) or the various other great builds floating around. In no way I am saying my build is the best, or the way to go, I believe there are many ways to make a monk all whatever you have fun with is what you should play. And this build has been the most fun by far.

Basically what I was going for in this build was a character that could take advantage of Void IV(Which lands ALL the time and is awesome) not to mention the stunning of elementals and undead with Void II. But also is full dark path and full ninja spy. Then i wanted to take it a step further in my theory crafting and create a monk who could also go into a Epic Demon Queen and be able to lay down some decent dps with the lowley shuriken. And I have to say that I am having a ton of fun with this build, he still has decent saves, and so-so AC. I will now the distributions of stats and enhancements. Then discuss gear choices and bar setup for utilizing fire stance + "ki strikes" to your advantage. Then I will give a AC and saves breakdown.

Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.5.1
DDO Character Planner Home Page (http://www.rjcyberware.com/DDO)

<Name> </Name>
Level 20 Lawful Neutral Human Male
(20 Monk)
Hit Points: 294
Spell Points: 0
BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 15
Will: 16

Starting Ending Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Base Stats Modified Stats
(34 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20) (Level 20)
Strength 18 27 28
Dexterity 15 17 17
Constitution 14 16 17
Intelligence 8 10 10
Wisdom 12 16 18
Charisma 8 10 10

Tomes Used
+1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
+1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
+1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
+1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
+1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
+1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
+4 Tome of Strength used at level 15
+4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 15

Level 1 (Monk)
Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Monk
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Stunning Fist
Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
Enhancement: Monk Jump I
Enhancement: Monk Tumble I

Level 2 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack
Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
Enhancement: Way of the Clever Monkey I
Enhancement: Void Strike I
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom I

Level 3 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Past Life: Disciple of the Fist
Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
Enhancement: Racial Toughness I

Level 4 (Monk)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Static Charge
Enhancement: Monk Jump II
Enhancement: Monk Tumble II

Level 5 (Monk)
Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
Enhancement: Way of the Clever Monkey II

Level 6 (Monk)
Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
Feat: (Selected) Quick Draw
Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy I

Level 7 (Monk)
Enhancement: Porous Soul
Enhancement: All-Consuming Flame

Level 8 (Monk)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Winter's Touch
Enhancement: Adept of Wind
Enhancement: Ten Thousand Stars

Level 9 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Enhancement: Touch of Death

Level 10 (Monk)
Enhancement: Void Strike II
Enhancement: Adept of Rock

Level 11 (Monk)
Enhancement: Adept of Flame
Enhancement: Adept of Rain

Level 12 (Monk)
Ability Raise: STR
Feat: (Selected) Toughness
Enhancement: Monk Ninja Spy II
Enhancement: Unbalancing Strike

Level 13 (Monk)
Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I

Level 14 (Monk)
Enhancement: Master of Thunder

Level 15 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Enhancement: Void Strike III
Enhancement: Master of Stone

Level 16 (Monk)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Master of Bonfires

Level 17 (Monk)
Enhancement: Master of the Sea

Level 18 (Monk)
Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
Enhancement: Grandmaster of the Sun

Level 19 (Monk)
Enhancement: Void Strike IV

Level 20 (Monk)
Ability Raise: STR
Enhancement: Monk Serenity
Enhancement: Monk Wisdom II

I use fire 95% of the time for this build, it is essential for ki generation, strength and attack score. I can hit everything with power attack on in epics unless the mob has abnormally high ac. Then you need to maybe turn it off or use your destruction and improved with unbalancing and your gravy. Taking the quick draw feat, I have found made my weapon switching almost uninterrupted.


Helm: Mineral II Helm(hp upgrades)

Neck: Oremi's Necklace(good for all that extra KI im burning up)/Shintao Cord(good for raising attack score when needed and a little more damage)/Jourgundal's Collar(great for when you don't have a haste bot and are soloing quests in fire stance and don't wanna burn your haste pots up).

Ring1: Gnawed Ring(Holy Burst)

Ring2: Kyosho's Ring(Shocking Burst)

Boots: Madstone Boots(Madstone rage is great for the strength build)

Bracers: Bracer's of Demon's Consort(great for epics cause your gonna get hit alot in epics but bad because you can get level drained), if I get tired of this or find it is being my detrimental than good, I slide on my Bracer's of the Glacier or Chaosgarde.

Gloves: Epic Spectral Gloves(+4 resis in augment slot)

Armor: Epic Red Dragon Scale(up for grabs what you want to put in these slots, when red scale becomes cleanseable in update 7, I will most likely fill this with Luck Bonus and Exceptional Wis +1) Currently it is set to +1 dex and +1 str.

Belt: Vornes Belt(looking to replace with Epic Belt from Von6 to even out Str)

Trinket: Bloodstone(the seeker makes all the difference in criticals imo) A Mentau Goggles/Wretched Twilight/Litany would also probally work great but the goggles seem to be super rare, and true sight on tharnes is invaluable at times.

Cloak: Smoke II Cloak(with +3 reflex and GLR upgrades) I put the reflex up here to offset the lower dex, I have no problems with epic traps.

Goggles: Tharnes Goggles(the sneak attack + ninja spy is nice damage, and also truesight is great to have on permanently)

Weapons: Of course your going to want your Devouts for breaking DR, but most of the time, break out those Stunning +10's and go to town. Also I carry a pair of Tendon Slice %10 shortswords or vorpals. Good to have in some situations. But 99% of the time I use my fists.

(Alot of ranger's gamewide are gonna hate me for this but)
Quiver Slot: Quiver of Alacrity - Helps with your pew-pews :)


Just wanted to toss in a important note that with Stunning +10's on, my Stunning Fist has a 36 save. Which lands very nicely imo.

So from here we can see what we are at, buffable ac, decent saves with a GH, etc. I can live with it. If I switch to my Dragontouched, I can gain +3 ac in a pinch.

You can do the guild ship/pot/spell buffs calculations on your own. I feel I don't need to do a complete breakdown of that.

But I will do a quick AC breakdown to show you can still have tankable AC.

Wearing DT:
45 + 1(haste) + 1(Guild Dex shrine) + 4(Shield wand) + 5(Barkskin) + 2(Yugo Dex/Wis pots) + 5(Paladin Aura) + 2(Recitation) + 2(Defensive Fighting) + 4 (Inspire Heroism) = 71

Not to shabby. But that is buffed to the absolute max. You can expect when getting ac buffed to be low 60s in
a typical situation. Not super great, but not horrible either.

Bar Setup:


Here we have:
Void Strike IV, VS III, VS II, Fire IV, ToD, Water III, Earth III, Wind III, Dark Strike(Interchangeable), Wraps you are using.

I then have stunning fist keyed to my "F" key. And ToD is keyed to "Q" key, "E" key is used for pots, unbalancing strike, or quivering palm when it can be used.

With Oremi's I basically have unlimited Ki when I fight mobs with always something to bust off, I find this essential with my dps always having something to use my Ki on. I avoid putting more than one wrap on the first bar because you can get accidental weapon switches if you are not careful.

Last Comments:

Sorry for the long post and if you read/skimmed it all then thanks. Some people may be asking why I turned to strength because I have always been a advocate of dex/finesse builds, and I still am. Sometimes I forget im a strength build and almost die because of my lower ac :) so its been taking getting some used to. And having to carry around haste pots suck. But I could not justify staying wind with the loss of the 10% insight speed. I am just as fast a wind monk with haste. And if im madstone raged, or put on Jourgy neck; I can close the gap between wind that much more. I still pop off 3x ToD's and have not really missed wind that much to be honest. But YYMV. If you want to see why I picked the ranged feats such as brutal throw and quick draw, check out the ranged DPS thread here. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=274374
