View Full Version : A Few Questions

09-14-2010, 07:40 AM
first off im rather new so keep that in mind

i was thinking of making a build with a Human 11Ranger /6 fighter/3 Pally

1) do i lose abilities like fear immunity if i switch my class from pally to ranger or is it retained ?
2) where should my attributes be at to start . im having a hard time with this one

09-14-2010, 07:59 AM
You arent moving from paladin to ranger - you're becoming BOTH, and therefore you retain all the abilities appropriate for a character with that many levels of each class. The only time you'll "lose" abilities is when you do something that specifically precludes them, eg. wearing medium or heavy armour will prevent evasion from working, but you never lose it, it's merely supressed until you switch to light armour or an outfit/robe/starkers.

for stats, i'm not certain on what would be optimal - but you'll need at least 17 dexterity to take greater 2 weapon fighting (it'll probably not be until at least 11th level that you can take it though), however that can come from any combination of starting stats, tomes (+1 are relatively common, +2 harder to find & i personally never depend on +3 or +4 since they're very rare drops from raids) & level-ups. The general opinion is that constitution should pretty much never be below 14 if you want to be non-squishy, though 12 is acceptable for elf/drow due to the build points required.

09-14-2010, 08:01 AM
first off im rather new so keep that in mind

i was thinking of making a build with a Human 11Ranger /6 fighter/3 Pally

1) do i lose abilities like fear immunity if i switch my class from pally to ranger or is it retained ?
2) where should my attributes be at to start . im having a hard time with this one
1. No. Paladin 3 gives you immune vs Fear and thats it.

2. Hmm, heavy hybrid, not easy. 32 point build recomended.
32 point build:
Strength 16 - all levelup points here
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

28 point build:
Strength 16 - all levelup points here
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

09-14-2010, 08:08 AM
Don't think that fear immunity is worth the loss of tempest II.