View Full Version : Hounds of Xoriat

09-09-2010, 11:19 AM
To the group that ran Hounds of Xoriat last night and took this noob rogue along: I have never had so much fun completely failing a quest. Ever. I have VERY rarely had comparable fun successfully completing a quest.

Hounds LFM comes up, I'm only 15 but figure "Why not you stallion?" (I actually said that out loud then slapped my sequin thong covered rump, really awkward because I was in the living room and my wife was trying to entertain), send a tell informing leader I have no experience and no idea where mission even is, he doesn't care, get in, immediately die, everyone laughs and resses me... long story short, what should prolly have been a 20 minute mission ended up taking almost an hour as people got lost, did the wrong things, or just basically muffed the whole thing up. No one gets annoyed (though I couldn't have blamed them if they had) everyone helps eachother, everyone is free with resources...

Still wasn't good enough, though we beat the rest of the mission like a red headed stepchild once we got in and got orders people randomly ran off and we all got owned by tiny beholders, but even then we all laughed about it. I would gladly fail with you guys any time!

Oh, wait...sorry... I hate how PUGS blah blah your loot is blah blah afk and then he blah blah LOL No heavy fort? blah.

09-09-2010, 11:31 AM
PM name of group leader plz

09-14-2010, 01:47 PM
Attitude is everything. True story.

09-16-2010, 11:33 AM
I would post his name here, I am finding that in upper level content PUGs like that are the norm more often than not, while every once in a while I will get in a PUG where perfection is a requirement, more often than not we spend more time jacking around and randomly dying for no good reason than actually bothering with the mission, its those times, and those times when in SPITE of ourselves we finish the mission, that you get a little more addicted to this game.