View Full Version : What would you do?

09-05-2010, 09:34 PM
So i see someone in trade channel last week looking to unload an unbound +3 int tome in return for some large scales.

Fantastic i say to myself, my WF wizard will even his int with that, i could bear to part with some scales surely.

I check the fellow's name and guild, and all is good. I have friends in that guild, they have been around for ages, and have a good reputation, nothing could go wrong, right?

After checking what he's after i find myself a scale short, we settle down to ****ering, and he agree's to take 2 large stones instead of that last scale. Fantastic!

I pass a scale from one toon to him in the Phoenix, and say, hang a sec, i'll log another toon and grab those stones for you.

Log back in, bring up the trade window, and thinking to be a nice guy, throw 4 large stones at the window (i really wanted that tome, and he'd be a good sport taking the stones instead, i had many spare, so why not sweeten the deal, right?)

Thats when he logged off, never to return.

People DC, it happens, so instead of panic, i send a subtle message to the mailbox of the character concerned and kick back, all will be fine, right?

One week later, no joy, no responce, i've gutted my scale collection.

What would you do?

09-05-2010, 09:43 PM
Pester his guild and hope for the best, but other than that, it looks like you got screwed.

09-06-2010, 01:11 AM
Mate, I feel your pain! I have been unfortunately in the same spot, took me a full month a countless in game males and bothering the ""#%/" persons guild, got my stuff back and returned his... dont give up!!

09-06-2010, 01:14 AM
That sucks Coit.

Though +3 INT that are not bound are really hard to find (aka they are 2-3 years old).

I would contact a GM...though not sure they can do anything about it.

PM Player and Guild if ya don't mind.

09-06-2010, 01:55 AM
Sorry OP, but not logging and putting all your stuff together first so u could do the trade in one window........your fault......never trust anyone that much....doesn't matter if you know their guild...heck doesn't even matter if you know the person that bailed on you........it's an online relationship.

On the same token I would definitely suggest you actively pursue justice on the matter, but let it be a lesson learned and never ever do so again.

I never make trades unless they have hit accept first....and you may want to think about taking screenshots of ur conversations when doing deals in the future just to cover yourself.....it will make dealing with this kind of issue that much easier to resolve.

I still can't sympathize......and not to bash the F2P community, but the fact of the matter is a lot of the people who are in that boat of playerbase are very shady...so you should be even more cautious these days than ever before.

09-06-2010, 02:11 AM
Saw that guy broadcasting the sell didnt realize it was you who went after it and got ripped off what a jerk. Just talk to gm's and his guild if he was guilded. Ask him again if you see him but becareful so he cant accuse you of harshment.

ps wouldnt mind knowing his name and guild

09-06-2010, 02:22 AM
I understand your anger/frustration but unfortunately I have limited sympathy. The simple rule on trading is "put it in the window first."

No matter how badly you want something both parties have to put their plat/goods in the trade window first. It's the only way anyone can prevent something like this happening. This isn't like a real-world establishment where you hand the teller some cash and they give you your goods. That other player could be half-way around the world from you.

I sympathize but you're pretty much boned at this point since a GM is unable to assist you with this issue AFAIK. Having said that, this server is too small for someone to pull **** like that. I would appreciate a PM with the name of the player if you don't mind.

09-06-2010, 02:29 AM
I understand your anger/frustration but unfortunately I have limited sympathy. The simple rule on trading is "put it in the window first."

No matter how badly you want something both parties have to put their plat/goods in the trade window first. It's the only way anyone can prevent something like this happening. This isn't like a real-world establishment where you hand the teller some cash and they give you your goods. That other player could be half-way around the world from you.

I sympathize but you're pretty much boned at this point since a GM is unable to assist you with this issue AFAIK. Having said that, this server is too small for someone to pull **** like that. I would appreciate a PM with the name of the player if you don't mind.


09-06-2010, 02:37 AM
Talk to their guild leader/officers, raise awareness. Get your friends and guildies to blacklist the player -- and possibly their entire guild, if the guild doesn't pressure the player into returning your Scales or sending you your tome.

When I first started browsing the forums, I remember having seen a Thelanis Marketplace thread about a player who had failed to uphold his end of a trade. Several large, reputable guilds threatened to blacklist that player's entire guild until the situation got resolved, and that's eventually what happened. Unfortunately, there is currently no way for GMs or anybody within Turbine to enforce trades gone wrong, so it falls down to the players to do so.

Hopefully you'll learn to do everything in one fell swoop. I've some epic raid loot (shards, tomes) in the chest, but only to people I'd been playing with for months, from top-end Thelanis guilds. Other than that, I wouldn't make any large-spectrum trade in chunks or pieces.

Good luck in getting paid. If it doesn't happen, hopefully the jerkwad who took your larges won't be able to show his name on Ghallanda ever again.

09-06-2010, 03:41 AM
I still can't sympathize......and not to bash the F2P community, but the fact of the matter is a lot of the people who are in that boat of playerbase are very shady...so you should be even more cautious these days than ever before.

Unbound +3 tomes are unlikely to belong to F2P.

09-06-2010, 03:46 AM
Don't you get unbound tomes for games and competitions still?

09-06-2010, 04:20 AM
Unbound +3 tomes are unlikely to belong to F2P.

The only unbound +3 tomes would be from the festivus jester, who the f2p have as much access to as anyone.

09-06-2010, 04:20 AM
I have to agree that there's a huge lesson to be learned here. Find out who the guild officers are and let this person's actions be known but unless every member is an officer, I wouldn't be pestering every member of the guild.

I also wouldn't mind a PM

09-06-2010, 05:56 AM
I check the fellow's name and guild, and all is good. I have friends in that guild, they have been around for ages, and have a good reputation, nothing could go wrong, right?

I have toons in 2 of the major guilds, so if one of these is concerned I will post this in the guild forums. Just send a pm if you'd like an inquiry.

09-06-2010, 06:17 AM
I am going to guess that I would go HULK SMASH all over something.

Then i would contact the players guild and seek restitution.

09-06-2010, 06:33 AM
Would like to know guild and player name too. Just in case!

09-06-2010, 07:21 AM
What would you do?

I would file it under "lessons learned".

09-06-2010, 07:57 AM
Heyas coit, I'd also like to know name and guild in a PM!

09-06-2010, 08:25 AM
Hey Bud.

1. Do not send out PMs naming the accused. This Thread is only alive because you are asking for ideas of how to deal with it. Using threads to spread rumors is bad, mmk.

2. You messed up....It barely cost you a thing. Never trade with anyone until you see the item in the trade window. Important lesson learned for a devil scale. No big deal.

3. You have every right to be ****ed at the person who stole from you. Bother them, the guild and a GM.

4. If you need the scale back, I'd be happy to lay one out until you get it back. PM me in game.

09-06-2010, 08:28 AM
Hey Bud.


4. If you need the scale back, I'd be happy to lay one out until you get it back. PM me in game.

Someone stole scales from me too!

Ok maybe not. But very kind of you Gunga.

+1 for the kind actions...as soon as I spread it around more...

09-06-2010, 08:30 AM
that happens when you dont use the trade window

09-06-2010, 08:32 AM
I was trading dragonscales with some guy and he didnt know how to seperate 3 scales out of his pile so he just gave me the pile and i split it and gave him the extra scales back.... **** that was tempting. Lucky for him i couldnt steal even in an mmorpg.

But yeah i could have run off with them and thats why just dont trust people. Its just not worth the risk...

09-06-2010, 10:13 AM
1. Do not send out PMs naming the accused. This Thread is only alive because you are asking for ideas of how to deal with it. Using threads to spread rumors is bad, mmk.

/nod for the principle.

/disagree for the PM's.

There are always 2 sides to a "messed up trade". But if the other trader was from your guild, wouldn't you love to know what his feedback is on this post ? When someone has been around that long, makes you wonder why he did not keep his end of the bargain, doesn't it ?

09-06-2010, 05:24 PM
PM name pls.

09-06-2010, 05:32 PM
For all that asked for this turkey's name in a pm here soz (i've mentioned it to a few that felt strongly enough to pm me about the matter, of which one fellow is an old mate that used to run with me quite a bit).

I just don't feel he's worth the effort of a big blacklist drama.

Yes, i've chalked it up to experience, perhaps i've spent too long running with people that know 'the coit' and just got a little too trusting there, these little knocks bring you back to reality sometimes :).

To the generous soul that offered to replace the ingredients, i truly appreciate the offer, but this whole thing gives me an excuse to go farm some larges again (i've been getting lazy and lost in TR town lately i must admit).

I did mention this whole thing in a raiding channel i hang out in (wont' say which, no dramalama carry-on here needed) and got enough commiseration to make me happy again xD (i'm easy to please - low expectations make for happy life :P).

Karma will win out guys, i'm here for a good time, and a long time.

Hope to see you all in game,

Coit out~

09-06-2010, 05:41 PM
Shoot the hostage and blow up the bus.

But to the topic.... I just seen your last post, thats the right idea i thnik. just move on, it sucks but you never know, you just might get a double scale drop in the next shroud run you do ;)

09-06-2010, 08:03 PM
I was trading dragonscales with some guy and he didnt know how to seperate 3 scales out of his pile so he just gave me the pile and i split it and gave him the extra scales back.... **** that was tempting. Lucky for him i couldnt steal even in an mmorpg.

But yeah i could have run off with them and thats why just dont trust people. Its just not worth the risk...


you could have just told him how to split the pile?

09-06-2010, 08:21 PM
To the generous soul that offered to replace the ingredients, i truly appreciate the offer, but ...

Bah...Gunga has no soul :)

/I keed, I keed :)

09-06-2010, 11:45 PM
Unbound +3 tomes are unlikely to belong to F2P.

Really, I guess that would depend on how persuasive they are and how gullible another would be, I mean this same person could have ripped off the +3 tome from another person in the same manner.

09-07-2010, 03:33 AM
Really, I guess that would depend on how persuasive they are and how gullible another would be, I mean this same person could have ripped off the +3 tome from another person in the same manner.

And that's limited to F2P of course? Thank goodness I'm P2P now and don't have to deal with this kind of attitude constantly anymore. It would have totally put me off the game if I hadn't started out in a static group.

09-07-2010, 05:59 AM

you could have just told him how to split the pile?

I tried believe me... but there was not enough english around to make this work :)

09-07-2010, 06:12 AM
Main reason for me to ask for guild/player name was to check if it would be the one where i am in ... messy things can happen, and i would have known if some of us had pulled a +3 tome and none has, so the probability is low that it would be that.

But you never know and i wanted to be sure it wasnt one of us.

09-07-2010, 02:57 PM
What would I do? In an ideal world I would condemn him to be one of these slaves (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/8/11/). Unfortunately our world lacks the necessary lupus phallasus packs to accomplish this particular punishment.

09-07-2010, 08:00 PM
1. "Faith in God, but trust no man" - Jesse James (the soldier, not the tv personality). He got shot in the back by a "friend" in his own house. It's easier to provide sage advice than to live by it.

2. Lorz is not keeding. Gunga has no soul. He is True Nuetral. I know this to be fact.

3. To the OP, Karma does not win out. Just ask the AIG execs.

09-07-2010, 08:28 PM
What would I do? In an ideal world I would condemn him to be one of these slaves (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/8/11/). Unfortunately our world lacks the necessary lupus phallasus packs to accomplish this particular punishment.

Almost makes me feel bad for those 14 other slaves I never bother to free in Chains of Flame.


09-07-2010, 10:42 PM
im just wondering who has gungas account details something not quite rght about him being nice

09-07-2010, 10:43 PM
im just wondering who has gungas account details something not quite right about him being nice

09-07-2010, 11:51 PM
3. To the OP, Karma does not win out. Just ask the AIG execs.

WRONG......karma eventually always will have it's say....in every matter....you just may not be around to see it or it may happen in a way you don't expect it to.

Saying that would be coming from the type of people that try to oppress others by convincing them faith is dead......of whom will pay a huge price for trying to murder a persons soul.

The fact of the matter is excessive greed leads to one place, corruption....and corruption leads only to one place as well...failure.

09-08-2010, 09:55 AM
im just wondering who has gungas account details something not quite right about him being nice

I'm only not nice to you.

09-08-2010, 10:10 AM
2. Lorz is not keeding. Gunga has no soul. He is True Nuetral. I know this to be fact.

This is a fact. I took the Alignment Test (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20001222b) and was suprised to find myself of the True Neutral alignment. From this side of my skull, I thought of myself as more of a Chaotic-Neutral-Good-ish person.

Perhaps I have the MOST soul due to my ability to appreciate the balance without prejudice?

I wouldn't expect my Lawful Good friends (Coldest) to condone my perspective.

EDIT: Which brings me to:

Coit learned something from the Chaotic Neutral tool who stole from him. Sometimes, good comes from the ***** things tools do.

09-08-2010, 12:28 PM
Unfortunately not all trades can be made via the trade window. Winter Recipes need to be mailed. That's why I auctioned almost all of mine except one instance of Recipe5 for 1000 Motes (no issues thankfully)...

Trust is a fine line!