View Full Version : Devotion Handwraps
09-05-2010, 05:19 PM
I ran Deleras last night and noticed they don't show a minimum level in the end rewards list. Is this correct or a bug? It would be fun to make a veteran 2/2 clonk and slap those on to help out newbies in the harbor.
09-05-2010, 05:22 PM
Yep, you can put theese on a level 1 character. Devotion is bound to account.
09-05-2010, 05:23 PM
thats correct
09-05-2010, 05:24 PM
-edit- nm, answered
09-05-2010, 05:38 PM
Cool...I'll pick up a pair next run! While I have your attention, anyone have any suggestions for a 32pt 2/2 clonk? I might go to level 5 for better items. Thanks!
09-06-2010, 03:09 AM
If you have 3 monk levels on a clonk & go light path, your cleric healing enhancements & any other feats (empower healing, maximise etc.) will all work on your healing Ki (3x positive) finisher.. my own clonk is level 18 at the moment & her healing ki hits for around 40-50HP (non crit), which combined with Radiant Servant gives her a great amount of SP-free healing.
For items, you can get some nice gear with ML5 thats bound to account or race restricted.. look at the sharn syndicate, STK, catacombs & tangleroot quest chains particularly.. if you're lucky you can get moderate fortification, +3 stat items, Crimson Gemstone (+50SP ML5 trinket from tangeroot) & others.
09-20-2010, 07:02 PM
I'm going to start with this for my build. I've considered eventually going 17clr/3mnk or 12clr/6mnk/2ftr. Any suggestions?
Lawful Good Human
(2 Cleric / 3 Monk)
1 Monk
2 Cleric
3-4 Monk
5 Cleric
Str 16 +5 Level Ups
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 8
1 - Toughness
1 - Two Weapon Fighting
1 - Least Dragon Mark of Passage
3 - Empower Healing
3 - Power Attack
4 - Fists of Light
Level 1 - Balance, Jump, Spot, 3pts Concentration, 1pt Tumble
Cleric Levels - Concentration and Heal
Monk Levels - Balance, Concentration, Jump, Spot
09-20-2010, 08:13 PM
I'm going to start with this for my build. I've considered eventually going 17clr/3mnk or 12clr/6mnk/2ftr. Any suggestions?
Lawful Good Human
(2 Cleric / 3 Monk)
1 Monk
2 Cleric
3-4 Monk
5 Cleric
Str 16 +5 Level Ups
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 8
1 - Toughness
1 - Two Weapon Fighting
1 - Least Dragon Mark of Passage
3 - Empower Healing
3 - Power Attack
4 - Fists of Light
Level 1 - Balance, Jump, Spot, 3pts Concentration, 1pt Tumble
Cleric Levels - Concentration and Heal
Monk Levels - Balance, Concentration, Jump, Spot
This is what I'm leveling in my off-time on Orien:
A melee Radiant Servant build.
Alignment: Lawful Good (Lawful Neutral works too, but makes gearing more difficult)
Race: Elf (Drow would also work, but I don't have Drow on Orien)
Stats (requires 32-point or Drow race)
STR: 15
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 10
WIS: 14
CHA: 12
Ending stats:
STR: 34 (15 Base + 5 Levels + 6 Divine Power + 3 Exceptional + 2 Rage + 3 Tome)
DEX: 22 (16 Base + 5 Item + 1 Tome)
CON: 22 (12 Base + 6 Item + 2 Rage + 1 Exceptional + 3 Tome)
INT: 10
WIS: 22 (14 Base + 6 Item + 2 Tome)
CHA: 20 (12 Base + 6 Item + 2 Tome)
Level Progression/Feats:
1 Monk - Toughness, TWF
2 Cleric
3 Cleric - Extend Spell
4 Cleric
5 Cleric
6 Cleric - Empower Healing Spell
7 Cleric
8 Cleric
9 Cleric - Quicken Spell
10 Cleric
11 Monk - Power Attack
12 Cleric - ITWF
13 Cleric
14 Cleric
15 Cleric - Maximize Spell
16 Cleric
17 Cleric
18 Cleric - Improved Critical (drop for GTWF after Min 2s)
19 Cleric
20 Cleric
1 - Cleric Improved Turning 1
10 - Cleric Extra Turning 4
1 - Cleric Divine Vitality 1/Divine Might 1
10 - Cleric Energy of the Zealot 4
10 - Cleric Life Magic 4
6 - Cleric Prayer of Life 3
3 - Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life 2
3 - Cleric Heal 2
3 - Racial Toughness 2
1 - Way of the Patient Tortoise 1
12 - Cleric Improved Empower Healing 3
2 - Follower of the Undying Court
4 - Undying Call
6 - Valenar Melee Damage 2
2 - Valenar Melee Attack 1
6 - Cleric Radiant Servant 2
20 Heroic Durability
22 Toughness Feat
20 Racial Toughness
144 Cleric Levels
16 Monk Levels
5 Way of the Patient Tortoise
140 CON Bonus
30 Greater False Life
45 Shroud HP Item
10 Draconic Vitality
= 452 HP
80 Magical Training
930 Cleric Levels
110 Energy of the Zealot
174 WIS mod
200 Archmagi
150 Elemental SP (Shroud item)
= 1644 SP (a tad low, I'm sad to say :( )
11 Cleric
3 Monk
3 Nightshield
7 CON bonus
4 Holy Aura*
4 Greater Heroism
= 32
11 Cleric
3 Monk
3 Nighthshield
6 WIS bonus
4 Holy Aura*
4 Greater Heroism
= 31
6 Cleric
3 Monk
3 Nightshield
6 DEX bonus
4 Holy Aura*
4 Greater Heroism
= 26
Saves items can go up to +5, Good Luck bonuses up to +2 can be added and so forth, so the saves listed here are not max.
*: This buff lasts less than 4 minutes
20 Divine Power (increases BAB to character level)
3 Divine Favour
1 Follower of the Undying Court
1 Valenar Melee Attack
12 STR bonus
4 Greater Heroism
2 Warpreist Set
2 Morgana's Belt
5 Weapon Quality
-4 TWF penalty
= 46
-5 Power Attack
= 41
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Torc
Trinket: B loodstone/Head of Good Fortune
Armour: DT with guards
Wrist: Concordant Opposition +150 SP Bracers
Gloves: Spectral Gloves
Boots: 30% Striding/Boots of Anchoring
Goggles: Tharne's Goggles
Cloak: Radiance Guard +45 HP Shroud Item
Ring 1: Morgana's Ring with +2 STR
Ring 2: Thamor's Ring with Greater Devotion 8 or +2 Exceptional CON**
Belt: Morgana's Belt
**: Not added into the CON score in the build
2 Mineral 2 Scimitars
Number of Turn Undeads per rest:
3 Base
5 CHA mod
4 Cleric Extra Turning 4
2 Morgana's Set
Minutes of continuous aura (per rest):
(I've heard this lasts 90 seconds with 20 Cleric levels, so I'm assuming with only 18 it'll last 1:22)
88 seconds * 14 base casts = 1148 seconds of aura
In that time, 9 TUs will regen (1148/120 = 9.56)
9 * 88 = 792 seconds of aura from regened TUs.
6 TUs will regen during that time (792/120 = 6.6)
6 * 88 = 528
4 TUs will regen
4 * 88 = 352
2 TUs will regen
2 * 88 = 176
1 TU will regen
1 * 88 = 88
88 + 176 + 352 + 528 + 792 + 1148 = 3084 seconds
Over 51 minutes of continuous possible aura.
Concentratoin: 23 ranks
Balance: 6 ranks
Heal: 1 rank
Jump: 3 ranks
Tumble: 1 rank
UMD: 11 ranks
11 ranks
3 Golden Cartouche
4 Greater Heroism
5 CHA mod
5 Shroud item
2 Luck
1 Big Top
= 31
This build should be able to melee and heal quite effectively. The SP is a bit low, but considering it's going to be in melee most of the time the regen should be quite high. Also since it's a melee offensive spells like Greater Command won't be casted, and just doing combat buffs and healing isn't that great a strain on SP.
For Drow version, use the same starting stats, get the Drow Melee Damage and Attack instead of the Valenar ones and. use Rapiers instead of Scimitars. You lose -1 attack, but can pick up the Sovereign Host faith instead for that advanced faith ability, and also get bonuses to Shortswords to make it easier while leveling.
I do believe that the time limit I assumed for the aura is wrong, but it should still last long enough.
09-20-2010, 08:24 PM
I also noticed that they're alignment restricted to Good only even though they're Holy and Flametouched Iron and not Pure Good. :(
09-20-2010, 10:20 PM
I just did a waterworks run on hard. I wasn't the primary healer, so the extra heals came in handy in emergencies. I think I would have had difficulty being the primary healer. I was really strong in the killing department. I'm pretty sure I could have soloed it. I went afk and the party all died. I came back and killed everything easy and got their stones to a shrine.
Anyway, the only thing I wish I had as far as melee was fighter haste. I'm not sure if I should have put off fists of light to grab fighter 1 and maybe weapon focus bludgeon. I'm wondering how bad I'm going to miss having raise dead later. I'll be able to afford to carry scrolls though. I've only gotten a couple action points, so it would be easy to reroll...any suggestions?
09-20-2010, 10:27 PM
(empower healing, maximise etc.) will all work on your healing Ki (3x positive) finisher..
This wasn't true last time I tested it. How sure are you that metamagics now work on Healing Ki?
09-20-2010, 11:45 PM
This wasn't true last time I tested it. How sure are you that metamagics now work on Healing Ki?
Oh...I thought it did...still may have taken empower, but it would be nice to know for sure.
I decided to try again with 3clr/1mnk starting out.
Lawful Good Human
(3 Cleric / 2 Monk)
1 Monk
2-4 Cleric
5 Monk
Str 16 +5 Level Ups
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 8
1 - Toughness
1 - Two Weapon Fighting
1 - Least Dragon Mark of Passage
3 - Extend Spell
5 - Power Attack
Level 1 - Balance, Jump, Spot, 3pts Concentration, 1pt Tumble
Monk Levels - Balance
Cleric Levels - Concentration and Heal
09-21-2010, 10:37 AM
Oh...I thought it did...still may have taken empower, but it would be nice to know for sure.
I decided to try again with 3clr/1mnk starting out.
Lawful Good Human
(3 Cleric / 2 Monk)
1 Monk
2-4 Cleric
5 Monk
Str 16 +5 Level Ups
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 8
1 - Toughness
1 - Two Weapon Fighting
1 - Least Dragon Mark of Passage
3 - Extend Spell
5 - Power Attack
Level 1 - Balance, Jump, Spot, 3pts Concentration, 1pt Tumble
Monk Levels - Balance
Cleric Levels - Concentration and Heal
might want to save a couple more build points for wisdom drop the Str and go finesse.
I'd suggest stopping the str at 13 to qualify for power attack and take that at level 1 over the dragonmark.
only takes 3 min to run the korthos quest where you can get the 2 click expeditious retreat boots (grab 3 or 4 pairs) and don't blow a feat on it.
then grab finesse for level 3 or 5.
09-21-2010, 10:41 AM
might want to save a couple more build points for wisdom drop the Str and go finesse.
I'd suggest stopping the str at 13 to qualify for power attack and take that at level 1 over the dragonmark.
only takes 3 min to run the korthos quest where you can get the 2 click expeditious retreat boots (grab 3 or 4 pairs) and don't blow a feat on it.
then grab finesse for level 3 or 5.
What does he need more WIS for?
14 + 6 Item = 20, can cast everything.
09-21-2010, 10:45 AM
What does he need more WIS for?
14 + 6 Item = 20, can cast everything.
Needed? No, but nice to have for SP + AC.
09-21-2010, 10:46 AM
Oh, I actually have a tip too: for low level monks qstaffs are very nice. Reason being is most mobs die at low levels with just a hit or two. With unarmed it often takes several hits (without die rolls) just to overcome the supremely annoying targeting lag that comes with using wraps. It’s very nice to be able to hit things while moving.
Being str based with power attack you might wanna use a qstaff till you get enough monk levels to make wraps equal noticeably more damage; which may be never if you invest deeply of cleric levels. I know that kinda makes the devotion wraps pointless but try them both and see which works better. Devotion and Potency hats and rings will work just as good.
You should probably get a robe if invulnerability too (min level 4).
09-21-2010, 10:57 AM
Needed? No, but nice to have for SP + AC.
Just to use for reference; a level 20 cleric with 6 wisdom will have only 290 less spell points than a level 20 cleric with 30 wisdom. And with less cleric levels the difference becomes even more minor.
09-21-2010, 11:01 AM
Oh...I thought it did...still may have taken empower, but it would be nice to know for sure.
Metamagics do not work on healing ki, but ardor/devotion clickies/items and positive energy enhancements such as cleric life magic do. So you can get up to 75% from superior ardor and 40% from tier for life magic for a total multiplier on your healing ki of 245%.
09-21-2010, 11:25 AM
Just to use for reference; a level 20 cleric with 6 wisdom will have only 290 less spell points than a level 20 cleric with 30 wisdom. And with less cleric levels the difference becomes even more minor.
yes, at early levels the extra points also help when you have a multiclass and I think it would be nice to have a tick more for your implosions.
To me it seems being able to drop another 1 or 2 heals or raises will outweigh being able to add 1 or 2 points of damage per swing. even if you are taking lots of swings keeping that TWF kopesher rogue or pally standing , or standing him back up will far outweigh the extra +1 or 2 damage per swing you have done over the entire quest,
09-21-2010, 11:45 AM
yes, at early levels the extra points also help when you have a multiclass and I think it would be nice to have a tick more for your implosions.
To me it seems being able to drop another 1 or 2 heals or raises will outweigh being able to add 1 or 2 points of damage per swing. even if you are taking lots of swings keeping that TWF kopesher rogue or pally standing , or standing him back up will far outweigh the extra +1 or 2 damage per swing you have done over the entire quest,
Yes, but how are you getting implosions at early levels on a multiclass? Being able to throw out a couple more this or that spells is great, but keep in mind that the difference I outlined of 290 points is the difference of 24 extra points of wisdom and on a capped cleric. For every two points of wisdom on a level 17 cleric you will gain 26 spell points. And in the situation you describe (keeping a critical party member alive) it would easily justify drinking a lesser pot, using a scroll, or equipping your torc at later levels to gain the 52 spell points you lost from not spending four more points on wisdom.
Also on a clonk the +4 str will not only equal +2 damage (+3 on a qstaff) but likely being able to hit 10% more often which equals more Ki that will help to keep healing ki and dance of the heavens up and running. It will also make fire stance more viable giving 2x more ki and 25% more healing and freeing up a feat by not having to take weapon finesse.
And aren’t we talking about low levels here?
09-21-2010, 11:53 AM
might want to save a couple more build points for wisdom drop the Str and go finesse.
I'd suggest stopping the str at 13 to qualify for power attack and take that at level 1 over the dragonmark.
only takes 3 min to run the korthos quest where you can get the 2 click expeditious retreat boots (grab 3 or 4 pairs) and don't blow a feat on it.
then grab finesse for level 3 or 5.
The dragonmark is definitely worth it at low levels. I have four 4 minute expeditious retreats right now. I can easily swap it out for something else later. I'm not a huge fan of the feat choices for monk, so I'm definitely going to take power attack as a monk feat.
09-24-2010, 04:55 PM
I'm officially a big goof now. I started messing around with a quarterstaff. I liked it so much that I took thf, instead of power attack for my 2nd monk level. Now I have twf and thf. lol
09-24-2010, 11:47 PM
Oh, I actually have a tip too: for low level monks qstaffs are very nice.
Ahem.... :D
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